Diplomové práce / Theses (KAP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 361 až 380 z 421
Píšová, Eva
Urbánní chudoba v zemích Východoafrického společenství

Poverty is one of the biggest problems in our contemporary world. At the end of 19th we can find first scientific definitions of poverty. Most of definitions we use today emerged in 20th and 21st century. There are many conceptions of poverty today. I have chosen a&#...

Procházka, Václav
Krajně pravicové strany v zemích Visegrádské čtyřky

This work deals with the far-right parties in the area of Visegrad countries. The strongest far-right is in Hungary, where the local party Jobbik is the third strongest party now. In general, we can say that the far-right parties in the Visegrad countries meet the same&#x...

Fabiánová, Pavlína
Finlandizace a její současné projevy v zahraniční politice Finska

The target of the maaster thesis is to find out if the current foreign policy is still determinded by policy of finlandisation. Finlandisation is understood without any nagative consequences. Finlandisation is used as a designation for the pragmatic way of Finnish foreign policy du...

Poláková, Simona
Role Ruska v integračních procesech v postsovětském prostoru

The aim of this thesis was to analyze and evaluate the role of Russia in the integration processes in the post-Soviet space. The analysis was based on research foreign policy of the Russian Federation and the interests of great powers that promote their interests in the&#...

Taušek, Václav
Koncept regionotvornosti : Aplikace na region Pobaltí

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, Baltic countries have become sovereign region in the Central European Europe. The region occupies strategic position in the East coast of the Baltic sea. In 1991, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia gained independence. After re-establishment of independ...

Novotná, Lucie
Je rozvojová pomoc klíčem k rozvoji? Komparace Mozambiku, Botswany a Zambie.

Official development assistance is a systematic, long-term aid of material and non-material character provided to countries that are not able to provide stability on their own state and effectively solve development problems. Assistance and support is a catalyst of (r) evolutionary changes&#...

Taušek, Václav
Koncept regionotvornosti : Aplikace na region Pobaltí a region zemí Baltského moře.

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, Baltic countries have become sovereign region in the Central European Europe. The region occupies strategic position in the East coast of the Baltic sea. In 1991, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia gained independence. After re-establishment of independ...

Sváčková, Marie
Vliv internetu na funkce a vnitřní organizaci politických stran

The main aim of the diploma thesis is to find the answers to seven main research questions about the influence of the internet on political parties in the Great Britain and Germany which arise from the Techno-determinist perspective. The text of the thesis is divided into...

Samec, Filip
Populismus na Slovensku

This paper is concerned with the conceptualisation of the term populism and possibilities of its application on the democratic regimes, primly on case of Slovak republic, which is used to verify/falzify of hypothesis, that populism is useable and useful concept in frame of pol...

Dolejšková, Kateřina
Bezpečnostní problematika Malacké úžiny

This thesis analyzes the security threats in the Malacca Strait. These threats affect not only littoral states in the Malacca Straits, but also threaten states which the channel uses for maritime navigation. The analysis focuses on securitized threats and measures against these threats....

Doljaková, Aneta
Geopolitický region Pobaltí - Přechodný region nebo pásmo otřesu?

The thesis focuses on the transnational region of the Baltic States and it researches its geopolitical role in the regional and international relations. A theoretical framework of the thesis is the concept of an American researcher Saul Bernard Cohen dealing with two specific model...

Čurdová, Pavlína
Čínská energetická politika

China?s energy policy is a major concern among Chinese national-security interests. China?s energy policy has strong impact on international affairs because of the size of the country. This is the reason why it?s interesting to examine this topic. The aim of this thesis is to&...

Rýglová, Monika
Role OBSE při řešení národnostních a etnických konfliktů v postsovětském prostoru

The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe was founded in 1994 and it overtook the agenda of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe. When bipolar confrontation and transformation ended in the early 1990s, the OSCE became the biggest regional security or...

Bubeníková, Miluša
Komparace bezpečnostní politiky Ruské federace v 90. letech a po roce 2000 vůči postsovětskému prostoru

The aim of this thesis is to compare the security politics to wards post-Soviet area during the Jelcin´s a Putin´s admininstration to 2008. Hypothesis of the thesis is the Putin´s administration brought fundamental changes to Russian security politics to wards post-Soviet area. The ...

Bechyně, Pavel
Instrumentální využívání symbolu Sametové revoluce v politice

This diploma thesis deals with instrumental usage of velvet revolution symbol in Czech policy for which the theories of post-socialism, political symbolism, political representation and anticommunism are crucial. First part of the thesis is mostly theoretical and describes the relation of &#...

Bendová, Kristina
Život v okolí velkých jezer ve východní Africe (výukový projekt pro střední školu)

This diploma thesis is focused on the determination of East Africa from the point of view of physical and socio-economic geography. The part dedicated to the physical geography describes the geology, geomorphology, climate, hydrography, pedo-geography, bio-geography and the nature conservation in...

Bartošová, Barbora
Spolupráce a koordinace politik donorských a recipientských států

This thesis with the title "Cooperation and coordination of politics of donor and recipient states" deals with the idea of harmonization of development strategies. The thesis focuses primarily on coordination of development politics in health sphere. Particularly in this sphere there&#x...

Pecnová, Magdalena
Role polského prezidenta v zahraniční politice Polska

The work focuses on the role of the Polish president in foreign policy of the country, where there is examining the issue of constitutional law and compliance. Furthermore, the attempt to answer the question whether the Polish president has some important position in its forei...

Knotková, Marcela
Sekty v ČR, možnosti poradenství na středních školách, prevence manipulativního působení na mládež

The thesis explains issues about new religion movements adn sects in the Czech Republic. The target is a prepare educational material for the teachers of secondary school, especially for the teachers of Basics of Social Sciences. Provide them basic summary about sects and new...

Knotková, Marcela
Sekty v ČR, možnosti poradenství na středních školách, prevence manipulativního působení na mládež

The thesis explains issues about new religion movements adn sects in the Czech Republic. The target is a prepare educational material for the teachers of secondary school, especially for the teachers of Basics of Social Sciences. Provide them basic summary about sects and new ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 361 až 380 z 421