Název: Polykulturní výšinné sídliště na vrchu Sovice u Vetlé na Podřipsku: výsledky archeologického výzkumu z let 2007-2008
Autoři: Trefný, Martin
Chroustovský, Luboš
Kotyza, Oldřich
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: TREFNÝ, Martin, CHROUSTOVSKÝ, Luboš a Oldřich KOTYZA. Polykulturní výšinné sídliště na vrchu Sovice u Vetlé na Podřipsku: výsledky archeologického výzkumu z let 2007-2008. Plzeň: ZČU, 2010.
Datum vydání: 2010
Nakladatel: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta filozofická. Katedra archeologie
Typ dokumentu: monografie
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/6966
ISBN: 978-80-7043-957-9
Klíčová slova: krajinná archeologie;archeologický výzkum;Sovice;polykulturní sídliště
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: landscape archaeology;archeological research;Sovice;multicultural settlement
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: This monograph contains a brief evaluating of age are represented by significantly minor the archeological excavations, conducted at the quantity. At this point it´s neccessary to stress, that hillfort site Sovice during the july 2007 and 2008. meanwhile eneolithic, hallstatt, late bronze age or This excavations have been caried out as a part of early medieval finds were known from the site the scientific project „Archaeology of the moun- formerly, the activities of the early bronze age tain Říp region“ by Institute of archaeology (West Únìtice culture have been traced for the first time Bohemian university at Pilsen) and Podřipské by this excavation. museum (Museum of the mountain Øíp region) at Excavations in the pit Nr. II/07 confirmed the Roudnice nad Labem. preliminary considerations resulting from the Mountain Sovice with the hillfort site is geophysical research. According to this research situated ca 1 km south-east from the village Vetlá the body of the wall was constructed without (distr. Litoměřice). The mountain is typical as using the stone or wooden construction. slowly elevated formation with the flat summit Regarding its date, the latest stratified pottery plateau, slightly descending to the west. The hill is fragments from there are represented by early vertically delimited from all directions and its medieval sherds. This period thus could be summit is situated ca 70 m above the surrounding considered as the lower limit of its datation. On plain. The summit plateau is of the irregular the other hand, the later or even recent datation of triangle in the ground plan. The longest distance this wall can not be completely excluded although between its western and eastern promontories is there are no references of such later activities on about 170 m. Its maximal width comes to ca 90 m. the plateau in the historical sources. If the early Contemporary form of the plateau surface, as well medieval datation could be accepted, then the as of the slopes, is affected by the extensive purpose of this structure may be rather seen in erosive processes (mud slides), especially occu- conection with cultic or residential activities. ring during the 18. and 19. centuries. These events Analytic field collections brought significant have been also recorded by historical written information on the frequency of the pottery sherds sources. in the individual reference units. Based on this Archaeological research has been focused on frequency, it is possible to observe a specific the maximal use and combination of individual concentration in the area of trapezoid wall or in archaeological methods, with special emphasis of the close proximity thereof. The frequency of the non-destructive ones. During the excavation the pottery sherds is weaker towards the edges of the geodetic-topographical research, analytic surface plateau, what can be especially seen in the wesfield collection, geophysical research, pedologic tern parts of it. But only the datation of minor part sondage or using of metal detector were applied. of the finds can be more specified. The distin- The proper excavations were realized by four pit guishing of frequency of the pottery sherds and probes with total extent of 12 m2 . These pits were thus the frequency of the specific human activities situated on the borderline between plateau and for individual periods is also strongly limited. northern slope, across the trapezoid wall at the Regarding the meaning of summit plateau of plateau, on the eastern slope and at the foot of mountain Sovice, especially its relationships to northern slope. surounding areas, it is neccessary to focus on the Excavation brought numerous pottery and up to date archaeological activities, performed at animal bones fragments, minor part of the ensem- this area. Collections mainly of pottery fragments ble was represented by chipped industry frag- from the late bronze age, early medeval period or ments, metal or glass artifacts. All these finds unspecified prehistoric period have been gained illustrate the local human ativities in the prehisto- by this research at the north-west as well as southry as well as in the early medieval period. The west foot of the hill. Based on this fact, the hypomajority of the finds belong to the early bronze thetical possibility of the existence of the more extensive settlement area can be considered As mentioned above, the most numerous (minimally for the early medieval period), where ensembles from the site belong to the early bronze the summit plateau played its role as an acropolis. age and early medieval period. Taking into For the spatial structure of the surounding area of consideration the position of the site at the expothe hill it is also necessary to point out the signifi- sed place near significant river, which plays its cance of flat terrace adjacent to its north-west role also as the important long distance route slope. The elevation of this terrace is notably corridor, it is possible that hill Sovice represented obvious at its southern and western parts. Despite minimally during these two periods an influential there was conducted no excavation there, its centre with regional or perhaps greater significanposition in vicinity of settled areas as well as its ce. Existence of fortification during some periods striking spatial configuration allow hypothetical of its settlement can not be excluded but contemporary knowledge is insufficient to solve this settlement here.
Práva: © 2010 Martin Trefný - Luboš Chroustovský - Oldřich Kotyza
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Monografie a kolektivní monografie / Monographs and collective monographs (KAR)
Monografie / Monographs

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