Moderní trendy v přípravě učitelů fyziky 9 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dolejší, Jiří
Více fyziky do škol! This contribution repeats with another words and another illustrations opinions and proposals already written in (1). Some aspects of the usual look of physics lessons at school are commented and proposals to change the status are made. In author’s view much stronger emphasis shoul... |
Burdová, Veronika
Tesař, Jiří
Vochozka, Vladimír
Moderní technologie při výuce fyziky z pohledu oční kamery The paper deals with the use of IT technologies in teaching physics at primary schools. Utilizing an eye camera analyses the newly available teaching software electronic supplements to the physics textbook. It compares the pupil's questionnaire evaluation of interactive supplemen... |
Bochníček, Zdeněk
Jednoduché experimenty z mechaniky s elektronickým měřením The expanding offer of modern electronic sensors for measuring of physical quantities and better equipment at schools makes it easy to provide the training with dynamic real- time measurements. The paper describes several examples from mechanics, in which a simple theoretical... |
Bartošek, Miroslav
Mé zkušenosti z výuky fyziky na SOŠ a gymnáziu v ČR a na gymnáziu v Sasku The approach to physics instruction and the concept of undergraduate and post-graduate studies of teachers is currently being discussed. The first part of the article summarises the author’s experience that deserves to be taken into account in the current debates. It descri... |
Kéhar, Ota
Úvodní slova |
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- Moderní trendy v přípravě učitelů fyziky
- 25 2022