Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KVK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Denková, Adéla
Tělo v abstrakci The author will create a series of photographs based on portrait and nude photography. The body will be stylized using selected UV color technology so that color and color composition become the dominant expressive means of stylizing the figure, inspired by selected artistic moveme... |
Lohrová, Petra
Série velkoplošných maleb vybraných mytologických legend The thesis consists of 3 parts - theoretical, practical and didactic. In the theoretical part, I describe selected mythological legends. The first legend is from Norse mythology, the second legend is from Celtic mythology, and the third legend is from Greek mythology. In the p... |
Kleinová, Štěpánka
Velkoformátová kresba - Sedm smrtelných hříchů Seven figurative B1 format drawings on the theme of the seven deadly sins, updated to today's society and the problems of the young generation related to specific sins. |
Kopřivová, Tereza
Fenomén smrti ve výtvarném umění This thesis deals with the identification and interpretation of the theme of death in the visual art of medieval Europe. Temporally, the work is delimited to the medieval period, with the main timeframe ranging from the 11th to the 16th century. Within the context of cult... |
Florianová, Pavla
Dračí Doupě This bachelor thesis explores the connection between the world of fantasy games, particularly Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), and educational goals. It analyses the history of D&D, its game rules and philosophical aspects. It also focuses on the didactic possibilities of using D&D... |
Cieslarová, Adéla
Emoční stavy v abstraktní malbě The bachelor thesis is divided into three basic parts. Theoretical, practical and didactic parts. The theoretical part of the thesis analyses and examines how artists in certain artistic directions express and interpret their emotions in their works, and what psychological mechanisms are... |
Bočanová, Eliška
Okem jehly-Výšivka jako způsob výtvarného vyjádření This bachelor thesis explores embroidery as a means of artistic expression and its potential within art education in primary schools. Through a historical overview of the development of embroidery in 20th and 21st century art, original experiments with embroidery on various materials an... |
Tušlová, Tereza
Korzet z recyklovatelného materiálu The bachelor thesis deals with the interconnection of the world of fashion and art with an emphasis on non-traditional materials. The thesis focuses on the corset as one example of a bizarre fashion trend and its development throughout history. It also explores the connection ... |
Hnízdilová, Kristýna
Radost jako námět i cíl výtvarných činností v mateřské škole In my bachelor thesis, I explore the relationship between art education and joy in preschool children. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I elucidate the concepts of joy and happiness from both psychological and philosophical perspectives and their practical applications. Furthermore,... |
Kubátová, Lenka
Co vidím, když zavřu oči? My bachelor thesis on "What I see when I close my eyes" is divided into three parts. In the theoretical part, I am mainly focused on abstract art and I focus on the facts that appear in my following work. I am explaining how patterns are created behind... |
Bohdálková, Alice
Autorský oděv a využití oděvního návrhářství v pedagogické praxi The bachelor thesis examines modern textile art and the historical development of clothing in the theoretical part. It also focuses on the ecological aspects of fashion and practically implements the creation of a wool coat with underpainted embroidery. The work combines theory with... |
Beníšková, Simona
Člověk na vrcholu - cyklus reportážních fotografií The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a series of reportage photographs called Man on the Peak, based on sports and landscape photography, inspired by mountaineering activities and mountain tourism. The whole cycle of photographs is designed using digital ... |
Adamová, Evelína
Rozvíjení představivosti při výtvarných činnostech v mateřské škole The work is aimed at developing imagination in art activities in kindergarten. The theoretical part describes imagination, the characteristics of the child's psychological life in preschool age and the possibilities of developing imagination in kindergarten. In the practical part, 5 art ... |
Křížová, Martina
Sedm smrtelných hříchů - cyklus digitálních fotografií The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of the Seven Deadly Sins. The starting point of the thesis is a series of seven portraits. The first part discusses inspiration, which includes a description of the individual vices and the inspiration of art. The second part conta... |
Havlíková, Lenka
Pozice světla v dějinách výtvarné kultury In my bachelor's thesis I focus on the position of light in the history of culture. I focus on light within the historical and artistic context. Using specific examples, I describe how the use of light as an artistic medium has evolved. In the didactic part I... |
Chroustová, Karolína
Možnosti rozvíjení tvořivosti v MŠ My work is divided into two parts. The theoretical part is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, I outlined the basic terminology that is important for understanding the basic concept of creativity, and I also cover it in the next eight sub-chapters. The secon... |
Florianová, Michaela
Středozemě-cyklus portrétních fotografií inspirovaných fantazy uměním The theoretical part deals with the explanation of the notion of fantasy and its subspecies. After that, it concerns the description of fantasy films and their creators. The didactic part of my thesis then involves preparing lessons in art education focusing on a fantas... |
Veselá, Kateřina
Interpretace pohledu v současném umění The bachelor thesis contains a theoretical part containing several chapters dealing with visual perception, the importance of gaze and eyes in communication, as well as an explanation of the concept of interpretation and contemporary art. Another extensive chapter deals with the representati... |
Prošková, Jana
Rozvíjení sociálních dovedností ve výtvarné výchově The undergraduate thesis deals with the development of social skills in art education. The theoretical part is concerned with social skills and their development. Furthermore, the work presents participatory art and its use in art education. In the practical part, five creative ta... |
Maryška, Jan
Pojetí folkloru v 21. století The practical (main) part consists of four works, which are created in different ways using folkloric ornament and modernized ornament. These methods included painting on granite, embroidery on clothing, tattooing on shoes and graphic design on posters. The theoretical (accompanying) section ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra výtvarné kultury / Department of Art