Zvyšování životnosti komponent energetických zařízení v elektrárnách 2017 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Neumannová, Šárka
Čech, Jan
Vlasák, Tomáš
Hakl, Jan
Havelková, Libuše
Mechanické vlastnosti martenzitické ocele CB2 Martensitic steel CB2 (GX13CrMoCoVNbNB-1011) is the result of research conducted in international European cooperation COST. Little information on the CB2 material properties is in the literature. The study of mechanical properties, including long-term creep behaviour of steel CB2 was... |
Horváth, Jakub
Janovec, Jiří
Horváth, Ladislav
Vliv laboratorní teplotní expozice na způsob mechanického porušování austenitické ocele HR3C This paper deals with isothermal ageing induced changes in microstructure and its influence into mechanical properties. Investigated material was high alloyed austenitic steel HR3C in general worldwide applied for the ultra-supercritical (USC) powerplants. Differences in the measured mechanica... |
Černý, Miroslav J.
Posouzení korozní odolnosti dílů parních turbín s využitím lomové mechaniky |
Svobodová, Marie
Junek, Michal
Čmakal, Josef
Douda, Jindřich
Posun přechodové teploty vrubové houževnatosti oceli P92 během teplotní expozice Martensitic steel of grade P92 designed for working temperatures around 600 ° C changes its impact toughness after the first hours of thermal ageing. This change is manifested mainly by shifting the impact transition temperature from below to above 0 °C. This paper �... |
Cvešpr, Pavel
LTOs - podpora pro řízení životnosti zařízení Information system LTOs currently running at DV Production CEZ, a.s. is used for requirements of Ageing management of equipment and for support of preparation for Long Term Operation in the area of nuclear energetics. Aim of the article is to reveal new functionalities... |
Brabec, Petr
Silikonové repliky – nepřímá metoda hodnocení poškození komponent The silicone replica sampling allows non-destructive assessment of engineering surfaces without any affect to the integrity of operated systems. The characteristics of the original surfaces could be evaluated via replicas in the laboratory, without any limitation by the specifics of&... |
Junek, Michal
Svobodová, Marie
Horváth, Ladislav
Janovec, Jiří
Mechanické a strukturní vlastnosti orbitálních svarových spojů z ocelí P91 a P92 po dlouhodobé laboratorní degradaci za zvýšených teplot This paper deals with an evaluation of mechanical properties and microstructures of similar and dissimilar narrow gap orbital welds of martensitic P91 and P92 steels after long-term laboratory ageing at elevated temperatures (up to 700 °C for up to 30 000 hours). As &#x... |
Švantner, Michal
Muzika, Lukáš
Skála, Jiří
Tesař, Jiří
Metody aktivní termografie pro prediktivní údržbu energetických zařízení Active thermography and its approaches are introduced in this contribution. Possibilities of active thermography are demonstrated on two examples – inspection of steel walls and inspection of components at cyclic loading. Example of an inspection of a corrosion loss at rear ... |
Kárník, Dalibor
Kobzová, Alena
Kronďák, Martin
Suchanová, Helena
Mikrobiální smyčka – dlouhodobý test pro EPRI Microbial low pressure loop is an experimental device that allows long-term corrosion testing of construction materials in a cooling water environment with the potential for biological recovery. In the last two years, a long-term EPRI test was conducted for the corrosion of... |
Kobzová, Alena
Kronďák, Martin
Řízení chemického režimu parovodního okruhu dle doporučení EPRI vs. VGB Water chemistry of steam/water cycle system influences on production effectivity and lifetime of equipment. Minimisation of deposit formation on heat-exchange surfaces and minimisation of corrosion on components of steam/water cycle system is the main aim. Different recommendations c... |
Kamenický, Jan
Ságl, Pavel
Zajíček, Jaroslav
Počty náhradních dílů s ohledem na jejich kritičnost a dobu dodání NPP Dukovany solves the termination of some spare parts production. With regard to the further operation it is necessary to frontload for the period of the expected operation or for the period before the planned renewal. The paper deals with the number of spare par... |
Marková, Jana
Mlčoch, Jan
Sýkora, Miroslav
Prešl, Kamil
Molnár, Jan
Stavebně technické průzkumy betonových konstrukcí v elektrárnách Paper is aimed at critical assessment of requirements on construction surveys given in international and national standards and Program of reliability management of company CEZ a.s. Selected results of international projects, handbooks and discussions with experts are considered. It ... |
Vít, Jan
Stainer, Lukáš
Skála, Zdeněk
35 let automatizovaného nedestruktivního zkoušení TNR TYPU VVER The period of automated testing on WWER type nuclear power stations started in ŠKODA Plzeň company in 1982 by the in-service inspection of reactor pressure vessel of V-1 power station (EBO) Unit 2 from the inner surface. Short look back, interesting information and �... |
Chvostová, Eva
Džugan, Ján
Konopík, Pavel
Analýza mechanických vlastností komponent v provozu pomocí miniaturizovaných zkušebních těles The degradation of mechanical properties of metallic materials can lead to loss of reliability and safety of machines and metal structures in power plants during their operation. Nondestructive sampling techniques can be used to predict the residual life of the components a... |
Horváth, Ladislav
Horváth, Jakub
Janovec, Jiří
Použití plátovaných trubek na kritická místa kotlů pro energetiku Introduction of this paper briefly introduce into application of the cladding tubes under specific degradation conditions. One of the specific applications of cladding tubes can be for power boilers, respectively for heat exposed boiler parts. It is necessary keep in mind heat&#x... |
Janovec, Jiří
Horváth, Jakub
Junek, Michal
Zvyšování životnosti komponent uhelných elektráren a spaloven užitím NiCr termálních metalických nástřiků Experimental quality assessment of NiCr and NiCrMoW thermal metal coatings IGS 5-450 and 5-470 was performed on newly created coatings without operating load. The quality was evaluated according to the homogeneity, hardness and thickness of the layer, frictional resistance and r... |
Polach, Pavel
Černý, Václav
Václavík, Jaroslav
Energetické centrum kompetence: vybrané výsledky druhé fáze řešení projektu The paper presents in brief selected results of the Competence Centre Project “Centre of research and experimental development of reliable energy production” achieved in 2016. The project solving started in 2012, since 2016 the project has been solved according to its actua... |
Kratochvíl, Libor
Výroba vzorků pro experimentální ověření součinitele otěru pera tlakové nádoby reaktoru a drážky šachty reaktoru VVER 440/213 a VVER 1000 |
Pečínka, Ladislav
Svoboda, J.
Žamboch, Miroslav
Experimentální měření součinitele otěru mezi perem a drážkou ve spodní části tlakové nádoby reaktoru VVER 440/213 a VVER 1000/320 |
Moravec, Jaromír
Nováková, Iva
Možnosti materiálových měření a experimentálních zkoušek pro oblast energetiky - posouzení vlivu svařovacího procesu na degradaci materiálu In terms of solving projects TACR and MPS there were performed a lot of welding experiments and measurement the material data for steels 10Gn2MFA, P91, P92 and X23CrMoV12-1 with aim to describe and understand processes that accompany own welding process. Thus as a ... |
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- Životnost komponent energetických zařízení
- 37 2017