Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2011 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Krotil, Martin
Nové trendy v oblasti webových technologií The work deals with new trends in Web technologies closely related to (X)HTML. The theoretical part introduces the basic concepts of Web technologies, describes the historical development of technology (X)HTML in the context of the closest associated technologies, and introduces new opportun... |
Křivánek, Aleš
Výroba briket ze starého papíru - výukový program The theme of this work was to develop a suitable manufacturing process of paper briquettes with respect to Primary School. The press has been designed to produce the briquettes. The work was also a tutorial in the form of web pages that are added as well as inst... |
Khas, Miloslav
Tvorba a evaluace e-learningového kurzu k programu Zoner callisto This thesis is focused on the topic of e-learning in teaching process. I would like to show the advantages, disadvantages and difficulties of the e-learning and introduce the view of students who have attended the e-learning course. In the enclosure you will find a e-learning&... |
Jedlinský, Petr
Stabilizovaný regulovatelný zdroj napětí This is a laboratory power supply that operates 25V/2A. |
Hrablayová, Katarína
Využitie videozáznamu v autodiagnostike učiteľa Research studie utilization of video recording of education in teachers self-diagnostic. The target is creating a self-diagnostic questionnaire focused on identifications several elements of educational communication and expressions of personal characteristics of education video recording and verification this&... |
Hlůžková, Milena
Hlasovací zařízení a jeho využití ve výuce The work is focused on the using of student response systems in the teaching process. It describes the response system, provides a comprehensive overview of available types which are offered by 2 main companies in the market, it explains the used technology and offers suggesti... |
Földesi, Juraj
Vyučovanie systémov CAD e-learningovou metódou The aim of our thesis was to theoretically provide an overview of the various CAD systems and e-learning methods that are currently mostly be found, or used in practice. In the experimental part of this work, we decided to present the draft e-learning course aimed at ... |
Es, Nina
Technical days following the model PUD-BJ "From idea to product": didactic-educational toys Modern nine-year elementary school has to provide equal conditions for gaining different types of knowledge and optimal opportunities for a complete development of the individual for every pupil. Teachers use different teaching approaches, which contribute to lesson quality and lessons that ... |
Czerwiec, Slawomir
Alternatywne sterowanie robotem Lego NXT 2.0 z wykorzystaniem komputerowej wizji i algorytmów uczenia maszynowego AdaBoost Alternatywne sterowanie robotem Lego NXT 2.O z wykorzystaniem komputerowej wizji i algorytmów uczenia maszynowego AdaBoost. Jest to projekt który ma na celu demonstracje odmiennego modelu sterowania niž aktualnie przyjęty przez lata. Na dzień dzisijeszy technologia jest na wystarczają wysokim stopniu&... |
Benajtr, Pavel
Multism - výukový elektronický materiál The theme of this bachelor thesis was creation of electronic education material for simulation program Multisim NI 10. The text part contains short description of the simulation program and describes the structure and content of the education material. Examples of the educational articl... |
Abram, Łukasz
Projekt ilustrowanego leksykonu: nośniki danych Niniejsza praca składa się z dwóch częsci. Pierwsza część pracy opisuje teoretyczne znaczenie encyklopedii, slownika i leksykonu. Omówione zostaly podobieństwa i różnice, dotyczące tego rodzaju publikacji. W części tej przedstawiono takže historie wydawnictw od czasów starożytnych do czasów współczesnych.&... |
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