Title: Korupce a klientelismus v komunistických a postkomunistických společnostech – zkušenost ze střední Evropy
Authors: Naxera, Vladimír
Citation: Mladá politologie: sborník z konference studentů doktorských studijných progamů v oblasti politických věd. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013, s. 151-165.
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://www.zcu.cz/pracoviste/vyd/vyd_tiskopisy_dokumenty/Mlada_politologie.pdf
ISBN: 978-80-261-0324-0
Keywords: korupce;klientelismus;patronát strany;komunismus;postkomunismus;transformace;názvosloví;střední Evropa
Keywords in different language: corruption;clientelism;party patronage;communism;post-communism;transformation;nomenclature;central Europe
Abstract in different language: This thesis deals with the issue of corruption, clientelism and party patronage in Central Europe during the communist and post-communist eras. In comparative studies on corruption in European countries, it is common for post-communist countries of Europe to be rated worst in terms of corruption. According to many authors, the growth in corruption after the fall of communism is largely due to the legacy of cultural patterns and the institutional configurations of communism. Reasons for this stance will be researched in my thesis. We will point out a number of aspects of this phenomenon which have lasted until even after the transition to democracy and which have gained new dimensions. In connection with clientelism under communism, we will also mention the nomenclature system that was one of the fundamental principles of communist rule. This system will be considered as one of the most severe forms of party patronage, which is also closely connected to clientelism.
Rights: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Appears in Collections:Mladá politologie 2013
Mladá politologie 2013

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