Katedra průmyslového inženýrství a managementu / Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
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Poslední příspěvky
Reiniger, Tomáš
Percepce avatara v prostředí virtuální reality This thesis focuses on the issues of virtual reality, avatars in virtual reality and the concept of avatars in the current state. It also focuses on VR training applications for industrial concerns, which it modifies. Subsequently, it provides theoretical background to the measurement... |
Lesh, Kirill
Optimalizace procesu sledování hmotnosti komponent kolejových vozidel v daném podniku The diploma thesis focuses on optimizing the process of monitoring the weight of rail vehicles in a globally recognized company. The main objective was to design tools for detecting and minimizing the deviation between the estimated calculated weight and the weight of the finished&... |
Mertlová, Eliška
Navigace ve vnitřních nebo venkovních skladech pomocí rozšířené reality This thesis deals with the issue of augmented reality and navigation using augmented reality. In the theoretical part, it focuses on the presentation of navigation options using augmented reality. In the practical part, the methodology of the comparative measurement, which was subsequently... |
Rajtmajer, Radek
Možnosti využití Power BI v podniku The diploma thesis deals with the introduction of Business Intelligence, specifically the Microsoft Power BI platform. This ecosystem is introduced and used for the creation of reports in three areas. These areas include project management, quality management system and manufacturing. Three ... |
Kortus, Kryštof
Virtuální kolaborativní trénink průmyslových procesů This thesis focuses on the development and implementation of an application for virtual collaborative training of industrial processes, utilizing virtual reality technology on the Android platform for Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest 3 devices. The goal is to provide an effective, safe, ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 49 ergonomie
- 46 layout
- 43 ergonomics
- 29 štíhlá výroba
- další >
- 264 diplomová práce
- 146 bakalářská práce
- 153 2020 - 2024
- 257 2012 - 2019