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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorBělík, Milan
dc.contributor.authorRubanenko, Olena
dc.identifier.citationBĚLÍK, M. RUBANENKO, O. Degradation of Monocrystalline PV Panels Differences between Ukrainian and Czech Conditions. In Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering (ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2022). Košice: Technical University of Košice, 2022. s. 38-42. ISBN: 978-80-553-4104-0cs
dc.format5 s.cs
dc.publisherTechnical University of Košiceen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProceedings of the 11th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering (ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2022)en
dc.rightsPlný text není přístupný.cs
dc.rights© Technical University of Košiceen
dc.titleDegradation of Monocrystalline PV Panels Differences between Ukrainian and Czech Conditionsen
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe purpose of our research is to compare the influence of meteorological factors and technical conditions of PV plants on power generation. The issue is studied on PV plants in Ukraine and the Czech Republic. A method and model for assessing the technical condition of PV plants during their operation in the balancing group have been developed. The Fault tree analysis (FTA) method developed a photovoltaic module damage tree. The main defects of photovoltaic modules operated at PV plants are determined. A method for determining the coefficient of the total residual resource of PV to clarify the actual generation of PV plants taking into account their degradation is proposed. A model of the software complex for determining the technical condition of PV plants equipment has been developed. Indicators coefficients anomalous work of PV modules are offered. Principal results are measurements on monocrystalline Si PV panels used in commercial plants in Ukraine and Czech Republic. Measurements show significant differences in operation behavior and structural conditions and prove that it is necessary to assess the technical condition of PV plants, in particular the degradation of used photovoltaic modules, because during operation there is a gradual decrease in the actual electricity generation of plants compared to their initial value and depending on local conditions. It may be related to the operation of the technical resource of the PV modules, their technological shortage, as well as other operational reasons. Failure to take into account the gradual reduction of capacity leads to errors in assessing their energy efficiency, profitability, payback time, power reserve to compensate the unstable RES generation, and, very important today, hourly forecasting of electricity generation the next period. © 2022 Technical University of Košice.en
dc.subject.translatedtechnical conditionsen
dc.subject.translatedPV planten
dc.subject.translatedfault tree analysisen
dc.project.IDSGS-2021-018/Analýza, simulace a pokročilé vyhodnocení dodávky a spotřeby elektrické energie při dodržení optimálních spolehlivostních a kvalitativních parametrů s respektováním integrace obnovitelných zdrojů, akumulace a elektromobility do elektrizační soustavy při využití aktuálních, inovativních metod teoretického a aplikačního výzkumu v elektroenergeticecs
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