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Kantnerová, Vanessa
Víceúčelový Edu domeček This product is used for educating children. Compared to the Montessori houses for sale, this Edu house is bigger. Its size depends on the age and size of the child. Inside the house there is a seat bag and a lamp on a slide. The walls of ... |
Aichinger, Daniel
Sebehodnocení a vzájemné hodnocení studujících učitelství pro základní školy This article deals with the standardization of procedures for the self-evaluation of the semester projects in project practice and practically oriented seminars for future teachers taught at the department of Mathematics, Physics and Technical Education of the University ... |
Homutová, Eliška
BOV – kazuistika vyučovací jednotky The following text is about a lesson in the 6th and 8th grade of elementary school. The topic of the lesson is the biodiversity of insects. The lesson takes place in the school garden. As part of the assessment, I will focus on the use of BOV&... |
Aichinger, Daniel
Projektové praktikum v přípravě vyučujících prvního a druhého stupně základní školy The article is concerned with the use of the project practice in teacher training for lower and upper secondary schools in the department of mathematics, physics and technical education in the faculty of education at the University of Plzen. The students learn ho... |
Fadrhonc, Jan
Inovace ve výuce pěstitelství na prvním stupni ZŠ The article describes possible innovations in the thematic area of Gardening Work at the primary level of elementary schools. It presents opportunities for incorporating Gardening Work into the context of environmental changes in the Czech Republic and globally, includin... |
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