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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorTesla, Tony
dc.contributor.editorKnoll, Vilém
dc.contributor.editorHablovič, Jakub
dc.contributor.editorHanzlová, Karolína
dc.contributor.editorKotroušová, Denisa
dc.contributor.editorMach, Ondřej
dc.contributor.editorMifek, Jan
dc.contributor.editorSchwarzová, Aneta
dc.contributor.editorVrba, Vojtěch
dc.identifier.citationKNOLL, Vilém, HABLOVIČ, Jakub a kol (eds.). Naděje právní vědy 2022: Právní věda v praxi, Plzeň 25. listopadu 2022, s. 701-712.cs
dc.identifier.isbn978-80-261-1216-7 (brožovaná vazba)
dc.format12 s.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rights© Západočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.subjectkorupce ve zdravotnictvícs
dc.subjectkorupční vztahy ve zdravotníctvícs
dc.subjectvztah pacient – lékářcs
dc.subjectvztah pacient – pojištovnacs
dc.subjectpředepsání lékucs
dc.subjectsmluvní lékařcs
dc.titleOsobitosti korupcie a korupčných vzťahov v zdravotníctvesk
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe presented treatment deals with the issue of corruption in the healthcare sector. It points to the peculiarities of this area and the sensitivity of the issue of life and health protection. These factors also determine the often lack of interest in reporting corruption in the healthcare sector, participating in its solution or reporting and cooperating with official state agencies. It is a fact that the protection of life and health in the provision of health care is not the only aspect or looking at corruption in the healthcare sector. Likewise, several relationships that arise in this area are problematic. In a very simple way, 712 corrupt practices are perceived as bribes by perpetrators to doctors and health workers. However, this relationship is not the only one, and although it is a typical model of condemned corruption, there are significantly more relationships in which corrupt practices appear. It is on the one hand the relationship of patients and doctors towards pharmaceutical companies, in connection with drugs and medicines, in connection with receiving patients, treatment and spa treatment, and the like. Although these aspects are not discussed, they form an essential part of the complex of corruption in the healthcare sector, and it is also necessary to take into account these areas when formulating measures aimed at solving corrupt relationships, and preventive and repressive tools for solving corruption in the healthcare sector must also be focused on these areas.en
dc.subject.translatedcorruption in healthcareen
dc.subject.translatedcorrupt relations in the health sectoren
dc.subject.translatedpatient-doctor relationshipen
dc.subject.translatedthe relationship between the patient and the insurance companyen
dc.subject.translatedprescribing medicineen
dc.subject.translatedcontract doctoren
dc.type.statusPeer revieweden
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Naděje právní vědy 2022

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