Číslo 2 (2022) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pavelková, Jana
Králiková, Andrea
Kubát, Patrik
Hromadníková, Tereza
Conspicuous Consumption in Sport – Do Athletes Behave Conspicuously? Conspicuous consumption is constantly evolving due to the availability of goods and the technology development. People have many opportunities to express their values, beliefs, and personalities through product and price is no longer the main factors determining whether a product is... |
Turchyn, Liuba
Kunešová, Hana
E-commerce as a modern paradigm of formation and use of marketing tools E-commerce is a big part of the economy and is extremely important for businesses that sell their products or services online. Thanks to e-commerce, businesses have the opportunity to reach more customers, because, due to the current global economic challenges, quite a lot... |
Tlučhoř, Jan
Přibáň, Pavel
Gangur, Mikuláš
Ircingová, Jarmila
Dagmar, Jakubíková
Janeček, Petr
Maříková, Hana
Štumpf, Petr
Vnímání města v kontextu historické památky na příkladu chebských krovů The paper deals with the perception and image of the town Cheb in the context of historical heritage. Since 2017, the town has been running a tour of historic trusses. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of this activity on the image of... |
Waliszewská, Lucie
Skácel, Adam
Spáčil, Vojtěch
Halfarová, Petra
Customer Typology on the Travel Market The aim of this article is to create a customer typology on the travel market in the Czech Republic according to what way of travelling abroad consumers prefer. Quantitative research was used for conducting primary data, which were obtained through an online questionnaire... |
Svoboda, Jaroslav
Lososová, Jana
Biogas Stations in the Czech Republic – Subsidies, Costs, and Revenues The current energy crisis forces us to look for new energy sources in addition to savings. Undoubtedly, their purpose is environmental friendliness and the much-discussed question of independence from other countries. One of the ways is the use of biomass for the constructio... |
Pekár, Juraj
Brezina, Ivan
Reiff, Marian
Vplyv COVID-19 a konfliktu na Ukrajine na výnos a riziko akcií indexu DJIA Every crisis has an impact on the global economy, on national economies and also causes disruptions in the financial market. Economic theory expects repeated economic crises. In the past, economic crises were mostly a rare phenomenon. Currently, the frequency of their outbreaks... |
Jablonský, Josef
Modely analýzy obalu dat s fixním součtem výstupů Traditional data envelopment analysis (DEA) models do not consider any relations with respect to the sum of values of outputs. In many real applications, the sum of outputs is predetermined and cannot be changed. In this paper, main models considering fixed-sum outputs are... |
Skýpalová, Renata
Vencourová, Monika
Hynková, Vendula
Employer Brand Building Strategy in the Labour Market: Methodical Procedure for Companies from B2B and B2C Markets The contribution of this study is the identification of dependencies and assumptions about the relationship of selected variables within the employer brand building process and the proposed methodological procedure for employer brand building (the EB Concept) that should contribute to ... |
Zemanová, Veronika
Podnikatelské soutěže a jejich význam This contribution deals with the topic of business competitions and their importance for many subjects belonging to the business environment. The contribution was created on the basis of a systematic analysis of available foreign sources, focusing on the topic of business competi... |
Fischer, Laura Denise
Untitled This article discusses the role of social capital in the internationalization process of startups. Following the resource-based view, social capital is understood as a critical resource and building block for international competence. A special focus is put on how the digitalization of ... |
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