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Alcázar, Juan Gerardo
Lávička, Miroslav
Vršek, Jan
Computing symmetries of implicit algebraic surfaces We present a complete algorithm to compute the rotational, axial, reflectional and central symmetries of an algebraic surface defined by means of its implicit equation. The algorithms rely on the fact that the symmetries of the surface satisfy an algebraic condition verified by the... |
Horníková, Hana
Vuik, Cornelis
Egermaier, Jiří
A comparison of block preconditioners for isogeometric analysis discretizations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations We deal with numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations discretized using the isogeometric analysis (IgA) approach. Similarly to finite elements, the discretization leads to sparse nonsymmetric saddle-point linear systems. The IgA discretization basis has several specific properties d... |
Bizzarri, Michal
Lávička, Miroslav
Interpolation of Hermite data by clamped Minkowski Pythagorean hodograph B-spline curves Amorphous HfMSiBCN materials (M = Y, Ho, Ta, Mo or an enhanced Hf content instead of any other M) are investigated by ab initio calculations and magnetron sputtering. We focus on combining the high-temperature stability and oxidation resistance of these materials with optimised mec... |
Bek, Lukáš
Kottner, Radek
Laš, Vladislav
Material Model for Simulation of Progressive Damage of Composite Materials Using 3D Puck Failure Criterion This paper deals with the suggestion and the implementation of a material model into the commercial software Abaqus. The material model is capable to simulate a progressive damage of composite materials. The progressive damage simulation is based on a stiffness matrix degradation and... |
Goubej, Martin
Vyhlídal, Tomáš
Schlegel, Miloš
Frequency weighted H2 optimization of multi-mode input shaper An optimization-based design of a robust multi-mode input shaper is presented with an embedded weighting of the frequency response. By prefixing the delay length in the shaper, the optimization design task is formulated as a standard quadratic programming problem. The shaper robustness ... |
Zajíc, Zbyněk
Psutka, Josef
Müller, Luděk
Diarization Based on Identification with X-Vectors In this paper, we describe a diarization of mono channel telephone recordings from The Language Consulting Center providing the Czech language consultancy service. In our proposed approach to a diarization, we use information about the known identity of one speaker (the language counsel... |
Diviš, Václav
Hrúz, Marek
Evaluation of Image Synthesis for Automotive Purposes The aim of this article is to evaluate a state of the art image synthesis carried out via Generative Adversarial Networks (conditional Wasserstein GAN and Self Attention GAN) on a traffic signs dataset. For the experiment, we focused on generating images with a 64×64-pixel res... |
Hromádková, Věra
Kolingerová, Ivana
Vaněček, Petr
A unified curvature-driven approach for weathering and hydraulic erosion simulation on triangular meshes The significant properties of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate are consistency, normality, and efficiency. While it has been proven that these properties are valid when the sample size approaches infinity, the behavior of an ML estimator when working with small sample sizes is ... |
Maňák, Martin
Voronoi-Based Detection of Pockets in Proteins Defined by Large and Small Probes Students often ask what theoretical subjects will teach them for their future careers. It is advisable to show real problems during their courses which are solved by experts in practice or doctoral students. One such problem is the sharpening of a hobbing worm milling cutter.&... |
Fiala, Radovan
Kochová, Petra
Kubíková, Tereza
Cimrman, Robert
Tonar, Zbyněk
Špatenka, Jaroslav
Fabián, Ondřej
Burkert, Jan
Mechanical and structural properties of human aortic and pulmonary allografts do not deteriorate in the first 10 years of cryopreservation and storage in nitrogen Background: The aortic and pulmonary allograft heart valves (AHV) are used in the cardiac surgery for replacing the impaired semilunar valves. They are harvested from donor hearts and cryostored in tissue banks. The expiration period was set to 5 years arbitrarily. We hypothesized ... |
Bobkov, Vladimír
Takáč, Peter
On maximum and comparison principles for parabolic problems with the p-Laplacian We investigate strong and weak versions of maximum and comparison principles for a class of quasilinear parabolic equations with the p-Laplacian ∂tu−Δpu=λ|u|p−2u+f(x,t) under zero boundary and nonnegative initial conditions on a bounded cylindrical domain Ω×(0,T), λ∈R, and f∈L∞(Ω×(0,T)). Several relat... |
Vršek, Jan
Lávička, Miroslav
Translation surfaces and isotropic nets on rational minimal surfaces We will deal with the translation surfaces which are the shapes generated by translating one curve along another one. We focus on the geometry of translation surfaces generated by two algebraic curves in space and study their properties, especially those useful for geometric modell... |
Kochová, Petra
Witter, K.
Cimrman, Robert
Mezerová, J.
Tonar, Zbyněk
A preliminary study into the correlation of stiffness of the laminar junction of the equine hoof with the length density of its secondary lamellae Reason for performing the study: To elucidate the relationship between mechanical behavior and microscopic morphology of the corio-epidermal junction (CEJ) of equine hooves under testing conditions. Objectives: To determine the mechanical parameters and the two-dimensional length density of pro... |