Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2014 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Krotil, Martin
Autorská prostředí pro tvorbu multimediálních výukových objektů v rámci přípravy učitele This diploma thesis deals with the topic of multimedia learning objects and authoring systems for its design. In the form of a qualitative survey the paper discovers the most frequent practice teachers´ requirements for these objects and systems. Subsequently, the paper car... |
Král, Jan
Fadrhonc, Jan
Konstrukce mostu s možností počítačového měření stavu napětí tenzometry This product is demonstrative scale model truss bridge construction. Main frame of the bridge is made of steel and is supplemented by wood boards which creates floor of the bridge. Screws are used as joints. The construction is supplemented by four strain gauges for... |
Kormanová, Lenka
Pasterizácia mlieka Cieľom našej práce bolo vysvetliť proces pasterizácie mlieka a poukázať na dôležitosť významu tohto procesu z bezpečnostného a zdravotného hľadiska. Ďalším cieľom práce bolo vybrať vhodnú metódu analýzy rizika, aplikovať ju na doskový pastér a navrhnúť nápravné opatrenia na zníženie&... |
Kopecký, Miroslav
Beam robot a jeho využitie v škole Práca je zameraná na možnosti technického vzdelávania na základných školách. Jej cieľom je podporiť vzdelávanie z oblasti elektrotechniky a elektroniky prostredníctvom hračiek s využitím elektronických prvkov. Výstupom riešenej problematiky je model Beam robota. |
Jašíček, Vojtěch
Učební pomůcka pro výuku technického kreslení This work focuses on the design and creation of teaching aids, which should assist in teaching technical drawing pupils of primary school. This tool is called the projection area, the purpose of which is to practice a rectangular projection, which is one of the most commo... |
Janečková, Michaela
Rukodělné práce In my work, I want to introduce production of original shirts, and various fashion accessories, especially jewelry. There are many techniques for decorating shirts and it can be used on various types of clothes. For manufacture of jewelry was also used many various ... |
Janča, Adam
Propadávající věž The work named "Down-Fall Tower" was formed within the course of design creativity. The goal was to create an original and novel product of a technical character. Final output was the game marked as " Down-Fall Tower", which is designed for two players.... |
Hübnerová, Andrea
Čavajdová, Markéta
Variabilní bludiště The paper presents design solutions of modifiable teaching aid - labyrinth. |
Hromčík, Tomáš
Realizace elektronických systémů v prostředí základní školy Thesis deals with possibility of including the realization of electronic systems into teaching of technical subjects on the second grade of elementary school. It also deals with designing of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) – by using information technology and design-system EAGLE, &... |
Hrbáček, Jiří
Hodis, Zdeněk
Kučera, Martin
Zkušenosti s výukou stavby a programování robotů na ZŠ The current time can be from the perspective of the teaching of techniques and crafts, without exaggeration, be called the "Dark Age techniques." Masters are able to impart their knowledge and skills acquired to their successors, are dying out. Crafts lost social p... |
Hladký, Jan
Škubačka drůbeže Chicken Plucker is a electrical machine accelerating and facilitating the work. It was created with minimal financial resources mainly from residual material. Nevertheless, it is fully functional and useful machine. |
Fadrhonc, Jan
Šestiúhelníky This is a puzzle game inspired by domino, individual hexagons to each consist parties with the same colors (or numbers). The game also based on the principle sudoku puzzle, because no edge hexagon may be filled with the same color. The hexagons then creates a ... |
Elgrová, Michaela
Kritéria výběru multimediálních učebnic My diploma thesis deals with multimedia textbooks that are one of the most modern elements in schooling in present. The thesis is parted to theoretic part that introduces new technologies used in education. It deals with multimedia and interactive teaching and newly defines term... |
Eg, Nina
Bezjak, Jožica
Slosar, Mirko
Projectwork of elementary education of the model PUD-BJ- "From idea to product" Modern nine-year elementary school has to provide equal conditions for gaining different types of knowledge and optimal opportunities for a complete development of the individual for every pupil. Teachers use different teaching approaches, which contribute to lesson quality and lessons... |
Dospiva, Pavel
Talianová, Dominika
Šturalová, Ema
Najman, Petr
Herní engine pro tvorbu didaktických her ve Flashi This game engine was developed as a project in flash class at our university. The aim of this project was to create universal didactic tool, which can be actively used during the flash classes both for beginners and advanced programmers and desiners. The use of... |
Baťko, Jan
Lego mindstorms NXT - využití programovacích prostředí NXT-G a RobotC The thesis introduces the possibility of using the robotic kit LEGO Mindstorms NXT at all levels of education. The second chapter presents and compares the possibility of using programming environments NXT-G and RobotC. One of the parts of the thesis is the educational... |
Bánesz, Gabriel
Premeny technického vzdelavania v rámci školských reforiem Východiskom technického vzdelávania na základných školách v SR sú odporúčania svetovej organizácie UNESCO z roku 1974 a koncepčné zámery rozvoja vzdelávania a výchovy, ktoré boli vypracované po roku 1990. Aj napriek tomu sa dá ľahko zistiť, že význam technického vzdelávania v... |
Bajda, Konrad
Piróg, Sebastian
Wykorzystanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych w prognozowaniu Artykuł opisuje wykorzystanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do prognozowania, na przykładzie meczów piłki nożnej, oraz predykcji cen energii elektrycznej na rynku dnia następnego. Celem projektu jest dokonanie analizy zdolności prognostycznych wybranych sztucznych modeli neuronowych. |
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