Diplomové práce / Theses (KHI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Lang, Martin
Didaktické metody pro výuku tématu osvobození západních Čech americkou armádou v roce 1945 The diploma thesis deals with didactic grasp of the topic of liberation of West Bohemia by the US Army in 1945. The thesis contains basic facts necessary for creating an adequate theoretical basis of the teacher and subsequently deals with didactic possibilities in teaching th... |
Malecha, Petr
Aplikace moderních technologií při vyučování dějepisu na ZŠ In the thesis I deal with applications of modern technologies in the teaching of history in Czech primary education. I deal with historical developments in the field of integration of modern technologies into education. I dedicate space to terminology and theoretical problems that ... |
Kreuzerová, Jaroslava
Lidová tradice a folklór Klatovska ve vyučování dějepisu a vlastivědy The diploma thesis deals with the general characteristics of selected holidays during the year and the traditions associated with them. This general characteristic is complemented by oral-historical research mapping the specific manifestations of observance of these traditions in specific families... |
Svoboda, Lukáš
Výměna obyvatelstva a majetkové změny v Plesné v letech 1945-1948 This diploma thesis was dedicated to the exchange of the citizens and the property changes connected to it in Plesná in the years 1945-1948. The aim of this piece of work was the attempt of the descriptive viewpoint on this issue. From the point of view of the... |
Hálková, Lenka
Experimentální archeologie - doba laténská ve vyučování dějepisu The diploma thesis introduces the experimental archaeology and explains its use in teaching at the higher primary schools and lower grammar schools. The first chapter is focused on terminology and development of the experimental archaeology. The second chapter introduces the La Tene per... |
Pacáková, Klára
Těškov v letech 1945 - 1989 This thesis is about the history of the village Těškov. The main part is focused on the years 1945 - 1989. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter summarizes life in Těškov during World War II. The next chapters describe events in Těškov in ... |
Ticháčková, Dana
Projektové vyučování ve vlastivědě This diploma thesis is engaged in project learning and its use in elementary school. Project learning, beside traditional frontal learning , departed from stable learning methods and processes in Czech education. Because of concrete example of a project in elementary school engaged in... |
Heicl, Jakub
Průmysl západočeské metropole - industrializace historické Plzně This thesis aims to compare industry development in various historical periods of the Pilsen city. Thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical section, I deal mainly with concepts and theories related to the subject. In the practical part, I focus... |
Acar, Lenka
Dějiny kosmonautiky The thesis is divided into theoretical part and didactic applications. The theoretical part is divided into the development of the Soviet Union. Furthermore, the work deals with the cosmic program and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The author has not neglected the influenc... |
Pánek, Petr
Využití médií při výuce dějepisu This diploma thesis tries to deal with the theme of media in history education. |
Váchalová, Tereza
Dějiny obce Neúměř na Holýšovsku The Neuměř village is located in Holýšov town region. The first mention of the village dates back to the 16th century when the place was under the administration of the Gutstein's family. This thesis deals with a historical development of the village from the first me... |
Peroutková, Markéta
Matouš Mandl a jeho význam pro Plzeň JUDr. Matouš Mandl was a Czech lawyer, a politician and a functionary who worked primarily in the 1st half of the 20th century in Pilsen. He was born on 27th January 1867 in Pilsen. He was one of the most search lawyers in Pilsen. Long time he was a le... |
Hauserová, Hana
České a německé školství na Tachovsku My graduate thesis focuses on history of the Czech and German education in Tachov district. History of this territory is linked to the situation before the World War II. The population there was formed mostly by Germans.The significant part of this graduate thesis describes Cz... |
Soukup, Jiří
Učitelství v rodině Jindřicha Jindřicha The aim of my diploma thesis is to introduce the influence and significance of the teaching profession in Jindřich Jindřich's family, as well as to describe his life and art orientation, and to summarize his music and ethnographic work. I have focused primarily on hi... |
Tisotová, Klára
Významné osobnosti německých škol v Plzni In my thesis I have devoted to individual German schools in Pilsen. These are both primary and secondary schools. In the annual reports, I found out that a number of prominent personalities studied at these schools. I have devoted each person to a separate subchapter. The... |
Drlík, Matouš
Rokycansko v didaktických aplikacích pro 1. stupeň ZŠ This diploma thesis, Rokycansko in didactic applications in elementary school, is focused on significant monuments of region. The thesis is structured into two parts theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, there was the main aim to include the widest spectrum of... |
Opálecká, Kateřina
Historie Berouna ve vyučování na 1. stupni ZŠ In my thesis I worked on history of the town Beroun and its nearest surroundings. Beroun has lots of historical and cultural sights. There are many unique attractions in Český kras and Křivoklátsko. History of this region is very significant for history of the whole ... |
Wernerová, Gabriela
Historie Sokolovska v didaktických aplikacích pro vyučování na 1. stupni I have focused at the history of the town Sokolov in my dissertation. It´s divaded to the theoretical, practical and the didactic parts. The theoretical part deals with history of the town Sokolov. It deals with older and modern history, the sign and the sighseeing... |
Laudová, Dita
Historie Dobřichovic ve vyučování na 1. stupni ZŠ The thesis deals with the regional history of the town of Dobřichovice and its didactic use at the first degree of primary school. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part, which is chronologically classified into chapters, introduces the hist... |
Jesínek, Lukáš
Plzeňské školství a jeho významné osobnosti v 19. stol. The thesis is concerned with the Pilsen education system during the 19th century and the prominent figures who have contributed to its development. The paper is divided into two parts. The first part is primarily focused on the first half of the 19th century, while the... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra historie / Department of History