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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorVimmr Jan, Doc. Ing. Ph.D.
dc.contributor.authorHron, David
dc.contributor.refereeHeidler Václav, Ing. Ph.D.
dc.description.abstractThis diploma thesis deals with the implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method for the numerical solution of selected problems of cardiovascular biomechanics. A literature search is performed, which focuses on the use of the lattice Boltzmann method in the field of cardiovascular biomechanics. The basic principles of kinetic theory on which the method is based are described. Subsequently, the algorithm of lattice Boltzmann method is presented, including the implementation of Zou-He boundary conditions in planar regions of various geometries. Numerical simulations of steady blood flow in both idealized and real 2D model of vascular bifurcation are presented. At the end of the work, the influence of the angle between the daughter branches of the idealized symmetric 2D vascular bifurcation on the velocity field, specifically on the values of shear stress on its wall, is studied.cs
dc.format70 s.
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení
dc.subjectlattice boltzmannova metodacs
dc.subjectkardiovaskulární biomechanikacs
dc.subjectidealizovaná cévní bifurkacecs
dc.subjectnumerické simulacecs
dc.subjectokrajové podmínky typu "zou-he"cs
dc.titleVyužití lattice Boltzmannovy metody pro numerické řešení proudění krve ve vybraných problémech kardiovaskulární biomechanikycs
dc.typediplomová práce
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta aplikovaných věd
dc.thesis.degree-programAplikovaná mechanika
dc.description.abstract-translatedThis diploma thesis deals with the implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method for the numerical solution of selected problems of cardiovascular biomechanics. A literature search is performed, which focuses on the use of the lattice Boltzmann method in the fi eld of cardiovascular biomechanics. The basic principles of kinetic theory on which the method is based are described. Subsequently, the algorithm of lattice Boltzmann method is presented, including the implementation of Zou-He boundary conditions in planar regions of various geometries. Numerical simulations of steady blood flow in both idealized and real 2D model of vascular bifurcation are presented. At the end of the work, the influence of the angle between the daughter branches of the idealized symmetric 2D vascular bifurcation on the velocity eld, speci cally on the values of shear stress on its wall, is studied.en
dc.subject.translatedlattice boltzmann methoden
dc.subject.translatedcardiovascular biomechanicsen
dc.subject.translatedidealized vascular bifurcationen
dc.subject.translatedcarotid arteryen
dc.subject.translatednumerical simulationsen
dc.subject.translatedzou-he boundary conditionsen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Diplomové práce / Theses (KME)

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Diplomova prace.pdfPlný text práce3,32 MBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít
Hron_oponent.pdfPosudek oponenta práce103,96 kBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít
Hron_prubeh.pdfPrůběh obhajoby práce310,89 kBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít
Hron_vedouci.pdfPosudek vedoucího práce343,43 kBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít

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