Diplomové práce / Theses (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Polívka, Vojtěch
Diskurs člověka a umělé inteligence, aneb procházka tísnivým údolím In my master thesis I deal with the issue of machines, robots and artificial intelligence, which appeared in cult works of science fiction such as: the drama R.U.R by the Czech writer Karel Čapek, the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Philip K. Dick and the&... |
Žitná, Barbora
Podněty současné estetiky k uvažování o smyslech: hmat, haptika The thesis presents the impulses of contemporary aesthetics to consider the senses, specifically touch and haptics. It discusses the Austrian aesthetician and philosopher Madalina Diaconu's concept of aesthetics of the secondary senses. The first part focuses first on the senses in gener... |
Vejvodová, Lucie
Transformace antické mytologie v moderní a současné evropské literatuře This thesis delves into the transformation of myth in contemporary literature with focus on the feminist perspective. It pays attention to the structure of myth, noting its relationship to artistic creation and literary narrative, while providing an overview of feminist mythological adaptati... |
Tonar, Lenka
Tabuizace smrti v současné české společnosti: Eticko-antropologická reflexe Death is an integral part of every person's life. Death is the goal towards which every life is directed from its inception. Modern society speaks of death only in limited time and on the basis of its own experience. However, death is not uprooted from life in... |
Johanesová, Andrea
Přínos Západočeského muzea v Plzni v péči o kulturní dědictví v České republice The topic of this diploma thesis is the Contribution of the Museum of West Bohemia in Pilsen to the cultural heritage protection in the Czech Republic. The thesis presents Water Hammer Dobřív, a branch of the Museum of West Bohemia, declared a national cultural heritage, ... |
Rýdlová, Tereza
Lady Mary Wroth v kontextu alžbětinské a jakobínské literární kultury The aim of this thesis is to introduce an author of the English Jacobean era - Lady Mary Wroth, who has not been well reflected in the Czech environment yet. Her work will be analyzed in a more general literary-historical and biographical framework that is defining f... |
Lóška, Petr
Parmenidova ontologie a kosmologie This thesis focuses on Parmenides' ontology and cosmology and their relation that becomes evident in Parmenides' conception of the structure of the universe. The thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One aims at the historical context and the possible origin of Parmenide... |
Rondevaldová, Jana
Ženství v románech Virginie Woolfové. Interpretace v kontextu psychoanalytických teorií (Freud, Kleinová) The aim of this thesis is the interpretation of femininity in Virginia Woolf´s novels Mrs. Dalloway (1924) and To the Lighthouse (1927), from the perspective of psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud and Melanie Klein. The interpreatation focuses mainly on the motif of woman´s de... |
Belfínová, Lucie
Salus Infirmorum: Kulturní dějiny lékárny U Bílého jednorožce v Klatovech a jezuitská materia medica The thesis presents the Jesuits as an order whose members worked not only as missionaries, but also as educators, scientists and pharmacists. It reflects on the important role of the Jesuits during the Recatholicization in the field of the cultural history of science with refe... |
Ravingerová, Ditte Elene
Antikizující drapérie a antický oděv ve výtvarném umění 19. století Ancient clothing and its artistic stylization in the form of draped garments, especially the high degree of idealization in classical Greek sculpture and the wavy folds of flowing and clinging draped garments, became a model for later artistic representations. This thesis analyzes drape... |
Sládková, Kristýna
Poetická a mecenášská činnost Philipa Sidneyho a Mary Sidney Herbert The diploma is dedicated to Philip Sidney and Mary Sidney Herbert. It aims to analyse their cultural-literary activities with regard to the professionalisation of literary culture and the phenomenon of patronage. |
Tvrz, Jan
Jazykový model Wittgensteinovy pozdní filosofie The work is intended to serve as a bridge between two disciplines. The field of Natural Language Processing and the field of Philosophy. It is thus the culmination of my degree program in Philosophy for Artificial Intelligence. My goal is to describe the principles of nat... |
Švadlenková, Jana
Filosofické přístupy k simulaci a fikci In this paper, I will present philosophical approaches to simulation and fiction, attempting to see if we can ask similar questions within both discourses. At the same time, I will examine what ontological status objects have in fiction and simulations. I will also try to ... |
Svoboda, Zdeněk
Kulturní dědictví v kontextu památkové péče Folk architecture is one of the foundations of regional and national identity. Since the 20th century, folk buildings have been rapidly disappearing from the Czech countryside. Therefore, every surviving building is an important legacy of our past and must be cared for and valued.&... |
Hubálková, Tereza
Mecenášská a literární činnost Mary Sidney Herbert a Williama Herberta The topic of the thesis is The Patronage and Literary works of Mary Sidney Herbert and William Herbert. The work focuses primarily on the literary and patronage activities of Mary Sidney Herbert and William Herbert in Elizabethan England. It deals with the char-acteristics of ... |
Sommerová, Andrea
Christianizace Slovanů v česko-bavorském kulturním prostoru: utváření křesťanské identity Slovanů v 9.-12. století The presented work deals with the process of forming the Christian identity of early medieval Bohemia on the basis of ecclesiastical-political and historical-cultural relations with Bavaria, which were for this self-identification is crucial. The early Christianization of the Czech lands in ... |
Kaderová, Kristýna
Alžbětinská literární kultura: institut mecenášství, profesionalizace literární kultury, intelektuální kruh, ženské osobnosti The diploma thesis analyses love, beauty and despair themes in the poetry of Robert Sidney (sonnets) and William Shakespeare (narrative poems Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece and sonnets). The interpretation is done with regard to the historical, socio-cultural and religious contex... |
Štolfa, Michal
Kulturní dědictví v kontextu památkové péče The diploma thesis focuses on rural conservation areas in the territory of the Plzeň-město district and studies more closely the area located in the territory of the historic core of the village of Radčice. The goal of the thesis is to describe of the history, present... |
Neubauerová, Jana
Památková péče v západních Čechách v období 1945 - 1958 na příkladu konkrétních objektů: Kozel, Manětín, Hradiště, Zelená Hora The diploma thesis, in the form of individual case studies, vividly demonstrates the different approach of monument care in the period between 1945 - 1958 at important West Bohemian objects: Manětín, Kozel, Zelená Hora and Hradiště. It briefly describes the history of all castles... |
Tomanová, Michaela
Náboženství a sekularizační procesy The first part reflects a secularisation thesis. It includes examples of nowadays world sociologists' theories who are its primary defenders. The main focus is on the work of P. L. Berger - firstly on his for-secularisation thoughts followed by their criticism. The criticism of... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy
- 29 christianity
- 29 křesťanství
- 24 history
- 23 historie
- další >
- 468 diplomová práce
- 77 2020 - 2024
- 391 2012 - 2019