Zvyšování životnosti komponent energetických zařízení v elektrárnách 2019 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vlček, Petr
Vomáčka, Petr
Žamboch, Miroslav
Vývoj a výroba měřícího systému pro zjišťování změn geometrie pláště aktivní zóny VČR VVER 1000 vyvolané degradačním mechanismem radiační bobtnání Degradation mechanism of radiation swelling is formed under the influence of fluxes of fast neutrons and high temperatures. Core baffle, part of RPV internals of VVER 1000 type, is affected of this degradation mechanism to lead of geometry change. In Czech Republic, change ... |
Žďárek, Jiří
Wandrol, Jan
Pištora, Vladislav
Gál, Petr
Krhounek, Vladimír
Bátěk, David
Hodnocení integrity TNR v rámci aplikace strategie udržení coria při těžké havárii. Návrh projektu OECD/NEA CAPS a vazba na experiment IVMR Necessary requirement for success of the Corium retention strategy inside the RPV during the severe accident is the justification of the RPV integrity. Melted Corium inside the RPV leads to the “ablation” effect, in other words it is initiating significant RPV wall thinning&... |
Ertl, Jakub
Vyhodnocení odběru návaru tlakové nádoby reaktoru na třetím bloku JE Dukovany Assessment of fast neutron fluence on Dukovany RPVs is performed by calculations ad- justed by activity measurements results of monitors located in containers of surveillance chains and monitors located behind RPVs. RPV cladding sampling of third unit Dukovany NPP was performed&... |
Ducháček, Petr
Palán, Marek
Čančura, Zdeněk
Hodnocení kvality provozovaného heterogenního svarového spoje mezi hlavním cirkulačním čerpadlem a hlavním cirkulačním potrubím s aplikací transcopy replik The article describes the results of the nondestructive and semidestructive controls on the heterogenous welded joint between the main circulation pump and the main circulation pipeline on the primary circuit of the Temelin Nuclear Power Plant type VVER-1000. The heterogeneous welded&... |
Svobodová, Marie
Čmakal, Josef
Douda, Jindřich
Korozní chování austenitické žáropevné 18Cr-10Ni oceli v závislosti na typu chemické a strukturní modifikace The paper deals with comparison of corrosion behaviour of straight and bent parts of superheater tubes made of austenitic heat-resistant 18Cr-10Ni steel in two modifications, namely Sanicro 6R44 (1.4550/1.4912) and 347H FG (1.4908). The corrosion behaviour of these materials was evalua... |
Strejcius, Josef
Špirit, Zbyněk
Fulín, Zdeněk
Korozně únavové vlastnosti oceli 13%Cr4%Ni pro komponenty vodních turbín The paper deals with the corrosion fatigue of the VOD manufactured 13%Cr4%Ni steel. Several corrosion fatigue tests were performed on round specimens in water solution of 500 mg/l NaCl and equilibrium oxygen content at temperature 15 °C. Tests were performed at load frequency ... |
Kuboň, Zdeněk
Kander, Ladislav
Homogenita struktury a vlastností tlustostěnných výrobků z oceli P92 The paper deals with the microstructure and properties of a pipe with a wall thickness of 90 mm made of P92 steel. Metallographic analysis revealed numerous dilutions, especially close to the inner surface of the pipe, which developed probably due to insufficient deformation... |
Vlasák, Tomáš
Neumannová, Šárka
Hakl, Jan
Čech, Jan
Růžička, Pavel
Vliv tváření na mechanické a creepové vlastnosti martenzitických ocelí The influence of forming on mechanical and creep properties was studied on the P91 and P92 martensitic steels as part of the verification of production technology. Shoulder shafts of different diameters were forged from ingots of both materials. The degree of forging varied&... |
Vojna, Martin
Ernestová, Miroslava
Tonarová, Dana
Junek, Lubomír
Bystrianský, Jaroslav
Haušild, Petr
Siegl, Jan
Čančura, Zdeněk
Expozice heterogenních svarových spojů prostředí vody sekundárního okruhu This text presents results of long-term exposure of dissimilar metal welds (DMW) to heat cycles in VVER secondary water environment. Tested DMW were made of carbon and austenitic stainless steel. Some samples were covered by Ni protective layer. Some samples were under three... |
Čech, Jaroslav
Haušild, Petr
Siegl, Jan
Junek, Lubomír
Ernestová, Miroslava
Bystrianský, Jaroslav
