Proceedings PING 2019: modern trends in material engineering Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Švec, Martin
Vodičková, Věra
Hanus, Pavel
Keller, Vojtěch
The effect of carbon addition on the structure and high – temperature strength of Fe3Al – based iron aluminide doped by niobium A structural study as well as the determination of σ0.2 compression yield stress at high temperatures have been performed on the Fe3Al-based iron aluminide doped by Nb (5 at. %) and C (1.5 at.%). The carbon occurrence leads to the formation of three-phase structur... |
Melzer, Daniel
Smirnov, I.
Evstifeev, A.
Rzepa, S.
Konopík, P.
Effect of revolutions number on mechanical properties of HPT processed copper This paper studies the effect of high-pressure torsion (HPT) method at ambient temperature on mechanical properties of material. The aim is to compare copper subjected to HPT for 2, 10 and 30-revolutions with coarse grain structured copper in a cold-rolled state. Miniaturized tensile... |
Gogola, Peter
Gabalcová, Zuzana
Suchánek, Henrik
Kusý, Martin
Intermetallics formation during hot dip galvanizing of high carbon steel From the moment of immersion, the reaction between molten zinc and solid steel starts forming intermetallic phases. This diffusion-controlled process is largely responsible for the final phase composition of zinc coatings. Several literature sources describe this phenomenon for interstitial free ... |
Cesarz-Andraczke, Katarzyna
Kazek-Kęsik, Alicja
PEO layers on Mg-based metallic glass for decreasing hydrogen evolution The amorphous Mg-based alloys may be used as metallic biomaterials for resorbable orthopedic implants. The Mg-Zn-Ca metallic glasses demonstrate fast and variable in time corrosion rate in simulated body fluid. Due to phase composition of the Mg-based materials, the mechanism of corrosion... |
Bucki, Tomasz
Sidorko, Magdalena
Bolibruchová, Dana
The effect of application of the plaster as a mould material on the microstructure and properties of AlSi9 aluminium alloy The study involved examination of the effect of mould material on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AlSi9 aluminium alloy castings. The castings were fabricated in: plaster-based moulds, dehydrated plaster-based moulds and steel mould. The structure of castings from plaster mould... |
Vála, Lukáš
Křenek, Tomáš
Advanced oxidation processes There is a great interest in the synthesis of various nanosized green reusable catalysts which would better assist various chemical reactions in industrially important technologies. Heterogeneous catalysts are widely used in advanced oxidation processes. Its can remove organic pollutants in waste... |
Seibert, Ondřej
Kejzlar, Pavel
Bakalova, Totka
The effect of SiO2 NPs addition on lubrication properties of 10W-40 engine oil Proper lubrication of mechanical parts in the car engines shall minimize the wear of friction pair and thus to ensure long lifetime. Another goal of the lubrication is to decrease coefficient of friction and thereby reduce energy losses. Many publications are devoted to nanoparticl... |
Remiš, Tomáš
Kovařík, Tomáš
Bělský, Petr
Kadlec, Jaroslav
Preparation and characterization of PVA nanocomposites with bio-functionalized nanodiamonds Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) has a long and successful history of applications in the biomedical and pharmaceutical area. At the forefront of multidisciplinary research in nanomedicine, carbon nanomaterials have demonstrated unprecedented potential for a variety of regenerative medicine applications. Na... |
Novotný, Jan
Michna, Štefan
Jaskevič, Martin
Composition and morphology of composite coatings This article focuses on the selection of fillers for composite coatings according to their key properties, sample composition and particle morphology. Properties that we want to improve with coatings are especially durability, abrasion resistance and heat resistance. TiO2, Al2O3, WC a W ... |
Křenek, Tomáš
Kovařík, Tomáš
Docheva, Denitsa
Stich, Theresia
Kadlec, Jaroslav
Titanium-based porous materials with nanostructured bioactive surface for enhanced osseointegration Despite the great progress that has been achieved in orthopedics biomaterials, fixation of implants to the bone host remains a problem. Mismatch of Young’s moduli of the biomaterials and the surrounding bone has been identified as a major reason for implant loosening following stre... |
Kovařík, Tomáš
Hervert, Tomáš
Hájek, Jiří
Křenek, Tomáš
Deshmukh, Kalim
Kadlec, Jaroslav
Hierarchically porous aluminosilicate substrates as a promising carriers for photocatalytic nanoparticles Recently, wastewater treatment has become a critical issue due to particular concerns for sustainable environment, climate change and industrial growth. There has been a need for readily available and inexpensive solutions between research and industry. Porous aluminosilicate materials based on g... |
Kania, Aneta
Pilarczyk, Wirginia
Szindler, Magdalena M.
