Ročník 20, č. 1 (2023) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Unger, Josef
Mittelalter – Moyen Age – Medioevo – Temp medieval. Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Burgenvereins 27. Jahrgang 2022⁄1-4, 220 stran. ISSN 1420-6994. |
Unger, Josef
Mittelalter – Moyen Age – Medioevo – Temp medieval. Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Burgenvereins 25. Jahrgang 2020⁄1-4, 136 stran. ISSN 1420-6994. |
Unger, Josef
Gabi Meier Mohamed: Burgruine Hünenberg im Kanton Zug. Archäologie, Geschichte und vom „Geräusch rollender Steine“. Schweizer Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelelters, Band 48, Basel 2020. 518 str., 300 obr., 36 tab., 2 přílohy. ISBN 978-3-908182-32-0, ISSN 1661-4550. |
Kovář, Daniel
Nad otázkou lokalizace hradu v Lomnici nad Lužnicí (okr. Jindřichův Hradec) The paper provides a new hypothesis on the localization of the deserted castle in the town of Lomnice, which was a prominent settlement of the Vítkovci noble family in the 13th and 14th centuries. The seizure of the castle by the Hussites in 1420-1435 and �... |
Večeřa, Jan
Úvaha nad stavebním vývojem a podobou jádra hradu Aueršperka (okr. Žďár nad Sázavou) na základě nálezu architektonického článku hradní věže The paper publishes the conclusions from a survey of the castle. It also deals with the finding of a stone console on the tower and its interpretation. Published archaeological material was also used. The detailed survey was supplemented by published historical reports. �... |
Wasik, Bogusz
The Castle in Sztum in the Light of archaeological research in 2019 The article presents the results of research of the Teutonic castle in Sztum that was carried out in 2019. This was the first large-scale study of this stronghold. It yielded much information, verified past views and supplemented existing knowledge significantly. The presen... |
Krofta, Tomáš
Křivánek, Roman
Hrad Hůrky u Vranovic, okr. Příbram. Dosavadní stav poznání a výsledky nedestruktivního archeologického výzkumu The article deals with the present research into the neglected fortifications in the Brdy foothills. The complex destructive archeological research, analysis of written sources, and the historical-geographical analysis that were carried out offer a wholly different view of the site &#... |
Sýkora, Milan
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