Title: Surface reconstruction from scattered point data: technical report no. DCSE/TR-2004-04
Authors: Varnuška, Michal
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Document type: zpráva
URI: http://www.kiv.zcu.cz/publications/
Keywords: povrch;rekonstrukce;algoritmus
Keywords in different language: surface;reconstruction;algorithm
Abstract in different language: The surface reconstruction is a common problem in a modern computer graphics, there are many applications which need to work with a piecewise linear approximation of the existing real 3D objects. One of the methods for acquiring these models is the digitization of the real 3D object using many types of devices followed by the point cloud reconstruction. We use for the reconstruction the CRUST algorithm which works on the principle of selecting surface triangles from Delaunay tetrahedronization using the information from dual Voronoi diagram. This algorithm has nice properties but as other reconstruction algorithm, it is not working properly for each kind of data. Our goal is to develop some improvements of this algorithm or a new algorithm which will be able to handlemany kinds of data and properly reconstruct the surface. The presented report contains the state of the art in the given computer graphics area, it aims to the description of two important algorithms CRUST and COCONE and it shows the common problems with the problematic datasets, published improvements and presumptive future work.
Rights: © University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Appears in Collections:Zprávy / Reports (KIV)

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