Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kushnir, Tetyana
Sledování úchopové síly v kontextu náročnosti posturálních pozic Grip strength is an important factor affecting a person's ability to perform everyday acti-vities. Its value is influenced by a number of factors, including postural position. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of the difficulty of postural positions on grip ... |
Strusková, Kateřina
Screening plosky nohy dětí předškolního a školního věku The bachelor's thesis deals with foot screening in preschool and school children. The theoretical part explains the development of the leg, typology and kinesiology of the foot. The most common defects, deformities and possibilities for their therapy are presented. The practical... |
Králová, Marie
Ošetření myofasciálních řetězců pomocí fyzikální terapie The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of a single application of ultrasound on the pectoral fascia. The practiacal part of the thesis focuses on the use of ultrasound therapy as a form of physical therapy for the treatment of the pectoral... |
Balíková, Andrea
Využití testů dynamické stabilizace kolenního kloubu ve sportovní fyzioterapii The bachelor thesis focuses on the use of paraclinical testing, specifically IMU sensors, in a sports environment. The thesis contains a wide range of information relating to knee joint kinesiology, testing in a sports physiotherapy setting to information on selected sports. The applica... |
Pácalová, Kristýna
Dopad pohybových aktivit u pacientů s míšní lézí a jejich vliv na ADLs Spinal cord injury is a condition that affects individuals in their everyday life, primarily in the performance of Activities of daily living and independence. Regular physical activity chosen by the individual and making sense to them can contribute to improving their physical conditio... |
Baranová, Zuzana
Práce s pacientem s poruchami příjmu potravy z pohledu fyzioterapeuta This bachelor's thesis focuses on the inclusion of physiotherapy intervention in the treatment of eating disorders. In the theoretical part, the basic types of eating disorders and their associated health problems are described. Much of the attention is given to the perception of... |
Michalová, Adéla
Role ergoterapeuta v rané péči Early intervention is a field social service that helps families with children with developmental disabilities or families in difficult times in their lives. It is designed for children from birth to 7 years of age who develop a developmental defect or disability caused by a... |
Krausová, Nikol
Využití prvků ergonomie při práci se stolním počítačem na středních školách v Plzeňském kraji z pohledu ergoterapeuta This bachelor's thesis focuses on the application of ergonomic elements in the use of desktop computers at primary schools in the Pilsen Region from the perspective of an occupational therapist. The theoretical part clarifies the concept of ergonomics, its development, field... |
Štenglová, Kateřina
Přetrvávající primární reflexy u dětí mladšího školního věku This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of persistent primary reflexes in primary school-age children. The theoretical background is the current knowledge about primary reflexes and methods that deal with their inhibition. Behavioural, learning and motor impairments are increasingly associated with... |
Bulínová, Michaela
Ergoterapeutická intervence kognitivních funkcí u pacientů s lékovou závislostí This bachelor thesis deals with the impact of drug dependence on cognitive function and its influence through occupational therapy intervention. The thesis consists of two parts, a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to explaining the bas... |
Vinkler, Ondřej
Využití dynamometru pro srovnání výsledků dynamické stabilizace kolenního kloubu The bachelor thesis deals with the use of a dynamometer for comparing the results of dynamic stabilization of the knee joint, selected clinical tests and the influence of postural and strenght training units on dynamic stabilization of the knee joint. For this bachelor's ... |
Hurdová, Anna
Využití dynamických dlah při nácviku funkčního úchopu u jedince po poranění míchy The present qualification thesis deals with the use of dynamic splints in training of functional grip of an individual after spinal cord injury. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the problem of spinal cord lesions, their functional skills, substitute grips and then ... |
Plecitá, Daniela
Těžká manuální práce v hutních provozech a její dopady na pohybový aparát This bachelor's thesis deals with the consequences of heavy manual work on the musculo-skeletal system, especially on the elbow and carpal joint. The objective of this bachelor's thesis was to analyse working conditions and the impact of heavy manual work in metal-lurgical plant... |
Pihrtová, Martina
Sledování odchylky těžiště těhotné ženy v závislosti na stádiu těhotenství This bachelor thesis deals with monitoring the deviation of the centre of gravity of pregnant women at the 28th week of pregnancy and the 34th week of pregnancy. The theoretical part briefly discusses the anatomy of the pelvis, its position, and the anatomy of the pelvic&... |
Šlechtová, Tereza
Vliv pozice těla na subjektivní vnímání defekace This bachelor thesis focuses on the impact of body position on defecation, including its subjective perception. Initially, the work outlines the anatomy and kinesiology of the anorectal area and pelvic floor muscles. It then delves into the physiology of defecation and its various ... |
Sieberová, Natálie
Aktivita břišních svalů ve znakových polohách kojeneckého plavání This bachelor thesis discusses about abdominal wall activity in backstroke posi-tions in infants in a water environment. It brings an insight into infant swimming and the different types of infant grasps in the water. The main aim is to examine the abdominal muscle activity of... |
Stracheová, Natálie
Využití metody Buteyko u dětských pacientů s astmatem This bachelor's thesis focuses on establishing the effectiveness of this method as an alternative approach to improving asthma symptoms in children and the possibility of applying exercises according to the Buteyko method for children aged 5-6 years with a focus on breath holding.... |
Pajtlová, Tereza
Role fyzické aktivity v prevenci bolestivých stavů pohybového aparátu těhotné ženy The bachelor thesis focuses on the benefits of physical aktivity in preventing painful conditions of musculokleletal system in pregnant women. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part describes pregnancy, its onset, development, and the changes it... |
Kůs, Bohumil
Interaktivní pohybový trénink ve virtuální realitě u geriatrických pacientů Theoretical part of the bachelor thesis approaches the issues of geriatrics, old age with aging and degenerative changes associated with biological, social and psychological factors in individual systems of the human body. Furthermore, the work deals with the quality of life, falls and&... |
Nejdl, Adam
Vliv výdechového tréninku na kineziologii hrudníku u házenkářů This bachelor's thesis explores the impact of exhalation training on the kinesiology of the thorax in handball players. It is structured into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical section provides an overview of the kinetic chain involved in throwing, respiratory physiotherapy,... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies
- Katedra rehabilitačních oborů / Department of Rehabilitation Science