Strojírenská technologie - Plzeň 2009 sborník příspěvků Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Fišerová, Věra
STL formát a jeho použití pro design a kontrolu STL format is today commonly used file format for visualisation, simulation and calculations of many kinds. Thanks to increase of computing power of todays´ PCs, this format is well known also in the CAD/CAM area. As for reverse engineering, this format is used as a ... |
Fidlerová, Tereza
Environmentální aspekty v průmyslovém inženýrství |
Fajt, Josef
Výroba řezných nástrojů s otěruvzdornými tenkými vrstvami The paper is devoted by evaluation influence of production and thin film on quality and durability of cutting edge on hobbing cutters and pull broachers, that are produced by PILSEN TOOLS. Based on comparing characteristics of film from different producers and technologies, their&... |
Dvořáčková, Štěpánka
Nejistoty přesných délkových měření z pohledu terminologie a jejich definic |
Čirčová, Eva
Ižol, Peter
Profil frézovaného povrchu pri zmene počtu zubov nástroja Predkladaný článok má experimentálny charakter. Pojednáva o stave drsnosti povrchu pri frézovaní materiálu s rozdielnou tvrdosťou. Stav povrchu bol sledovaný hodnotami Ra a Rz po frézovaní jednozubovou a viaczubovou frézov. Pri sledovaní stavu povrchu boli dosiahnuté namerané hodnoty drsnosti porovnáv... |
Cimr, Ivan
SolidCAM – software pro produktivní víceosé frézování CNC milling machines are as common today as a mobile phone in teenagers´ hand. Multi-axes metal-cutting machines are not far from similar fate. There is no obstacle on their path to become a common used tool – not even the high price. Everyone who can calculate the... |
Cep, Robert
Ocenasova, Lenka
Sadilek, Marek
Testování nástrojů z řezné keramiky na simulátoru přerušovaného řezu Ceramic cutting tools availability during interrupted machining was solution at this article, in the concrete ceramic DISAL D320 from Czech producer Saint Gobain Advanced Ceramic Turnov. Experiments were provided at special fixture – interrupted cut simulator. This fixture was constructed at ... |
Biermann, Dirk
Feldhoff, Markus
Drill hole machining of fibre reinforced thermosets using mounted points Carbon and glass fibre reinforced polymers are applied to an increasing degree in the major industries, like automotive and aircraft industry. These materials are usually machined using cutting tools. Twist drills for instance are used for inserting drill holes to join comp... |
Biermann, Dirk
Weinert, Klaus
Kessler, Nadine
New method for reducing the hole straightness deviation in BTA deep hole drilling Deep hole drilling methods such as BTA-deep hole drilling are machining processes to produce boreholes with high length to diameter ratio as well as boreholes with high quality. Nevertheless, if prism-shaped workpieces or workpieces with eccentrically placed boreholes have to be machined... |
Beneš, Petr
Kříž, Antonín
Martan, Jiří
Vliv tepelných vlastností tenkých vrstev na třískové obrábění tvrdých těžkoobrobitelných ocelí |
Bartušek, Tomáš
Jersák, Jan
Lze při broušení kovů aplikovat metodu MQL? Elimination of exploitation of procedural liquids that burden environment is one of actual tendency in cutting technology. Some experiments in this context were realised on Department of Machining and Assembly in Technical University of Liberec. Grinding without supply of procedural liquid a... |
Tichá, Šárka
Adamec, Jaromír
Hodnocení změn geometrické přesnosti rotačních součástí v závislosti na čase s využitím korelačního výpočtu Geometrical surface structure is system of geometrical surface components which is mainly determined by shape, dimension and theirs deviations. These parameters are frequently resulting of working parameters or wear. Very study parameter of rotary component is roundness. The paper discusses the... |
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- Sborníky ZČU / UWB Proceedings
- Strojírenská technologie
- 52 2009