Katedra německého jazyka / Department of German Language

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Poslední příspěvky

Lauber, Lukáš
Substantivní kompozita ve vybraném odborném textu

This bachelor's thesis deals with the problem of noun compounds in a selected specialist text, specifically with part of the 3rd chapter in the publication Skiing and Teaching. The aim of the work is to determine which noun compounds are involved and to what extent th...

Šulcová, Anna
Kdo má strach z Franze Kafky? Kafkovy miniatury ve výuce německého jazyka

This thesis focuses on the short stories of the prominent Prague German writer Franz Kafka, who belongs inseparably to the canon of not only Czech but also world literature. The summary of the literary-historical aspects of Kafka's short story production and the principles of&#...

Přibylová, Lenka
Hry v rané výuce německého jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ

The diploma thesis is focused on educational games intended for early teaching of German language. The theoretical part is focused on early teaching and includes the targets, contents, methods and key competencies of this educational stage. Furthermore, it is focused on inclusion ...

Fenclová, Jana
Linhartovi - lékařský rod z Hradce

The bachelor thesis deals with the history of the Linhart family from Hradec u Stodu in the Pilsen region. It focuses in particular on the most important person of the family, the physician Wilhelm Linhart. The family, in which the profession of healer and then doctor...

Kempfová, Monika
Obraz Rakouska a Dagestánu v románu Julye Rabinowich "Die Erdfresserin"

This bachelor thesis discusses the image of Austria and Dagestan in the novel "Die Erdfresserin" by Julya Rabinowich. In the theoretical part, intercultural literature, comparative studies, biography and work of July Rabinowich are described. The practical part is devoted to the no...