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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorLezhniuk, P.
dc.contributor.authorKomar, V.
dc.contributor.authorRubanenko, Olena
dc.contributor.authorBělík, Milan
dc.contributor.authorRubanenko, O.
dc.contributor.authorSmaglo, I.
dc.identifier.citationLEZHNIUK, P. KOMAR, V. RUBANENKO, O. BĚLÍK, M. RUBANENKO, O. SMAGLO, I. Analysis of technical conditions influencing the operation of PV power stations cooperating with controlled power grids. In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy System (MEES). Piscataway: IEEE, 2022. s. nestránkováno. ISBN: 979-8-3503-4683-1cs
dc.format6 s.cs
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProceedings of the 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy System (MEES)en
dc.rightsPlný text je přístupný v rámci univerzity přihlášeným uživatelůmcs
dc.rights© IEEEen
dc.titleAnalysis of technical conditions influencing the operation of PV power stations cooperating with controlled power gridsen
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe article shows in first part the need to assess the technical condition of photovoltaic power plants, in particular the degradation of their photovoltaic modules, because during operation there is a gradual decrease in the actual power generation if compared to the initial value. It may also be related to the activation of special technical resources controlling conditions or other reasons of an operational nature. Simulations take into account gradual reduction of the potential of PV plants leading to uncertainties in the evaluation of their energy efficiency, profitability, payback time, reserved capacity for compensation during unstable generation by renewable energy sources. Also hourly forecasting of electricity generation for the next day in the balance sheet of the United Energy System (UES) of Ukraine is taken into account. Therefore, in order to more accurately determine the actual generation of PV plants, it is necessary to develop and improve appropriate methods, mathematical models and tools. The first step for this is to investigate the cases of damage and the factors that affect them. For this purpose, the article develops a tree of damage to the plants and PV module and discusses the technical condition of the PV plants and determination of the indicator coefficients.en
dc.subject.translatedphotovoltaic planten
dc.subject.translatedtechnical conditionen
dc.subject.translatedphotovoltaic moduleen
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Konferenční příspěvky / Conference Papers (KEE)

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