Digital Library University of West Bohemia
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Recent Submissions
Kondrys, Jan
Islámský modernismus v Egyptě: Jeho hlavní představitelé a proudy v 19. a 20. století |
Krajdlová, Zuzana
Hodnocení kultury bezpečí pacientů studenty ošetřovatelství This bachelor's thesis examines nursing students' assessment of patient safety culture. The theoretical work focuses on summarizing assessment and measurement tools that assess nursing students' patient safety culture. Twelve questionnaires are presented in the thesis. In addition, studies invo... |
Dědičová, Mirka
Úroveň motorických dovedností a objem pohybových aktivit žáků na Sokolovsku Rigorous work deals with the motor level skills and volume of movement activities of pupils on Sokolovsko. The theoretical part described the characteristics children of younger school age, movement, physical activity and motor skills in children. In the research part, a described resea... |
Aguirre-López, Mario A.
Izaguirre-Prado, Omar Efraín
Soto-Villalobos, Roberto
Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, Filiberto
A Novel Silhouette Extraction Method for Binary Images Based on the Wall-Follower Algorithm Silhouette extraction involves separating objects of interest from their background, which has several applications in image processing. Among the silhouette extraction techniques, contour tracing is commonly applied to images with a uniform background. This paper introduces a novel contribution to... |
Freire, Pedro da Silva
Pereira, João Madeiras
Dynamic Many-Light Importance Sampling for Real-Time Ray Tracing One of the main performance-heavy areas in raytracing is light sampling. Light sampling is solved in a process called next-event estimation(NEE), where light samples are taken at each ray intersection. Since real-time rendering is an objective, instead of sampling all the luminaries, ju... |