Business Trends 2022: Conference Proceedings Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Versal, Nataliia
Balytska, Mariia
Honchar, Ihor
Erastov, Vasyl
Financial literacy and financial well-being: the case of Eastern, Central, and Northern Europe Nowadays, financial literacy is an integral part of education in many countries because of its positive influence on financial inclusion, and financial well-being of households is supposed. In this study, attention is focused on finding out which components of financial literacy ... |
Šetek, Jaroslav
Alina, Jiří
Edrová, Petra
Implementation of the circular economy in agricultural production and the position of the countryside to strengthen national energy security Especially in connection with the crisis events of February 24, 2022 (aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine), the importance of ensuring national energy security is growing within the economic policy of the state. The restructuring of the energy system is also rela... |
Šebístková, Michaela
Vrchota, Jaroslav
Řehoř, Petr
Maříková, Monika
Klarner, Lukáš
Staff competences for the position of independent accoutant Nowadays, a considerable amount of accounting companies are presented mainly by their financial results, good reputation and customer satisfaction. These aspects can be easily improved through soft or hard competencies that are specific among individual employees within the accounti... |
Stromská, Kristýna
Prešnajderová, Tereza
Intergenerational analysis of consumer attitudes on the ecological dental supplies market This paper deals with the analysis of consumer attitudes on the ecological dental supplies market. The main goal is to identify and describe the attitude differences between distinct age groups (Generation Y and Generation Z). The study is based on a survey using the... |
Rotenbornová, Lucie
Egerová, Dana
Organisational climate: Employee perspective Organizational climate is regarded as a core predictor of employee behaviour and organisational success. The purpose of the study is to explore the most positive and negative dimensions of organisational climate in four banks in the Czech Republic from the point of view of the... |
Rábek, Tomáš
Pindešová, Diana
Super tax deduction as support of research and development in Slovakia Research and development (R&D) and innovation are key components of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth and they contribute to a knowledge-based economy. The paper deals with the support of R&D within the EU countries, while it focuses on t... |
Preis, Jiří
Waldmannová, Barbora
SDGS a jejich ohlas na sociálních sítích: analýza projektů zaměřených na udržitelný rozvoj publikovaných na LinkedInovém profilu světového ekonomického fóra Sustainable Development Goals and social networks are two current topics, the combination of which can be a compelling means of change for a better and sustainable future. The paper deals with the analysis of video contributions published on the profile of the World Economic F... |
Polívka, Martin
Dvořáková, Lilia
Oblasti a překážky využívání technologií průmyslu 4.0 relevantních ve vztahu k erp systémům v podnikové praxi The basic principle of the Industry 4.0 is the close interconnection of the real and virtual word through the modern technologies. There are still various opinions on what the technologies, which will play decisive role in this interconnection, are. Nevertheless, there is a set... |
Pešík, Jiří
Taušl Procházková, Petra
An evaluation of the job offers with a focus on Czech digital entrepreneurs and start-ups The presented paper evaluates job offers posted by Czech start-ups, using data from the StartUpJobs website. The website focuses on advertising job offers for start-ups, using its definition of the term. The paper evaluates job descriptions, technological skills required by the companies,... |
Papoušková, Květa
Vehicle routing problem with cross-docking as part of industry 4.0 logistics The trends associated with the onset of Industry 4.0 are obvious and require a prompt response from the company. An indisputable advantage is the use of the cross-docking strategy, which makes it possible to coordinate all logistics processes and achieve optimization of tran... |
Martinčík, David
Šlechtová Sojková, Olga
Relationship between social value orientation and the tendency to trust others Trust in others is essential for people’s collaboration and has considerable economic effects. The current production in all sectors, especially those with the highest value-added, is complicated and requires the intensive cooperation of all participants. Trust is vital for a good-wor... |
Marková, Věra
Gangur, Mikuláš
Big data and data mining methods in the tourism industry in the Czech republic The increasing volume of data is also becoming a new challenge for the tourism industry and research. Research on the use of big data in tourism and its analysis using advanced analytical methods such as data mining, machine learning, or artificial intelligence is gaining impo... |
Majdúchová, Helena
Rybárová, Daniela
Tools for the protection of intellectual property rights in enterprises of creative industry in the european area It can be stated that most authors publishing in the field of creative industries directly or indirectly link the creative economy with intellectual property and innovation. The importance of formal and informal instruments for the protection of intellectual property rights continues to ... |
Lančarič, Drahoslav
Valach, Martin
Ivanova, Mariana
Arabska, Ekaterina
Arifolgu Sen, Nazan
Eweg, Rik
Iatrellis, Omiros
Timonen, Liisa
Regionálna udržateľnosť z transdisciplinárnej perspektívy: Invest 4 excellence The INVEST alliance brings together partners from different European regions who support the idea that higher education and science have a leading role in sustainable development. The application of the Living Labs concept provides opportunities to create an innovative learning enviro... |
Kutlák, Jiří
Machová, Kristýna
Společenská odpovědnost a udržitelnost na úrovni územních samospráv v České republice – systematická literární rešerše The growing interest in sustainability and social responsibility is evident not only in the attitudes and behaviour of companies and organisations, but in the public at large. Since the beginning of the new millennium, this interest can also be observed at local government level,... |
Kresa, Zdeněk
Heyes, Adam
Carsharing a další formy sdílené mobility: případová studie z Plzně The sharing economy is a phenomenon of the present time. The principle of sharing is successfully used in the field of mobility in the form of services such as bikesharing, carsharing or ridesharing. This paper focuses on the analysis of the offer of shared mobilit... |
Klarner, Lukáš
Řehoř, Petr
Šebístková, Michaela
Vrchota, Jaroslav
Maříková, Monika
Process of changing the legal form of companies In recent years, many businesses have increasingly found themselves in a situation of dangerous threat. Their competitiveness and the use of advantageous opportunities decreased. The concept of change management has thus gained in importance and corporate change has become an im... |
Kislingerová, Eva
Strategická rizika – staronový prvek managementu podniků i států The aim of the present study is to map and describe, at least in a very basic way, the risks that have become actual due to two successive and partially interrelated crises between 2020 and 2022 (possibly continuing in the following years). The first of these&... |
Karas, Michal
Režňáková, Mária
Predicting the value of Czech family businesses: what factors influence value creation? Our research is concerned with the valuation of family businesses, for which reason we investigated whether standard valuation procedures can be used for family businesses or whether their modification is necessary. To determine the value of a business, it is necessary to id... |
Ježek, Jiří
Majer, Tomáš
Komunitní energetika a bariéry jejího zavádění The paper addresses the issue of community energy development and barriers to its implementation in practice. It is the result of a content analysis of literature and other strategic and conceptual materials, and 15 expert interviews conducted in three selected municipalities and... |
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- Business Trends
- 24 2022