Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Plechatý, Martin
Historie sedlčanského gymnázia The aim of the thesis is to provide a complex overview of establishment and development of Grammar School and High School of Economics in Sedlcany. The text is focusing on all the aspects which were included in this complicated process. Another goal of the theses is ... |
Hanzlíčková, Barbora
Ochotnické spolky na Plasku a Kaznějovsku The bachelor's thesis follows voluntary theatre activity in the region of Plasko and Kaznějovsko in northern Pilsen in the period from the second half of the 19th century to the present. The thesis analyses the historical development of amateur theatrical production depending on... |
Drchotová, Johanka
Historie obce Jemnice u Tisové In my bachelor´s thesis I study history and destiny of the village Jemnice near Tisová in district Tachov. I divided my thesis in several parts. I am dedicated to a general acquaintance with the area, individual historical periods of the village and the local population´s ... |
Štěpánek, Prokop
Českoslovenští emigranti v amerických ozbrojených silách za Druhé světové války This thesis follows up stories about men of Czech and Slovakian ancestry who served in the US armed forces during 2nd World War. First part consists of general events that led to the US entrance into the war. Second part follows up a topic of emigration from the... |
Cepníková, Karolína
Agrese ve společnosti The bachelor thesis describes aggression in society. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the concept as such, deals with the forms of aggression and its main causes. The thesis explains that aggression is not necessarily a negative phenomenon. The practical part of the ... |
Drozdová, Tereza
Menšiny žijící v České republice This bachelor thesis deals with Vietnamese minority living in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work is to explain history, culture and language of this minority. An extensive chapter is aimed on the second objective of this work, which is evaluation of integration of t... |
Straková, Izabela
Bitva u Znojma The bachelor thesis deals with one of the little known battles of the Napoleonic era, the Battle of Znaim which took place in July 1809 and was the last battle to be fought on the main front of the War of the Fifth Coalition. The first part of this the... |
Vrzalová, Petra
Život v obci Rabštejn nad Střelou od vzniku Československa do konce 2. světové války s jejími dozvuky a vlivem na místní obyvatelstvo This bachelor thesis deals with the historical development of Rabštejn nad Střelou, a county town, throughout the years 1918-1946, during the times of the First Czechoslovak Republic, through the Second World War, until the beginning of the so-called Third Czechoslovak Republic. The the... |
Michlová, Natálie
Kolín za druhé světové války The thesis focuses on the city of Kolín during the Second World War. Ethnic disputes in the Czechoslovak border region resulted in the signing of the Munich Agreement, which was an act of German, so far only diplomatic, aggression. Another hostile act of Nazi Germa... |
Polák, Daniel
Projevy poslanců SDP v Československém parlamentu The bachelor's thesis on "Speeches of SdP parliament members in Czechoslovak parliament" tries to deal with the origin and gradual development of the Sudeten German Patriotic Front and the emergence and development of the Sudeten German Party, which originated from the Sudeten&... |
Fialová, Eliška
Hrady, zámky a tvrze Sokolovska po roce 1989 The bachelor thesis deals with the fate of castles, chateaus and fortresses in Sokolov region since the year 1989. The early history of those structures and their owners is describe here. The information about the location and prior research is provided. In ... |
Petrová, Anna
Kroniky jako historický pramen This bachelor deals with the topic of chronicles and it is focused on municipal chronicles. It is divided into seven parts, including an introduction and a conclusion. At first, there are described general characteristic, development and distribution of chronicles. After that, the work&... |
Burdová, Lenka
Ohrožené a zaniklé kostely současnosti v okolí města Boru Title: Endangered and extinct churches of the present in the area of Microregion Borsko The bachelor thesis deals with endangered and extinct churches of the present in the area of Microregion Borsko (Tachov district). The theoretical part contains general information ... |
Dobrovolná, Petra
Socialismus a kolektivizace očima pamětníků na Vysočině This bachelor's thesis introduces the issue of nationalisation in Vysočina region through the perspective of local eye witnesses. The work consists of 5 chapters in total, from which first four are theoretical and the final fifth one includes the interviews with local re... |
Vítková, Klára
Černínské Chudenice: kolébka rodu a aristokratická rezidence v 18. století This bachelor thesis deals with the Czernin family and its construction activities in Chudenice, in which it made a great contribution. The Czernin family has always been associated with the southwest town Chudenice. We can already find the first mention in the end of the ... |
Šimková, Kamila
Operace Out Distance Bachelor thesis deals with the resistance activities of the parachute group Out Distance. This operation was prepared by the Ministry of National Defense of the Czechoslovak government in exile in London. The group Out Distance was deployed to the protectorate at the end of Ma... |
Lukešová, Marie
Jan Vojtěch Černín z Chudenic - nejvyšší český lovčí a stavitel zámku Kozel This bachelor's thesis presents the personality of Jan Vojtěch Černín from Chudenice, an enlightened nobleman who is mainly known as the builder of Kozel Castle. The thesis describes the life of Jan Vojtěch and places it in the context of time. It is primarily focused ... |
Zelenka, Ladislav
Chodsko v Říšské župě Sudety (1938/39-1945) The bachelor thesis will focus on the analysis of the situation of part of Chodsko, especially Horšovskotýnsko, which was occupied in 1938 by the National Socialist German Empire and in 1939 became part of the Imperial Sudetenland. The events before the signing of the Munich... |
Sebjánová, Markéta
Kněžský život v Československu v době normalizace The bachelor thesis deals with the life of priests who worked in Czechoslovakia during the normalization period. The aim of the thesis was to present the life stories of six priests who courageously worked in the official church of the seventies and eighties. The thesis i... |
Šuttová, Aneta
Augustiniánský klášter Svatá Dobrotivá v Zaječově This bachelor thesis deals with the Augustinian monastery of St. Dobrotivá in Zaječov. It introduces readers to its chronologically composed history and focuses on important events in its history. To summarize all the context, the work also contains a brief history of the Augustini... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra historie / Department of History
- 245 bakalářská práce
- 88 2020 - 2024
- 157 2012 - 2019