Moderní trendy v přípravě učitelů fyziky 9 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
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Vochozka, Vladimír
Burdová, Veronika
Černý, Pavel
Torricelliho zákon, Pythagorův a Tantalův pohár, stejnosměrný motor FFF/FDM 3D printers are useful for making instruments with various mechanical or optical properties. In the article, there are discussed models which cannot be produced in another way or are too expensive. The cylinder with nozzles is a typical instrument for demonstration of ... |
Válek, Jan
Sládek, Petr
Základní fyzikální jednotky a změny v jejich definicích The paper focuses on prepared changes in definitions of basic physical units. Changes will affect four basic units – kilogram, amperes, kelvin and moles. It is a relatively extensive redefinition that uses universal constants. In addition to introducing definitions, the paper... |
Ryston, Matěj
Fyzika v několika sekundách – využívání gifů a krátkých videí ve výuce fyziky The purpose of this contribution is to point out the abundance of short physics-related videos and animations on the internet and their usefulness for teaching physics. The author of this contribution, having collected such videos for some time, has taken this opportunity... |
Pavlin, Jerneja
Curriculum for the subject of physics in primary school and gymnasium in Slovenia In Slovenia, physics contents appear from kindergarten curricula onwards. The subject of Physics is taught in grades 8 and 9 of primary school and in grades 1, 2 and 3 of the gymnasium. If it is chosen as a subject of general matura exam, students learn i... |
Miléř, Tomáš
Teplo nebo energie? Poznámky k slovnímu vyjadřování v termodynamice Thermodynamics is a difficult part of physics and is not very popular with pupils and students. Research conducted at schools in the Czech Republic and in the world repeatedly identifies misconceptions, such as confusion of state and process variables and the concept of energy ... |
Mandíková, Dana
Vývoj výsledků českých žáků v historii výzkumů TIMSS a PISA The paper gives an overview of realized surveys of international researches TIMSS and PISA and participation of Czech Republic in them. The basic characteristics of researches, an overview of the results of Czech pupils in science and their development in time are pres... |
Mandíková, Dana
Dva konkrétní příklady podpory a práce s nadanými žáky The paper introduces the project of faculty schools of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University; whose important aim includes the support of gifted pupils of secondary or elementary schools as well as their teachers. The project intentions and s... |
Machalická, Jana
Role fyzikálního experimentu ve výuce fyziky The experiment is a very important part of science. There are many ways to use the experiment in teaching from demonstrations to practical work. This contribution describes the research of role of physics experiment in Czech education. For the research has been prepare... |
Kroupová, Bohumila
Profesní život učitelů přírodozpytu It is known, that Physics was taught at school together with Chemistry as subject Science. The name of this subject existed at school for almost 80 years. Let see, what they had to teach in Science, what were the conditions or which school laws had to be&... |
Krajčová, Věra
Mezigenerační učení na SSPŠ For a number of years, projects have been going on at Smíchov Secondary Technical School (SSTS) aimed at sharing experience among generations. SSTS students prepare and lead workshops for elementary schools and kindergartens. On the other hand, they have support of university teachers... |
Kolář, Karel
Věrnost účastníků fyzikálních soutěží jako ukazatel motivace The loyalty of the participants of regular competitions is surely one parameter that should concern competitions' organisers. It is difficult to find some accessible quantitative data, but there is an excellent possibility to use the rate of the loyalty of participants - ... |
Kohout, Jiří
Laboratorní práce ve výuce fyziky na gymnáziu We aimed to present the results of the questionnaire survey carried out among 229 physics teachers of the grammar schools in the Czech Republic. The objective of the research was to analyse the state-of-the-art of the physics laboratories in the upper grade of Czech... |
Kielbusová, Zdeňka
10 let projektových dnů Project teaching passes for being an effective teaching method and it had come to the idea of implementation of the preparation and realization of the project days for primary and secondary school pupils at our department in the beginning of 2009. The project days ... |
Kekule, Martina
Krejčí, Alžběta
Žákovské čtení textu z učebnice sledované oční kamerou a role otázek při porozumění tomuto textu The paper presents basic characteristics of students’ reading of a physics textbook. Particularly, 12 high school students and one teacher were eyetracked during reading a page of the textbook. The aim of the study was identification of typical approaches to the reading,... |
Kácovský, Petr
Koudelková, Věra
Snětinová, Marie
Přístup k fyzikálnímu vzdělávání v České republice, Estonsku, Polsku a Slovinsku The paper presents results of a comparative study dealing with physics education at lower secondary schools. The main aim of the study is to compare national curricula of four chosen countries – the Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland and Slovenia. The study focuses on... |
Hejnová, Eva
Jaké mají budoucí učitelé pro 1. stupeň představy o částicové stavbě látek? Related to the preparation of the revision of the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education, the question of looking for the content and objectives of the physical part of science at primary school is currently discussed. This issue is closely connected to th... |
Dvořáková, Irena
Prošková, Petra
Podpora učitelů jako jedna z metod rozvoje přírodovědného vzdělávání na různých typech škol The paper is dedicated to two related projects - Eureka and Elixir to Schools. Both projects have been playing an important role in the support of teachers of natural sciences from kindergarten to high school. This article briefly describes both projects. The main part of ... |
Dvořák, Leoš
„Širý proud“: jak to vzniklo, co to je a kam by mohl směřovat The talk was an introduction to the symposium “A broad stream” at the conference. It provided brief information on this informal initiative concerning planned revisions of the Frame Educational Programs (i.e., the National Curricula) in Physics and related problems. Activities d... |
Dvořák, Leoš
Kolik je v ČR (aprobovaných) učitelů fyziky? Data concerning physics teachers or a survey finding the data were requested from the Ministry of Education since the conference in 2015. In the beginning of 2019 such survey (a broader one, covering teachers of all subjects) was done. First preliminary results (concer... |
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- Moderní trendy v přípravě učitelů fyziky