Konferenční příspěvky / Conference Papers (KEE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bělík, Milan
Tímr, Jan
Rubanenko, Olena
Prediction of the degradation process of mono-Si photovoltaic panels in Ukrainian and Czech conditions This paper focuses on project studying the influence of various technical, meteorological, and specific local factors influencing power generation from photovoltaic plant. This problem is analysed on model PV plants installed in Ukraine and Czech Republic. The Fault tree analysis (FTA) metho... |
Knedlík, Michal
Rot, David
Specialised Frequency Converter For Induction Devices The article focuses on developing a frequency converter for induction surface hardening, which involves designing a device that can precisely and efficiently control the frequency of the alternating magnetic field used to heat the material. The frequency converter should be capable of o... |
Olkhovskiy, Mikhail
Müllerová, Eva
Martínek, Petr
Determination of the Optimal Reference Signal Frequency in the Task of Power Spectrum Pattern Classification This article describes the results of an experiment in which a reference signal with its subsequent processing is used to obtain information on the degree of cable insulation degradation. A one-dimensional convolutional neural network is used for signal classification. The reference signal... |
Bělík, Milan
Kuchanskyy, Vladislav
Yuri, Lykhovyd
Rubanenko, Olena
Optimal Value Determining Method of Parameters Compensating Devices of Bulk Electric Networks The given method of optimizing the modes of main electric networks allows obtaining a universal approach for solving such tasks as minimizing the total losses of active power and compensating excess flows of reactive power. The methodology for selecting the parameters of compensating... |
Lezhniuk, P.
Komar, V.
Rubanenko, Olena
Bělík, Milan
Rubanenko, O.
Smaglo, I.
Analysis of technical conditions influencing the operation of PV power stations cooperating with controlled power grids The article shows in first part the need to assess the technical condition of photovoltaic power plants, in particular the degradation of their photovoltaic modules, because during operation there is a gradual decrease in the actual power generation if compared to the initial value... |
Dashtdar, Masoud
Belkhier, Youcef
Bajaj, Mohit
Sadegh, Seyed Mohammad
Bělík, Milan
Rubanenko, Olena
Protection of DC Microgrids Based on Frequency Domain Analysis using Fourier Transform Due to the expansion of the use of distributed generation sources and especially renewable energy resources, the use of microgrids is increasing rapidly. The protection of DC microgrids is one of the most important challenges in the design and operation of this type of electri... |
Bělík, Milan
Yuri, Lykhovyd
Kuchanskyy, Vladislav
Rubanenko, Olena
Phase Design and Wires Cross Section Justification of Extra High Voltage Line The paper presents the results of the analysis of the economic curves of overhead power lines with subsequent justification of the design of the power line. In the paper, economic curves are constructed for a line with a rated voltage of 750 kV. The cross-sections, the... |
Dashtdar, Masoud
Bělík, Milan
Yadav, Arvind
Hosseinimoghadam, Seyed Mohammad Sadegh
Bajaj, Mohit
Rubanenko, Olena
Improving the Performance of Distance Relay-Based Artificial Neural Network Distance relays for protection of power transmission lines used, which can be based on fixed stings Adjusted. But usually, the amplitude of operation of these relays changes with changing network conditions (network topology, load value, output value, etc.) and causes the relay to ... |
Bělík, Milan
Rubanenko, Olena
Degradation of Monocrystalline PV Panels Differences between Ukrainian and Czech Conditions The purpose of our research is to compare the influence of meteorological factors and technical conditions of PV plants on power generation. The issue is studied on PV plants in Ukraine and the Czech Republic. A method and model for assessing the technical condition of PV... |
Hromádka, Aleš
Martínek, Zbyněk
Sirový, Martin
Assessment of Typical Shutdowns in CHP Plant This paper is focused on assessment of typical operational constraints at combined heat and power plant in Pilsen. The plant has been chosen because there have been operated various production technologies. All the technologies have been assessed by key availability parameters e.g., num... |
Hromádka, Aleš
Martínek, Zbyněk
Shutdowns Assessment of Biomass Burned Unit Shutdown assessment has been performed at the biomass burned unit in the CHP plant in Pilsen. The assessment has shown a state of operated production technologies and its average availability in investigated years for a further assessment. The assessment has also identified the sig... |
Šefl, Ondřej
Procházka, Radek
Haller, Rainer
Monkman, G. J.
Alternative Approach to Optical Detection of Partial Discharges in Air This article compares the standard electrical method of partial discharge detection with a novel optical detection method based on silicon photomultipliers. A third, complementary, single-loop antenna method is added to represent the ultra-high frequency method commonly used in gas-insulated switchgea... |
Dvorský, Emil
Raková, Lenka
Hejtmánková, Pavla
Sitar, Vladislav
Operation Control of Photovoltaic Power Plants in Smart Grids The future planned development of decentralized electricity generation may have a negative impact on the operation and management of the electricity system. Above all, problems can be expected with maintaining voltage and frequency stability in island microgrids, where the only sources of... |
Vilímová, Eva
Peltan, Tomáš
Škoda, Radek
Position evaluation of ex-core neutron flux measurement in new type graphite reactors Several concepts of new reactors use graphite. Some of them use graphite as a moderator, some of them as a reflector. There are at least two concepts of these graphite-type reactors under development in the Czech Republic. Both reactors use graphite as the reflector. An i... |
Zedan, Ousama Ahmed Abdalla
Haller, Rainer
Modelling of partial discharge behaviour at DC applied voltage by USING ABC model The increased application of HVDC components leads, at the same time, to forced usage of Partial Discharge (PD) measurement as an important tool for quality testing and reliability. Current issues are missing relations between the PD behaviour caused by insulation defects and the m... |
Tímr, Jan
Mužík, Václav
Role of Simulation of Power Output in the Design of Small-scale Hydro Power Plant Article focuses on importance of time power-output simulation performed in Matlab in order to identify real hydroelectric potential in selected locations of river flows in the Czech Republic. The difference of simulation and the usual total generated power in a time-period might play... |
Knedlík, Michal
Rot, David
Development of hardening machine and intelligent control This article focuses on introducing the developed hardening machine based on induction heating. This machine differs significantly from conventional solutions mainly due to its extensive measuring system, which gives us a complete overview of what is happening during the process. Furthermore,... |
Mašata, David
Škoda, Radek
Noháčová, Lucie
The potential of the TEPLATOR application in the central europe region The innovative emissions-free concept of future district heating source TEPLATOR was introduced in 2020 by a group of researchers from CTU in Prague and UWB in Pilsen in the Czech Republic. TEPLATOR will use already spent nuclear fuel assemblies for a clean and economical heat... |
Skálová, Jana
Vlas, Tomáš
Mašata, David
Effect of the Ionizing Radiation Dose on Histone H2AX In case the radiation dosimeters are not available, biological dosimetry represents an important method to estimate the absorbed dose of the exposed individuals during nuclear events. Nevertheless, the eukaryotic DNA is constantly exposed to exogenous and endogenous factors. Apart from the i... |
Kotlan, Václav
Hamar, Roman
Slobodnik, Karel
Dolezel, Ivo
Modeling of temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces obtained by additive technique Temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces produced by laser cladding is modeled. The mathematical model includes the description of all important physical phenomena taking part in the process. Experimental ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra elektroenergetiky / Department of Electrical Power Engineering