Mladá politologie 2013 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Walach, Václav
Sociálně vyloučené lokality mezi stigmatizací a sekuritizací: výzkumná re-orientace The research project presented here emerges from my long-term interest in the meaning of security in relation to socially excluded localities. These places have become a hot spot in the Czech Republic, as their partly Romany populations are accused of the higher rates of crimi... |
Vorlová, Tereza
Kulturní diplomacie v USA a Rusku po konci studené války Cultural diplomacy had witnessed the greatest boom after the Second World War, when it became a full-fledged part of foreign policy on both sides of the Iron Curtain. This project addresses the question - what changes occurred in the understanding of cultural diplomacy with th... |
Naxera, Vladimír
Krčál, Petr
Úvodní strany |
Stulík, Ondřej
Jednorozměrná demokracie: případová studie „Otevřené společnosti“ K. R. Poppera – koncept a možnosti This work offers new point of view on the Popper´s work with regard to a phenomenon of democracy based on the conservative-republican position. The main goal is to deconstruct the libertarian interpretation of Popper´s social philosophy posed by the Austrian school, which has creat... |
Paul, Jan
Výzvy etnografického výzkumu pracovní migrace v současné ruské společnosti The social microworlds where the migrants live often come through the states, the borders and through the continents. Therefore it would be naive to assume, that with their transition to the new environment their original family bonds, cultural and religional traditions will automatical... |
Velikost a bída doktorandského studia politologie |
Naxera, Vladimír
Korupce a klientelismus v komunistických a postkomunistických společnostech – zkušenost ze střední Evropy This thesis deals with the issue of corruption, clientelism and party patronage in Central Europe during the communist and post-communist eras. In comparative studies on corruption in European countries, it is common for post-communist countries of Europe to be rated worst in terms ... |
Mertl, Jiří
Přerozdělování welfare: nástroj pomoci nebo kontroly? This text, as an introduction to the projected dissertation, deals with the issue of the social justice concept that is providing an argumentation for reaching the socially just society. With the regard to social justice, the socio-political reality as neoliberal governmentality is anal... |
Kupka, Petr
Obhájci, vyvolávači deště… a spravedlnost pro všechny: analýza pole české advokacie The main objective of submitted Ph.D. thesis proposal is to sketch the first version of research design focused on the czech advoacy while using Pierre Bourdie´s theoretical, epistemological and methodological framework. The objective of the research project itself is to understand the ... |
Kudláčová, Lenka
Proměny postavení Korejské lidově demokratické republiky (KLDR) v mezinárodním systému od roku 1948 do současnosti: projekt disertační práce This dissertation deals with the changes of position of Democratic people´s republic of Korea (DPRK) in international system since 1948 till present. In this issue, we could have experienced highly dynamic development. In the Cold War period, DPRK played the role of a small st... |
Kučera, František
Prostor korupčních možností v reformě státní správy: aktéři, instituce, struktura, modely reformy The article presents the plan of doctoral thesis that is focusing on corruption opportunity space in the reform of public administration, on persons involved in the process, on the institutions, on the structure and on the models of reform. It describes different theoretical models... |
Krčál, Petr
Problematika legitimity po neoliberální revoluci: penální stát a jeho instituce Main purpose of following paper is to briefly characterize my Ph.D. thesis which calls “Problematic of legitimacy after the neoliberal revolution. Penal state and its institutions”. In my thesis I will try to create theoretical concept of dispositive of penal legitimacy. This concept... |
Klapal, Petr
Mezinárodní faktory demokratizace The text deals with research on the impact of international factors on democratization, which is neglected and marginalized topic in political science. The research objective is therefore to answer the question whether and how the international environment operate to the states and the&... |
Kalinič, Petr
Interdisciplinární analýza fenoménu postmoderního válčení – virtuální etnografie válečnických herních sub/kultur a její význam pro jiné obory a oblasti výzkumu This paper is focused on the interdisciplinary analysis of post/modern warfare through the means of participative research of cybernetic warrior sub/cultures. The main goal of this (virtual) ethnographic research is to explore and describe all possible parallels between the computer sim... |
Jurásek, Miroslav
Úvahy o globálním řádu po skončení studené války: perspektiva Samuela P. Huntingtona a Francise Fukuyamy The organizational plan of my dissertation thesis deals with two very influential scenarios which were presented after the End of the Cold War: the End of History by Francis Fukuyama and the Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington. These two scenarios (or theories, paradigms... |
Hlaváčková, Hana
Role Slovinska v integračních procesech zemí Západního Balkánu do EU In this article is shown a project focused on a study based on Foreign Policy Analysis of Slovene foreign policy with a particular method which is a role theory and its specificities. Slovenia as a first post Yugoslav country became a full member of European Union. T... |
Heczková, Markéta
Územní spory v regionu východní Asie The dissertation thesis examines the problem of territorial disputes in East Asia concerning mainly countries such as China, North and South Korea and Japan. The East-Asia region is fast economically growing and has increasing impact in international relations and therefore is vital to&... |
Hauser, Jan
Dopady boloňského procesu na národní vysokoškolské systémy The target of the research is to analyze the impacts of the Bologna Process implementation on higher education systems in Europe and to compare these impacts in selected higher education systems of Switzerland and United Kingdom. After a decade of the Bologna Process implementation... |
Doljaková, Aneta
Izolační a nárazníkové státy jako politicko-geografický a bezpečnostní fenomén: Proměny a vývoj role od konce první světové války do současnosti The dissertation thesis will focus on a phenomenon of insulator and buffer states in international relations. It will review previous researches of insulator and buffer states and aims to constitute a new broad definition what the term insulator and buffer states mean. According to... |
Brtnický, Michael
Evropská zahraniční politika v prostoru arabského Středozemí 1995–2012 The aim of this paper is to present unfinished dissertation titled “European Foreign Policy in the area of the Arab Mediterranean 1995-2012. The work focuses on the foreign policy of the European Union and certain sector of the foreign policies of the Member States in the... |
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