Číslo 1 (2021) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Wanner, Michal
Paul Arthur VAN DYKE Whampoa and the Canton Trade. Life and Death in a Chinese Port, 1700–1842 Hong-Kong 2020 ISBN 978-988-8528-35-6, 304 pp. |
Hennlichová, Marcela
Karel STANĚK – Michal WANNER Císařský orel a vábení Orientu. Zámořská obchodní expanze habsburské monarchie (1715−1789) Dolní Břežany: Scriptorium 2021 ISBN 978-80-7649-010-9, 527 pp. |
Donátková, Zuzana
Anthony WHITE Italian Modern Art in the Age of Fascism New York 2020 ISBN 978-0-367-19627-1, 263 pp. |
Dömők, Csilla
Die Geschichte der Völker und Nationalitäten des Habsburgerreiches The appearance of national minorities as international legal issue and its further unfolding was also connected to 19th Century Eastern-Europe. While unified national states had been formed in Western-Europe by the 19th century, the Eastern-European small nationalities existe... |
Chynykeeva, G. E.
Dzhooshbekova, A.R.
Abduvapova, A. T.
Migratsionnyye i etnodemograficheskiye protsessy yuga Kyrgyzstana na sovremennom etape The southern region of Kyrgyzstan is traditionally considered rich in resources. The transition to market relations, socioeconomic and political reforms, socioeconomic instability in the country in the first years of sovereignty decisively influenced the dynamics and character... |
Ojo, Emmanuel Oladipo
Faboyede, Olusanya
Theophilus Owolabi Shobowale Benson and the Making of Modern Nigeria This article highlights the contributions of Theophilus Owolabi Shobowale Benson to the making of Modern Nigeria. We argue that Benson joined hands with other nationalists to decolonise Nigeria and struggled for the establishment of a just, egal itarian, constitutional and ... |
Arpáš, Róbert
Destruction of Democracy in Autonomous Slovakia Analysed by the Example of the Horná Nitra Region |
Vizi, László Tamás
The Ideas of Hungarian Politics on Revision in the First Half of the 1920s In the first half of the 1920s, the Hungarian political elite had to handle the situation created by the Trianon Treaty, although the Hungarian foreign politics had very little room for manoeuvres against the Little Entente and for the revision of the Trianon... |
Strelko, Oleh
Pylypchuk, Oleh
Apollon Konstantinovich Krivoshein: the last Railway Minister of the Russian Empire in the Era of Emperor Alexander III he aim of the work is the analysis of the professional activity of Apollon Konstantinovich Krivoshein as the Railway Minister of the Russian Empire. The mentioned qualities, which were acquired and developed by A. K. Krivoshein during his career progress towards ... |
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