Characterization and corrosion behavior of TiO2 thin films deposited onto Mg-based alloy for orthopedic applications Metallic biomaterials are widely used in medicine. However, the material used for biomedical applications shall comply with the following factors: biotolerance, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties [1]. Magnesium alloys have been recently investigated as potential candidates for orthopedic implan... |
Jakubičková, Michaela
Petržílková, Michaela
Amartuvshin, Bulgantamir
Kejzlarová, Lenka
Kejzlar, Pavel
The effect of NPs addition on the photocatalytic and antibacterial effectivity of composite TiO2/SiO2 paint TiO2 in the anatase allotropic modification is well known for its photocatalytic activity. When the anatase is irradiated by UVA light, it forms an electron-hole pair which can participate in redox reaction. Thus, anatase-based layers are suitable for decomposition of organic compounds. ... |
Hawelek, Lukasz
Wlodarczyk, Patryk
Polak, Marcin
Zackiewicz, Przemyslaw
Kolano- Burian, Aleksandra
The structure and magnetic properties of rapidly quenched Fe72Ni8Nb4Si2B14 alloy In this work, the influence of heat treatment process on structure and magnetic properties for rapidly quenched Fe72Ni8Nb4Si2B14 alloy are reported. Firstly, for amorphous ribbons the onsets of crystallization process for bcc-Fe type phase (primary crystallization) and bct-Fe3B type phase (second... |
Gholami, Fatemeh
Catalytic reduction of NO with CO over Supported Fe-Based Catalysts The catalytic activity of a series of La-Fe catalysts supported on activated carbon was studied for selective catalytic reduction of NO by CO. Increasing the amount of La in the catalyst structure causes an increase in the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio. The results showed that by incre... |
Deshmukh, Kalim
Kovařík, Tomáš
Křenek, Tomáš
Evaluation of microstructural and thermal properties of sol-gel derived silica-titania based porous glasses In recent years, the synthesis of sol-gel derived porous glasses has drawn widespread attention owing to the convenience and versatility of the sol-gel method. The sol-gel synthesis process mainly involves hydrolysis and condensation of precursors followed by drying and stabilization. The ch... |
Bělský, Petr
Small-and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) in materials science Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a well-established characterization method for microstructure (in particular, nanostructure) investigations in various materials. It examines electron density differences to provide information about structural inhomogeneities, particles or pores with size from the near at... |
Radon, Adrian
Kolano-Burian, Aleksandra
Hawelek, Lukasz
Optimization of metallic glasses for additive technologies. The role of entropy and enthalpy in formation of amorphous structure Until now, many different methods of amorphous alloys design were proposed. Generally, they are associated with the trial and error approach. In this group of methods, the influence of different chemical elements on the glass forming ability can be determined empirically based on t... |
Novosád, Jan
Peukert, Pavel
Pomp, Norbert
Klouček, Pavel
CFD simulation of the multiphase heat transfer during the quenching process The paper presents the results of the CFD simulation of quenching process for the ring shape sample. The aim of the work is to develop and validate the methodology for multiphase CFD simulation including the boiling during the quenching process. CFD simulation is provided in... |
Kotous, Jakub
Kubec, Václav
Duchek, Michal
Optimization of workability technological testing for open-die forging The valid technology design of open-die forging of alloys with poor workability always presents a challenge. A method of a fast designation of open-die forging conditions is described in this paper. The simplified forging test was considered to assess the limit states during the... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
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- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Publikace FST / Publications of FST
- Proceedings PING: modern trends in material engineering
- 61 2019