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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorGuillen, Pablo
dc.contributor.authorSarnago, Héctor
dc.contributor.authorLucia, Óskar
dc.contributor.authorBurdío, José Miguel
dc.identifier.citationProceeding of UIE 2021: XIX International UIE Congress on Evolution and New Trends in Electrothermal Processes. 1.-3.2021, Pilsen, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, 2021, p. 37-38.en
dc.format2 s.cs
dc.publisherFaculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemiaen
dc.rights© IEEEen
dc.subjectindukční ohřevcs
dc.subjectindukční varné deskycs
dc.subjectztráty výkonucs
dc.titleEfficiency-Oriented Comparison of Modulation Strategies of a Multi-Output ZVS Resonant Inverter for Domestic Induction Heatingen
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedRecent developments in domestic induction heating, such as the increase of the cooktop surface flexibility, lead to the design of new multi-output topologies. Those topologies enable the use of several modulation strategies that have to be considered in order to ensure high efficiency while achieving a satisfactory user experience. This paper presents a power losses model of a multiple-output ZVS resonant inverter in order to evaluate the different modulation strategies. This comparison is not only performed from the overall efficiency point of view, but also, considering the discrete losses of each of the power devices. The simulation results have been validated by means of an experimental 3600-W prototype with three induction heating coils of 2000-W rated power.en
dc.subject.translatedinduction heatingen
dc.subject.translatedinduction cooktopsen
dc.subject.translatedpower lossesen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:UIE 2021
UIE 2021

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