Diplomové práce / Theses (KBS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Klik, Jan
Současné pojetí Hidžry This paper presents an outline of the historical development of the debates about hijra and its definition. The theoretical section of the submitted material provides an overview of some of those clerics and intellectuals who have expressed their opinions on the topic and on t... |
Lhotová, Žaneta
Izraelský turismus v České republice: cesta za židovským dědictvím? The purpose of this paper is to characterize and analyze the phenomenon of the israeli tourism in Czech republic. This paper deals primarily with what is typical for an israeli tourist and how much is israeli tourism influenced and shaped by thein religion - judaism. ... |
Kortiš, Michal
Nečakané útočisko: Prípadová štúdia o Sýrčanoch v Sudáne This thesis deals with the topic of Syrian refugees living in Sudan, a country less known for its contribution to solving the humanitarian crisis since 2011. The goal of the thesis is to provide a complex overview of the situation of this relatively large community, focus... |
Onallah, Klára
Předsvatební a svatební zvyky Palestinců žijících v Nazaretě Goal of this diploma thesis is to introduce pre-wedding and wedding traditions of Palestinians living in Nazareth. It explains and defines this minority living in Israel. Moreover it examines the whole process of the last 10 years from how partners get to know each other ... |
Otýpková, Anna
Učenci ve službách novoasyrských králů The main focus of this work was laid on introducing scholar lore in the times of Neo-Assyrian Empire. A brief introduction of the first writing system and education can be found on the first pages of this paper. In the second chapter, I decided to introduce the ... |
Wohlmuth, Ota
Západní zeď v Jeruzalémě This diploma thesis deals with the perception of the Western Wall in Jerusalem. It presents the history, symbolism and contemporary role of the holy site of Judaism. The sources from which the significance of this place is derived, its perception during the Middle Ages and... |
Rymonová, Denisa
Zahraniční pracovníci v zemích GCC se zaměřením na politiku lokalizace práce v Sultanátu Omán Master's thesis will first introduce the issue with a brief description of the history of foreign wokers in the GCC states. It will be also focused on analyzing of the key issue, on the reasons why states known for their high numbers of foreign workers have so... |
Obtulovičová, Aneta
Využitie ľudových metód liečiteľstva v súčasnej ománskej spoločnosti The work focuses on the description of the most used elements of folk medicine in the Sultanate of Oman. In the introduction, the concepts of medicinal products that have influenced the formation of traditional Omani healing are defined. The next chapter contains information on... |
Kozak, Miroslav
Muhammad Bin Salmán a jeho vliv na současnou Saúdskou Arábii The Thesis deals with current crown prince´s Muhammad bin Salman influence on internal economical and social dynamic of progress in Saudi Arabia and also his influence toforeign policy of the country. |
Rohlenová, Milada
Reflexe arménské genocidy v umění This thesis is focused on the reflection of the Armenian genocide in the fine arts. The main focus is on the analyse of paintings, which reflect the Hammidian massacres or the Armenian genocide. The thesis also includes 3 interviews with current artists. |
Tauberová, Jitka
Vojenská expanze za vlády Safíjovské dynastie This thesis deals with war conflicts during the reign of Safavid dynasty. Also maps the development during the governing of individual Shahs. They had to deal with their foreign rivals - the Ottomans and the Uzbeks and at the same time had to deal with the rebellion&... |
Hříšná, Tereza
Vývoj díla spisovatelky Ghády as-Sammán This work deals with the life and especially with the work of the Syrian writer Ghada al-Samman. The core of the work is a content analysis of selected works from the author's work - short stories Your eyes are my destiny and Leaving the old harbours, as wel... |
Sekalová, Simona
Rodinné právo v iráckém Kurdistánu The aim of the thesis is to provide the reader a brief overview of Iraqi family law and its development since 1959, including important modifications of the Kurdish regional government. Part of the work will be devoted to selected articles of the law, their possible issue... |
Holubjaková, Marcela
Kauza knihy Základy tauhídu Recently it has been going some discussions about muslim community in the Czech Republic. Not only in the media but also in society, topics such as the islamic minority in the Czech Republic, terrorism, mmigration from the Middle East &... |
Kollouch, Martin
Harám metafory v středověké perské poezii Aim of this final thesis is to portrait aram metaphors in classical persian poetry through this period with special attention on three main subjects which are consider to be haram, forbidden according to Islam doctrine. Those three subjects are drinking wine, love... |
Patřičný, Vojtěch
Obraz Ruska ve vybraných českých elektronických médiích v kontextu syrského konfliktu The aim of this thesis is to find out how the image of Russia in Syrian conflict is created in selected Czech news servers. The research method for this work was a critical discourse analysis that examines the relationship between language, ideology and discourse. The wor... |
Čermáková, Natálie
LGBT na Blízkém východě This master's thesis presents a comprehensive overview of the current situation of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons (LGBT) in the twenty countries of Middle East, since the beginning of the 21st century focusing on the legal codes and social attitudes of these ... |
Shero, Roz
Odpadlictví od víry v islámu Náhled do historie a současnosti This diploma thesis deals with the issue of apostasy from Islam. The work aims to provide an insight into apostasy during the history of Islam from the Middle Ages and to present its earliest forms within this religion. The introductory part of the diploma thesis will... |
Tlili, Václava
Qirá´át: příčiny diverzity koránskýc recitací z hlediska historického a jazykového This thesis attempts to investigate the reason for the variations in Quran recitation. It studies and discusses the revelation of the Quran in the seven ahruf, the compilation of the Quran and its preservation, Uthmanic masahif and their relation to the seven ahruf, conditions ... |
Tvrdek, Tomáš
Příčiny a důsledky sociálního protestu v Izraeli v roce 2011 This paper describes the course, causes and consequences of social protests in Israel in 2011. Shortly deals with social unrest - boycott of selected products and demonstrations. In the main part, the thesis deals with causes of social unrest - high food prices and other ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra blízkovýchodních studií / Department of Middle Eastern Studies
- 168 diplomová práce
- 29 2020 - 2023
- 139 2012 - 2019