Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ungrová, Tereza
Integrace arabské kultury do české společnosti This bachelor's thesis, Integration of Arab culture into Czech society, is devoted to how the integration of the Arab (muslim) minority into Czech society takes place. The main goal of this thesis is to describe the historical overview of this integration and to analyze th... |
Zoulíková, Tereza
Dějiny obce Hradištko v letech 1945-1960 The bachelor thesis deals with the history of the village of Hradištko, located in the Prague-West district. It primarily focuses on the development of the village between 1945-1960. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part presents the origin and development of t... |
Horová, Eva
Vývoj výchovy k občanství na území ČR od roku 1918 The bachelor's thesis deals with the origin and resulting development of civic education as an isolated subject in the Czech Republic until 1918. My attention is focused on elementary, formerly civic, schools. The work is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The... |
Záhoříková, Aneta
Brdy jako fenomén v historii This bachelor thesis deals with the history of the Brdy Military Training Area, primarily focusing on the are of the former Jince Military Training Grounds. The main output of the thesis, besides summarizing the history of Brdy in various historical periods, is an didactic app... |
Tlustý, Matěj
Kostel Všech svatých na Roudné The topic of this bachelor thesis is the building of the All Saints Church in Roudná in Pilsen. The aim of the thesis is to explore the history and architecture of this church, its cultural significance and its relationship to the urban environment. Within the framework... |
Plevová, Stella
Menšiny v kontextu českého vzdělávacího systému The bachelor thesis is focused on the education of pupils who represent national, or ethnic minorities. The theoretical part presents the challenges and barriers to the education of pupils in the context of the essential document of the Czech educational system which is Strategie... |
Fiala, Miloš
Vilém starší Popel z Lobkowicz This bachelor thesis is devoted to the life of Vilém the Elder Popel of Lobkowicz, a protestant aristocrat who made a significant contribution to the history of the Estates Revolt, first as a director and then as the kingdom's highest hofmeister. The thesis describes the... |
Jakoubek, Jiří
125 let tramvajové dopravy v Plzni This year, the city of Pilsen will celebrate 125 years since the first tram passed through its streets. This bachelor thesis was created on the occasion of this jubilee. It brings a new concept of this topic. The author combines two levels in his work. On the on... |
Jansa, Otakar
Hrady a tvrze kolem Metuje a Úpy v časech kolonizace 13.-15. století The bachelor thesis is devoted to fortified points in the area of the upper and middle reaches of the East Bohemian rivers Metuje and Úpa in the period of medieval colonization from the 13th to the 15th century, specifically to 28 objects that are the most... |
Svobodová, Jana
Kapitoly ze života Václava Havla jako inspirace v občanském vzdělávání The bachelor thesis will focus on selected chapters from the life of the prominent Czech intellectual and statesman Václav Havel (1936-2011), who fundamentally influenced Czech, European and world reflection on democracy and the functioning of civil society. Individual chapters will focus on... |
Sedláček, Kryštof
Vazby 2. pěší divize Armády Spojených států amerických na Československo This bachelor's thesis maps the bonds of the 2nd Infantry Division to Czechoslovakia that were formed during the 20th century and continue to this day. At the beginning of the thesis, the history of the division itself and its campaign during World War II is briefly... |
Dvořáková, Kristýna
Atentát na Karla Kramáře The bachelor thesis deals with the personality of Karel Kramář from his childhood until the assassination of which was committed on him. Specifically, the work concerns Kramář's childhood and studies, his journey to politics. Furthermore, in this work we find Kramář's work in... |
Janeček, Jiří
Sokolské hnutí na Kralovicku From the second half of the 19th century, associations were established in the Czech lands, including the physical education units of the Sokol in the Kralovice region. The Czech Sokol was founded in 1862 by Miroslav Tyrš and Jindřich Fügner. The Sokol developed and new f... |
Salivarová, Iva
Sociální média jako součást sociální komunikace This thesis deals with social media as part of social communication. The theoretical part of the thesis describes communication and social media, including individual platforms. The practical part of the thesis deals with the collection and interpretation of data on the use of soci... |
Pavlíček, Jan
Demografický vývoj Lokte v 19. století This bachelor's thesis focuses on the demographic development in Loket in the 19th century. The aim of the thesis is to capture and describe the demographic development of the town of Loket in the 19th century using digitalized registers, specialized literature, periodicals, and... |
Romanuttiová, Markéta
Kronika městečka Rabštejna nad Střelou 1836-1846 The bachelor's thesis deals with the chronicle of the town of Rabštejn nad Střelou kept in the years 1836-1846. The work first introduces the general charakteristics of the town, through its geography, demography and brief historical development. The greater part of the text is... |
Kovář, Josef
Vývoj a typologie písma v různých civilizacích This thesis deals with the chronological development of writing, types of writing systems across the world with a more detailed description of the development of writing in our territory and the use of this topic in teaching. It also contains the issue of the neces... |
Sutnar, Aleš
Historie T.J. Sokol Plzeň V. This bachelor's thesis describes the historical development of the Physical education (PE) unit Sokol Plzeň V. This PE unit was founded in 1907 after the fifth all-Sokol gathering, from which it derives its name to certain extent. In its heyday it was a favorite associatio... |
Sluková, Barbora
Česko a Evropa v politickém myšlení Václava Havla jako prezidenta republiky (1989 až 2003) I focused my bachelor's thesis on the topic of the Czechia and Europe in the political thinking of Václav Havel as president of the republic (1989 to 2003). Specifically, I focus on his reflection on the position of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic within Europe... |
Černá, Michaela
Převaděčství po únorovém převratu 1948 na západních hranicích Šumavy The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of smuggling, which occurred after the February 1948 coup d'état as a consequence of the closure of the Czechoslovak state borders. The first part of the thesis describes the changes in the political leadership of the then Czechoslo... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra historie / Department of History