Diplomové práce / Theses (KEM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Mixán, Martin
Inovativní investiční nástroje ETF This master's thesis focuses on the issue of "Exchange Traded Funds" (ETF). This work aims to characterize the issue of ETFs and compare them with other available investment options such as open mutual funds (OPF), stocks, or cryptocurrencies. The theoretical part of the... |
Fiala, Tomáš
Optimalizace logistických procesů na bázi spolupráce přepravních společností This thesis describes methods used for optimization of logistic problems. Thesis consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, current logistics issues are discussed and the possibilities of horizontal and vertical cooperation in that matter. In the same chapter are described possible... |
Mrňavý, Jiří
Rozbor možností implementace prezentačních webů spolkových organizací Thesis is focused on analysis of possibilities of implementation of presentation websites. The result is a decision graph to determine the appropriate way to develop and deploy them. The decision graph is constructed based on the work of a defined options tree and is universal... |
Drda, Michal
Datová analýza v dodavatelském řetězci The Thesis is focused on describing of information gathered from EDI communication, which can be used to create reports for manufacturing companies management. Some of the reports were implemented in EDI information system. |
Vodička, Tomáš
Metody odhadu velikosti stínové ekonomiky a jejich naprogramování The purpose of this paper is to describe issues connected to shadow economy and methods of its estimation. Shadow economy surround us in everyday life and most societies are trying to control it by laws and prosecution. According to authors the size of shadow economy is... |
Blažek, Martin
Vypracování souboru procedur s finančním zaměřením - především na oceňování opcí The presented work is focused on the characterization and classification of option derivatives and models for their pricing. The theoretical part focuses on explanation of basic concepts of financial mathematics, analysis and characterization of financial derivatives and derivation of option pric... |
Vohradský, Marek
Použití metod vícekriteriálního rozhodování při řízení podniku The presented Diploma thesis is focused on application of Multi-Attribute Decision Making methods in SWOT analysis. In the preliminary part, there is described decision making process and its base elements. Next part of the thesis defines MADM process and describes MADM methods for ... |
Štěpánek, Vít
Elektronický systém pro správu classroom experimentů Presented thesis focuses on design and implementation of The Electronic System for The Administration of Classroom experiments. The thesis partly builds on previous thesis The Electronic Reservation System for The Reservation of Topics on Bachelor and Diploma Thesis. First chapter presents t... |
Harmady, Jan
Hodnocení spotřebitelských úvěrů pomocí SVM techniky s využitím sw nástroje Mathematica The presented Diploma thesis deals with the classification of applicants for consumer loans according their creditworthiness. Theoretical part of presented work is focused on description of consumer loans, credit risk and reason for managing this risk. In the theoretical part, there are ... |
Beneš, Jan
Návrh a implementace elektronického systému pro organizaci a administraci konferencí The presented diploma thesis is focused on the design and implementation of an information system for administration of international science conferences. The output of the thesis is a system which will serve as a supporting tool to the organizing committee while arranging annually ... |
Rádl, Ota
Analýza tržních podílů mobilních operátorů v ČR s využitím sw Mathematica Presented diploma thesis deals with the issue of market shares of mobile services providers in the Czech Republic using software Mathematica. The market is modeled using Markov chains. In the theoretical part there are introduced stochastic processes with a focus on Markov chains. ... |
Velek, Ladislav
Využití SW Mathematica k analýze kapitálových trhů This diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of using the Mathematica software to analyze capital markets, focusing mainly on finding the arbitration bond portfolio. This thesis describes the capital market including basic financial instruments of the capital market and shows the financi... |
Vondrášková, Marika
Analýza kritérií hodnocení webových stránek The thesis is aimed on the analysis of criteria that can be used when evaluating websites of tour operators. The theoretical part deals with the Internet and web presentation and the main areas and methods of website analysis. In the practical part, there is a set of... |
Václavík, Luboš
Kreditní riziko - metody jeho vyhodnocování a použití u vybrané české banky The main aim of the thesis is to analyze methods of scoring credit risk. This analysis is situated in an environment of financial institutions which are exposed to large number of risks especially in period of economic instability. Managing these risks is important to remain... |
Liška, Ondřej
Spolehlivost vybraných nástrojů technické analýzy pro predikci budoucího směru vývoje cen akcií The thesis focuses on analyzing the reliability of selected technical analysis tools. To be more specific, based on the solution selected, we should decide whether or not it is possible to achieve a long-term higher profit, by applying the tools of technical analysis, than the... |
Fiřtová, Renáta
Použití algoritmů teorie grafů pro řízení projektů ve firmě ŠKODA POWER This diploma thesis is focused on the using of network analysis in the software environment for project managing in SKODA POWER. In the theoretical part, there is an explanation of what a project is and what its content of project planning is. It explains the way how... |
Šamanová, Karolína
Analýza výnosnosti akcií obchodovatelných na českém akciovém trhu The present work is focused on analyzing of profitability of shares traded on the Czech stock market. In the study are defined the basic concepts of the issue, the theoretical bases of valuation of shares, the basic points of measurement proceeds and the characteristics of... |
Sirotek, Vladimír
Specifikace makroekonomického modelu z pohledu ekonofyziky This diploma thesis is focused on the topic of Econophysics as a new science with a certain potential in many areas. At the beginning there is mentioned an overview about the possible application of physical theory into economic science and there are introduced several researc... |
Pešík, Jiří
Rozšíření makroekonomického simulačního software DSGEgame: binární a triangulární vládní intervence a otevřená ekonomika DSGEgame is economic experimental software. It was developed on Faculty of Economics of University of West Bohemia. This paper aims to present new function of DSGEgame: binary and triangular government interventions, openness of economy, heterogeneity of agents? roles and a human capital... |
Pražský, Tomáš
Uplatňování metod teorie front pří řízení vybraných podnikových procesů The goal of presented diploma thesis was to performance properties of queuing systems and to analyse production processes in chosen company and to show their interconnectedness with the theoretical models of queuing systems. The selected company was EuWe Eugen wexler Czech Republic Inc.... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economics
- Katedra ekonomie a kvantitativních metod / Department of Economics and Quatitative Methods