Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2018 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hofman, Martin
Randa, Michal
Hydraulická ruka The hydraulic hand is a practical display of a hydraulic crane such as can be seen on lorries or excavators. Just like in the case of the professional cranes, it is operated via the means of hydraulic cylinders. However, owing to its smaller size, it is easily u... |
Ivanova, Galina
Window block for buildings with automated control The control of the movable doors can be manual , but more often electrical control is required, in particular for automatic control systems ("smart house"). As a converter of electrical energy into a mechanical one, electric motors with a rotating rotor of various designs... |
Ivanova, G. M.
Getting hydrogen from water The proposed main technical experimental setup cold gasification and dissociation of liquids with their transfer to the fuel gas through an electric field. |
Tucan, Elena
Methodology of development of general educational pupils skills at technology lessons This article deals with process of formation general educational skills at technology lessons in the municipal autonomous general educational institution "Gymnasium №3 of the city of Vladimir" |
Soldatov, Alexander
3D modeling as an alternative method of the tasks solution at the technology lessons The article deals with the application of 3d modeling and 3d-printing for solv-ing practical-oriented tasks. There is presented a full cycle of production of the part performing the functions as a fastening in a table lamp. The proposed materials are useful in demonstrating the... |
Sokolova, Oksana
Independent work as means of activization of educational cognitive activity of pupils in the course of training of technology The article considers a problem of educational-cognitive activity of pupils at lessons of technology means independent work. The article presents the results of the self-education of pupils on the basis of MBOU SOSh 15 of Vladimir city. |
Antonova, Tatiana
Pedagogical support of professional self-determination of students The essence of the concepts of pedagogical support, professional self-determination, professional orientation. The analysis of pedagogical experience on pedagogical support of professional self-determination of pupils is carried out. The program of the elective course "Professional self-determination", the... |
Chondrogianni, D.
Malaisiada, E.
Tsakoumagkou, P.
Armakolas, A.
STEM policy’s integration into the greek educational teacher training system Lately, there has been a global growing demand for STEM learning, an innovative, educational policy that combines four disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It is a fact that developed countries such as the US, China, Belgium, Germany, etc. annually spend a larg... |
Průcha, Tomáš
Zkušenosti s využitím didaktické hry při výuce síťové bezpečnosti na střední škole This work describes the use of educational game in the teaching of network security at high school. The aim is to describe the possibilities of using this educational game and to summarize the experience of such teaching. The used educational game is based on the original... |
Rothová, Eva
Pěchoučková, Eva
Rozvíjení předmatematických představ v předškolním věku ve spojení s pohybem, se zaměřením na oblast orientace v prostoru The thesis on "Development of Mathematical Notions During Pre-school Age in Connection with Movement with a Focus on Spacial Orientation" is divided into three parts theoretical, methodological, and experimental. In the theoretical part, the pre-mathematical notions in pre-school age with... |
Kotková, Pavlína
Pěchoučková, Šárka
Využití pracovních činností ve výuce matematiky na 1. stupni This thesis focuses on use of Crafts in teaching Mathematics. It is also about making acutall products and implementig them into Mathematics classes. The thesis is divided into two parts. Theoretical part provides explenation of basic terminology realted to Czech national curriculum for... |
Liptáková, Kateřina
Vostrá, Lucie
Zručnost a tvořivost studentů učitelství MŠ The topic of the paper is the relationship between manual skills and creativity of pre-service kindergarten teachers – students of the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of J. Purkyne in Usti nad Labem. Both topics are theoretically elaborated in the introduction. The manual ski... |
Artelj, Luka
Trdan, Edvard
Bezjak, Jožica
Projectwork of model pud-bj »from idea to product« solar airplane dron ii Unmanned Solar-Powered Aircraft (USPA) is an experimental prototype powered by solar energy. It has two control surfaces for altitude and heading, it also has an electrical motor with a foldable propeller, and a system for ensuring electrical energy for the whole plane. Such constr... |
Koglot, Lara
Postolova, Biljana
Bezjak, Jožica
Jančevski, Janko
Early learning of the technique in the form of a project work by model pud-bj- from idea to the product - “bridges from spaghetti” For better comprehension the mechanics of building construction much research work has been done to present its basic characteristics in an efficient way. The following contribution describes the use of the models of spaghetti bridges as well as their testing that was performed by&... |
Semerák, Jiří
Modernizace výuky slévárenství The aim of the thesis is to create teaching aids, which were as realistic as possible to describe the working process in the production of cast iron castings with graphite (LLG). They will provide students with basic knowledge of foundry in an attractive form. The essence... |
Pléhová, Veronika
Hravé stolování I am a student of Masaryk University and I study on faculties of education. My subjects are technical and information education, health education. The idea of my project was related to these two subjects. This project we can call "playful dining", because I wanted to... |
Kopecký, Miroslav
Restaurant techniques used for restoring the historical radio receiver The work deals with the restoration of old radios and procedures that had to be used in the radio receivers to be preserved and gradually restored to its original state |
Knopp, Jakub
Rádiem řízený model auta The project aims to present a radio-controlled model (RC) of a special race car. RC models, especially helicopters and cars has recently become popular due to Chinese manufacturers and the improvement of the price-performance ratio. Commonly used size is approximately 1/10 scale. T... |
Arvanitaki, Dionysia
Video creation as a teaching technique for the history lesson in primary education Ένα από τα πιο σημαντικά μαθήματα στο Ελληνικό πρόγραμμα σπουδών είναι το μάθημα της ιστορίας. Το μάθημα αυτό θεωρείται από τα πιο δύσκολα και απαιτητικά μαθήματα από τους μαθητές ανεξαρτήτως ηλικίας, αφού χρειάζεται πολύωρη μελέτη στο σπίτι, ώστε οι μαθητές να αποστηθίσουν την διδ... |
Szemla, Ferdinand
Model raketoplánu My work is represented by giant models of Soyuz and Proton space rockets, as well as the Space Shuttle Discovery model. The models are mostly built at a scale of 1:15 (in fact they have rockets from 45 to 70 m, models are about 3.5-5 m). Therefore, due to... |
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- Olympiáda techniky