Charakterizace heterogenních svarových spojů Heterogeneous dissimilar metal welds of carbon and austenitic stainless steel used in the piping systems were studied in this paper. The cracks were found in the welded pipeline at the interface between the base carbon steel and austenitic filler material. The stress corrosi... |
Bystrianský, Jaroslav
Ernestová, Miroslav
Haušild, Petr
Siegl, Jan
Junek, Lubomír
Podmínky dlouhodobé životnosti svarových spojů v energetických zařízeních – vliv pracovního prostředí Dissimilar metal welds in power plants equipment may have reduced service life under certain conditions. The causes of the change in utility properties and damage types of heterogeneous weld joints can be divided into two groups according to the application temperature. Welds expo... |
Dvořák, Jiří
Sklenička, Václav
Král, Petr
Kvapilová, Marie
Svobodová, Marie
Šifner, Jan
Koula, Václav
Detekce poruch pomocí akustické emise (AE) v podmínkách vysokoteplotního creepu Current acoustic emission (AE) applications are preferably oriented to continuous monitoring of machine component operation. AE is a perspective non-destructive method for early prediction and identification of material defects to avoid a disaster of running equipment. The paper analyzes t... |
Horváth, Jakub
Junek, Michal
Janovec, Jiří
Rohlová, Marie
Pilsová, Lucie
Smola, Vojtěch
Návrh a rozbor tepelného zpracování oceli SUPER 304H pro odstranění vyprecipitované sigma fáze The highly alloyed austenitic creep-resistant steel SUPER 304H has been specially designed for application to superheaters of supercritical coal-fired power plant blocks. The steel is thus exposed to a combination of mechanical stress at elevated temperature. This combination of oper... |
Polach, Pavel
Houdková, Šárka
Hajžman, Michal
Vybrané výsledky řešení projektu CESEN The paper presents in brief two selected results of the Competence Centre Project of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic “Centre of research and experimental development of reliable energy production” (CESEN acronym) achieved in 2018: comparison of properties of thermall... |
Kobzová, Alena
Číhalová, Helena
Šobová, Tereza
Kárník, Dalibor
Skala, Martin
Kůs, Pavel
Vyvadil, Jakub
VaV projekt: optimalizace korozních jevů v rozvodech a chemická stabilizace vod chladících okruhů JE Dukovany The aim of this R&D project was an analytical treatment of chemical-technologist bases for agent sampling to open cooling water systems which is interconnected with essential service water systems in NPP Dukovany. The objectives are reduction of corrosion in piping of essenti... |
Brom, Jaroslav
Mareš, Pavel
Veselá, Jana
Patera, Jan
Mohyla, Roman
Chocholoušek, Michal
VaV projekty CVŘ pro oblasti nedestruktivních metod a povrchových úprav The article presents information on R&D projects of the Research Centre Rez developed within the project of National Centre for Enegy, sub-project DP6 “Development of diagnostic methods for characterization of own energy components”, working package PB1.14 “Perspective diagnostic methods”,&... |
Černý, Miroslav J.
Nízkotlaké části parních turbín při neustálených podmínkách v přenosové soustavě ČR Paper deals with LP parts of steam turbines at nonsteady conditions in power transmission systems and the influence on the lifetime of steam turbines blades. |
Lazar, Jan
Šimeček, Kamil
Polcar, Petr
Kindelmann, Petr
Výpočtové hodnocení opěrných prvků jaderných reaktorů To ensure long-term reliability of power equipment and eventual prolongation of their lifetime it is necessary to evaluate the condition of individual components in terms of their residual life. Some of the components, especially those where access to is difficult, need to be ... |
Schuster, Milan
Simulace přestupu tepla v modelu ucpávky páry The paper deals with simulations of steam flow in a model of a rotor labyrinth seal of a steam turbine. Possibilities of simulation of steam flow and heat transfer and creation of computational model are mentioned. The paper presents an evaluation of the results of... |
Veselý, Stanislav
Zvýšení životnosti a spolehlivosti provozu spalovacích komor s hybridními hořáky The use of hybrid burners is the most efficient method of reducing emissions while operating a combustion turbine. The principle of hybrid burner technology for gas fuel and its basic differences with classical diffuse combustion burners is described. Basic problems arising from&... |
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