UIE 2021 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kohout, Jan
Šroubová, Lenka
Modeling of the heat transfer in the switchboard cabinet This paper deals with the modeling of a heat transfer in the switchboard cabinet by using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The heat transfer field distribution can be seen from a typical example and discussion of its results. Furthermore, the results of simulations... |
Kotlan, Václav
Hamar, Roman
Slobodnik, Karel
Dolezel, Ivo
Modeling of temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces obtained by additive technique Temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces produced by laser cladding is modeled. The mathematical model includes the description of all important physical phenomena taking part in the process. Experimental ... |
Rot, David
Knedlík, Michal
Jiřinec, Jakub
Hajek, Jiří
Kožený, Jiří
Podhrazky, Antonín
Cost reduction opportunities in induction surface hardening processes for smaller diameter cylindrical loads This article focuses on the possibilities of improving the efficiency of induction surface hardening (ISH) processes using a specialized spray-quench device. This quench is fabricated using 3D printing, and the load is ... |
Jiřinec, Jakub
Raková, Lenka
Rot, David
Controlled Ventilation of Interior Spaces Using a Central Recuperation Unit A common way of ventilating indoor spaces for more significant buildings is to use a central recuperation unit. In contrast to the decentralized recuperation unit, the system must be equipped with &... |
Jiřinec, Jakub
Knedlík, Michal
Rot, David
Possibilities of Using an Energy Surplus of Photovoltaic Power Plants Nowadays, the installation of photovoltaic power plants on the roof of houses is becoming more and more common. Compared to earlier times, the surplus electricity to the grid is not wel... |
Smolyanov, Ivan
Kotlan, V.
Dolezel, I.
Approaches to Modernize Induction Heater for Purpose of Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloys Through heating of titanium before plastic deformation is energy and time-consuming process. The main problem carrying out the process is used resistance furnaces which require a lot of... |
Murali, Suraj
Bothen, Christian
Manjunath, Srivijay
Bagheri, Ebrahim
Loukil, Mohamed
Pelikan, Daniel
Pelckmans, Kristiaan
Dancila, Dragos
Energy Efficient Solid-State Microwave Curing of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites In this paper we present a new set-up for curing carbon fiber composite materials realised around four solid state power amplifiers generating 250 W microwave power in the frequency range 2.4 - 2.5 GHz. This microwave curing set-up improves the homogeneity of the... |
Strakova, Malvine N.
Geža, Vadims
Ščepanskis, Mihails
Eimuss, Alviss
Computer simulation of steel microstructure composition for induction hardening of a splined shaft for various cooling rates In this study, the microstructure in the hardened zone of a splined shaft after scanning induction heating with two-turn inductors is studied using computational modeling. Different steel ... |
Pervukhin, Mikhail
Vinter, Eduard
Timofeev, Viktor
Numerical simulation of conduction refining of molten aluminum in the casting launder n the paper numerical modeling of the process of conduction refining in the casting launder is carried out. The behavior of non- conductive particles in aluminum melt during conduction refining is investigated. Numerical calculation is performed using... |
Zhurkin, Andrey
Nekhamin, Sergey
Pogrebisskiy, Michael
Martynova, Irina
AC arc electrical load model for new power supply analysis This paper describes a model of an AC arc electrical load for analysis of furnace operating in conjunction with high-speed semiconductor converter. The semiconductor converter is part of electric ... |
Michelena, P. García
Sanchez, X. Chamorro
Ruiz-Reina, E.
Multiphysical modelling and validation of VIM for Inconel 718 heating and melting In this abstract, the followed methodology for the multiphysical numerical modelling of the heating and melting processes of Inconel 718 superalloy in a laboratory-scale vacuum induction melting furnace is presented. The theoretical... |
Eddir, Tareq
Goldstein, Robert
Haun, Robert
Investigating the Benefit of Soft Magnetic Composite Inserts on Energy Efficiency in Cold Wall Billet Casters Using Computer Simulation Cold wall induction (CWI) applications are widely used for melting or processing metals, oxides, glasses, and other reactive or high purity materials. Multiple studies have been made for their optimization, but their energy efficiency is still low compared to... |
Rashevskaya, Marina
Lipinskiy, German
Kulikov, Aleksey
Applicability of calculation methods of minimum and maximum short circuit currents in grid with voltage up to 1 kV The values of minimum and maximum short- circuit currents are calculated at the designing of power supply systems for selecting equipment and protection systems. By means of Matlab/Simulink modeling the farthest location of&... |
Shmakov, Evgenyi
Smolyanov, Ivan
Vencels, Juris
Calculation Fluid Dynamic of Induction Pump Using Open Source Software In the paper, when simulation of an induction pump being used two approaches, executing recalculation of electro- magnetic problem per a time step and without one. Simulation is carried out by means of open source software packages Elmer and OpenFoam with EOF-library.... |
Lepeshkin, Alexander
Kuvaldin, Alexander
Lepeshkin, Stepan
Investigation of Heating of Rotating Disks in an Electromagnetic Field Using Strong Permanent Magnets A new method for heating of the rotating disks using strong permanent magnets is proposed. The results of studies of the thermal state of a rotating model disk in a ... |
Smolyanov, Ivan
Shmakov, E.
Braznik, D.
Numerical Approaches to Analyzing of MHD Processes Occuring to Induction Pump The major aim of the work is to show new modern opportunities of numerical simulation of magnetohydroynamic phenomena using open source codes. The work is considered a question of calculating main induction pumps features taken into... |
Garcia, Jesus Oswaldo
Alves, Jose
Bay, François
Barlier, Julien
Error analysis in finite element modelling of induction heating processes This paper focuses on error analysis for modelling induction heating processes. |
Van Reusel, Koen
Exposure to electromagnetic fields produced by industrial processes The penetration in industrial practice of electrothermal processes is dependent on compliance with the legislation on the exposure of workers to electromagnetic fields. The purpose of this paper is to provide some... |
Frizen, Vasiliy
Smolyanov, Ivan
Tarasov, Fedor
Refined Model of Induction Heater Taken into Acount Static Characteristics of Inverter Vasiliy Frizen, Ivan Smolyanov, Salavat Fatkull The paper is concerned with feasibility of the through heating calculation by using thermal circuits at the one-dimensional approximation. A part of paper is dedicated to just... |
Vegera, Ivan
Demidovich, Victor
Perevalov, Yuri
Advanced Induction Heat Treatment Systems of Pipes New approach of designing and control of induction heat treatment installations of pipes with utilizing of numerical models is developed. Models include two- dimensional simulation of coupling electromagnetic and temperature fields in cylindrical systems... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL
- Proceeding of UIE 2021: XIX International UIE Congress on Evolution and New Trends in Electrothermal Processes
- 59 2021