Diplomové práce / Theses (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Pauknerová, Adéla
Nové podoby náboženského života v postmoderní společnosti The diploma thesis thematically deals with the differences of religiosity within Czech and Slovak society after the split of the common state, with a focus on the Roman Catholic Church. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the influences that shaped the religious thinking ... |
Fišerová, Kateřina
Občanství v antické politické kultuře The topic of the diploma thesis is The Citizenship in Ancient Political Culture. The thesis analyzes and subsequently compares the status of Athenian citizenship and the excluded persons from it during the reign of the strategist Pericles. The first part of the thesis focuses ... |
Buriancová, Nikola
Spánek a sny ve starém Řecku This thesis describes how the phenomena of sleep and dream were shaped within the communities of ancient Greece. The theoretical and practical conceptions of sleep and dreams are linked here through Homer's epics. As evidence that a cultural tradition existed and influenced society&... |
Huikari, Sarah
Tadeáš Hájek z Hájku v kontextu evropské intelektuální sítě The thesis is focused on the personality of Tadeáš Hájek of Hájek in the context of the European intellectual network. The principle of scientific communication in the 16th century is based on correspondence, the exchange of students and professors within European universities, the ... |
Onuma, Emmanuel O.
Náboženství a sekularizmus v Evropě podle Josepha Ratzingera - Benedikta XVI. Evropa jako kontinent byla založena na třech základních základech: starověké řecké filozofii, římské civilizaci a křesťanské víře. Evropa vešla ve známost jako křesťanský kontinent, založený na křesťanských zásadách a chráněný podle nich. Evropa se v poslední době stala sekulárním kontinentem, um... |
Tůmová, Petra
Dějiny premonstrátského kláštera v Milevsku: Milevský klášter od jeho založení po současnost The diploma thesis describes the history of the Premonstratensian Monastery in Milevsko since its foundation between years 1184-1187 up to the present day. It aims to present a comprehensive historical development of the monastery with the focus on the order of its abbots and ... |
Asongu, Timothy Terna
Lekce z historie: česká kultura a řecký příklad To this one taken through some historical maladies of the Czechs that the resultant effects is what is seen today and comparing it to the Greece world to see where one can have a reassessment of how The Modern Greece Culture is able to maintain its religious lif... |
Tesařová, Barbora
Obraz ženy v řeckém mýtu The work focuses on the Homeric epics Iliad and Odyssey. I deal with the problem of the position of women in the Homeric age. The work shows, through several selected female characters from Homeric epics, the place of women in contemporary thinking, especially with regard ... |
Kish, Sergej
Jak a proč je třeba komunikovat neexistenci svobodné vůle široké veřejnosti Theses analyses folk intuitions about impossibility of free will and practices connected to it (punishment, distributive justice). Folk intuitions are compared with philosophical theories and it is concluded that philosophical attitudes are more positive than lay people's ones. Drawing on wor... |
Blažková, Jesika
Myšlenkový experiment "mozek v kádi" This master thesis discusses the problem of simulation through a thought experiment "Brain in a vat" in Hilary Putnam's thinking. The thesis analyses skeptical scenarios in concepts of selected thinkers that are related to the theme of simulated reality, and then makes a... |
Matějková, Tereza
Intence autora a čtenáře v současných teoriích interpretace This thesis focuses on the intention of the author and the intention of the reader in contemporary theories of interpretation, specifically in mimetic theory of interpretation and the theory of fictional worlds. The aim of the thesis is to explore what is more important in... |
Ambrožová, Lenka
Stoické pojetí přírody The aim of this thesis is to analyze and intepret the cosmological concepttion of the Stoics and its physical and metaphysical preconditions. The thesis covers topics such as the notion of active and passive principles, elemental theory, the notion of pneuma introduced by Chrysippu... |
Barochová, Naďa
Řecká archaická antropologie - Autonomie člověka v homérském světě, vliv bohů a prostředí The topic of the diploma thesis is Human Autonomy in the Homeric world, the Influence of Gods and the Environment. The thesis describes the Homeric world as the first more coherently preserved concept of the perspective of European man. It focuses on the mythological layer... |
Smolíková, Nicole
Intelektuální kruh Philipa Sidneyho (se zaměřením na korespondenční sítě, kontinentální vazby a české prostředí) This diploma thesis is focused on the network of Philip Sidney which he formed during his Grand Tour in the continental Europe. The main purpose is to analyse the contacts in pursuence of two layers, the first based on the geographical classification and the second on... |
Petrášová, Martina
Hledání Božího jména v dílech Mikuláše Kusánského The thesis deals with the analysis of God's name in the work of the Renaissance thinker Nicolaus Cusanus. It clearly describes and formulates concepts such as affirmative and negative theology, further deals with information about God's names in general, when, following this int... |
Zinnerová, Kateřina
Komplementarita východního a západního přístupu ke zkoumání vědomí The significant difference between Eastern and Western approaches to consciousness originates from the inseparable connection between religion and philosophy in the East and, on the other hand, the focus on exact scientific approaches in the West. The initial hypothesis of this diploma ... |
Čtveráková, Radka
Použití jazykových prostředků ve vybraných sociálně-psychologických experimentech The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of language means used in social-psychological experiments, which are focused on obedience to authority (Milgram's experiment and Stanford prison experiment). The analysis is performed using the theory of speech acts. The thesis explains Austin's... |
Míková, Denisa
Automatická detekce trollů na českém Twitteru There are thousands of new social media accounts created on a daily basis. People share their everyday life, get inspired, widen their perspective or maintain contact with their loved ones. Every day, we can observe the growing popularity of social media. Therefore, there is n... |
Routová, Klára
Reflexe motivu a rituálů smrti v alžbětinském dramatu (koncept očistce, pohřební rituály) The work analyzes the motifs and rituals of death in Elizabethan drama in the context of the time. For a more accurate analysis, it describes the contemporary context, the Reformation and the space of Elizabethan drama, then analyzes selected works by William Shakespeare, Christoph... |
Suchanová, Kateřina
Otázka myšlenkového a kulturního dědictví. Interpretace Szlezákovy knihy Za co vděčí Evropa Řekům. The subject of this diploma thesis, the topic of which is The question of intellectual and cultural heritage. Interpretation of Szlezák's book What Europe owes to the Greek, it is to present and analyze the main thesis of this book. Part of the work is an effort&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy
- 29 christianity
- 29 křesťanství
- 24 history
- 23 historie
- další >
- 468 diplomová práce
- 77 2020 - 2024
- 391 2012 - 2019