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Žáček, Ondřej
Přehled vybraných kroků k přijetí eura v ČR After the potential decision to adopt the euro in the Czech Republic, it will be necessary to take a number of legislative and non-legislative steps. Firstly, the aim of the paper is to provide a basic overview of these steps, which are not limit... |
Zukal, Marek
Články o odpovědnosti států za mezinárodně protiprávní jednání – a co dál? In 2022, the UN General Assembly Sixth Committee considered the Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts for the 8th time. There was a strong push by some States to proceed to codify these Articles into an international treaty.... |
Zoričáková, Veronika
Zmluvná povaha predzmluvnej zodpovednosti za spôsobenú škodu v českom práve? The paper deals with the nature of pre-contractual liability in Czech civil law based on a recent decision of the Czech Supreme Court. The author considers whether pre-contractual liability should be governed by the rules of contractual or non-contractual liability and... |
Wasik, Izabela
Legal aspects of the struggle against infectious illnesses in Austria-Hungary The article gives an overview of the main legal regulations in Austria-Hungary applicable to the struggle against infectious illnesses. Various legal acts were given out both by the central authorities, e.g. by the Ministry of the Interior, and at the level... |
Wagner, Filip
Očkování z pohledu práva Vaccination is one of the basic ways to prevent infectious diseases and their related consequences. The basic purpose of vaccination is to induce an immune response of the organism as a reaction to the encounter with the relevant antigen and possibly other compon... |
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