Title: Volební systémy pro přímou volbu prezidenta ve střední Evropě (komparace volebních systémů a posouzení vlivu volebních pravidel na volební proces)
Other Titles: Systems of Direct Presidential Elections in Central Europe: Comparison of the Electoral Systems and Impact Assessment of Electoral Rules on the Process of Election
Authors: Černá, Aneta
Advisor: Jurek, Petr
Referee: Kubát, Michal
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/12725
Keywords: volební systém;přímá volba prezidenta;volební pravidla;parlamentní režim;dvoukolové hlasování;prezidentské pravomoci;poloprezidentský režim
Keywords in different language: electoral system;direct presidential election;electoral rules;parliamentary regime;second ballot;presidential powers;semi-presidential regime
Abstract: Bakalářská práce pojednává o volebních systémech pro přímou volbu prezidenta ve střední Evropě. Ke zkoumání si autor zvolil čtyři evropské země Rakousko, Polsko, Slovensko a Českou republiku. Cílem této práce bylo, prostřednictvím komparace volebních systémů čtyř evropských zemí posoudit vliv volebních pravidel na volební proces.
Abstract in different language: This bachelor thesis deals with electoral system of direct presidential elections in the region of central Europe. Comparative analysis includes Austria, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic. The author focuses on comparison of the electoral systems and impact assessment of electoral rules on the process of election. The first part of this study is focused on the theory of the parliamentary regime where author tries to emphasize powers of president in the parliamentary regime. The follow-up theoretical topic deals with the debate between directly or indirectly elected presidents. Author tries to point out significant arguments which are connected with these forms of presidential election. Author also pays attention the assessment of electoral rules on the process of election at the end of the theoretical part. The analytic part of this study includes concrete information about above mentioned countries where author tries to emphasize the impact of electoral rules on the process of election. The electoral rules are compared in the table number 5 where author also wants to point out the difference between particular countries.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAP)

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