Diplomové práce / Theses (KHI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šafanda, Petr
Život v zaniklých sídlech na Tachovsku (Kulturně-historická topografie) The history of the defunct villages in the Tachovsk Region, especially the life of the inhabitants in these villages, is still shrouded in mystery. An insight into the everyday life of the predominantly German population living here shows their daily problems that had to be... |
Syřínková, Eliška
Osobnost českého herce Františka Kreuzmanna st. This diploma thesis deals with the life and work of the Czech dramatic and film actor František Kreuzmann Sr., who created hundreds of diverse characters in theatre and film. This great Czech actor went through interesting and groundbreaking historical moments in Czech history that... |
Buňková, Klára
Vývoj školství v Kralovicích v politickém a kulturním kontextu (1869-1989) This diploma thesis focuses on the development of educational institutions providing basic education in Kralovice from the year 1869, when the so-called Great Reich law was published, until 1989, which is one of the most important moments in the modern history of Czechoslovakia. Th... |
Lorenc, Marcel
Dějiny Kraslicka This diploma thesis describes the historical development of the Kraslicko region from the prehistoric era to 1945. The purpose of the thesis is to present life through all historical periods as thoroughly as possible. This is why the thesis describes the colonization of Kraslicko... |
Bence, Roman
Třebíč jako památka UNESCO v didaktické aplikaci pro ZŠ a SŠ The topic of this graduate thesis is the history of UNESCO monuments in Trebic that are connected to the relationship between Jewish and Christian inhabitance. The main goal is to represent the Jewish district in detail with its cemetery and basilica of saint Prokop as a&... |
Holek, Vladimír
Osobnosti v historii Rokycan - vybrané kapitoly z regionálních dějin s edukačním využitím The subject of research of this diploma thesis are significant personalities of the town of Rokycany and their didactic application for secondary and grammar schools. The diploma thesis introduces individual life destinies of the personalities in the context of general and regional hist... |
Šmerdová, Veronika
Digitální technologie ve vyučování vybraných kapitol dějepisu 6. ročníku ZŠ The thesis focuses on the ways of introducing digital technologies into teaching in the environment of Czech primary schools. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the history of the use of the first teaching machines, then computers, and finally today's advanced techno... |
Mašlová, Kristýna
Dějepis v projektech. Didaktické aplikace vyučování na ZŠ. The diploma thesis titled "History in projects" is about project teaching as one of the modern didactic methods in the constructivist concept of education, in history classes on the second level of primary school and in eight or six-year grammar schools. The goal of ... |
Martinovská, Michaela
Pojetí osobnosti Adolfa Hitlera v didaktice za použití moderní technologie The work deals with the personality of Adolf Hitler in didactics. In the theoretical part I deal with the personality itself, the practical part deals with specific lessons on this topic. At the same time, I taught my practical part in elementary school in the seventh... |
Fojtíková, Adéla
Jan Blažej Santini-Aichl Johann Blasius Santini-Aichel was a leading representative of Baroque-Gothic at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries in the Czech lands. He created many monumental buildings that attract tourists to this day. His clients were mainly abbots of church orders, namely the Cistercian... |
Železná, Kateřina
Vimperk v období 1968-1989 The diploma thesis describes the history of the town of Vimperk from 1968 to 1989, which are the main milestones in the history of the Czechoslovak Republic. In each chapter we focus on society, sports, education and industry in the city of Vimperk. It also deals wit... |
Kabourek, Jakub
Chodsko v didaktických aplikacích ve vyučování na ZŠ The diploma thesis deals with the examination of selected chapters of the history of Chodsko. In the given issue, I analyzed the individual periods of human history that influenced the historical development of this area. In my work I also focused on the application of se... |
Pavezová, Markéta
Historie Nýřanska ve vyučování na 1.stupni ZŠ. This diploma thesis focuses on the history of the Nýřany region and on the possibilities of using local history resources for teaching in primary schools. The first, theoretical part includes the history of the Nýřany region from prehistoric settlements to... |
Glazer, Tomáš
Kapitoly ze školství českých krajanů v rumunském Banátu The thesis is about selected chapters from education of Czech compatriots in Romanian Banat. The beginning is about colonization of Banat by Czech colonizers and about historical development of school in Gârnic. Large part of the work relates to people, who studied there. There... |
Kalinová, Michaela
Regionální dějiny v didaktických aplikacích This diploma thesis deals with the history of Pilsen's regional architecture and its changes according to artistic styles from the oldest to the contemporary. The introduction acquaints the reader with the character of the Pilsen region, in which three specifics are selected, accord... |
Trojanec, Matěj
Sport a tělesná výchova v osudech vybraných historických osobností My long-term interest in the history of sport helped to create an interesting concept which tries to offer a slightly different view of historical topics. Its goal is to cover historical topics which have an indisputable connection with any physical preparation and subsequently... |
Trnka, Michal
Pravěk v regionálních dějinách - severní Plzeňsko This diploma thesis focuses on the prehistoric settlement of the northern Pilsen region especially on the prehistoric cultures that took turns in the region during decades. The obtained and processed information can be used to as a supplement and variegation of history teaching for... |
Topitschová, Petra
Vlastivědné didaktické inspirace v Tachově pro 5. ročník ZŠ. The thesis is divided into two pivotal parts. The first part focuses on the history of the town Tachov. The content of the second part of the thesis concerns about didactic activities that can be used in Science classes in the 5th grade of primary school. The en... |
Denková, Markéta
Pochody smrti na Tachovsku - didaktické využití tématu na 2. stupni ZŠ There are many publications dealing with the theme of death marches. Fewer of them map the death marches in Tachov region, the main reason for this is the lack of sources. The original documents from which the information could be obtained are preserved just very little,&... |
Jandová, Barbora
Berounsko v letech 1945 - 1968 The thesis deals with the events that took place between the years 1945-1968 in a small region called Berounsko. The thesis describes the post-war development of the region, the February coup and society in the 50s and 60s years. The conclusion of this thesis is devoted... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra historie / Department of History