Konferenční příspěvky / Conference Papers (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Novák, J.
Štork, M.
Kardiorespirační kapacita ligového hráče kopané v průběhu vrcholové sportovní dráhy (kazuistika) |
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Mathematical modeling of some physiological parameters as response to exercise This paper examines modeling of oxygen consumption (VO2), cardiac output (CO) and some other physiological parameters in response to cardiopulmonary exercise on a bicycle ergometer. The results are presented to athlete who has undergone a total of 10 stress tests over 10 years. The... |
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Zich, Jan
LHC Clock Conditioning Circuit for AFP Trigger Module The timing and synchronisation of the detectors in particle physics play the key role due to the high event rates at particle accelerators. The trigger module in ATLAS Forward Physics project ... |
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Models for Oxygen Consumption and Cardiac Output as Response to Treadmill Exercise This paper examines procedure for static and dynamic modeling of oxygen consumption (VO2) and cardiac output (CO) as response to cardiopulmonary exercise on a treadmill ergometer. It should be noted that ... |
Štork, Milan
Houzar, Josef
Non Contact Methods of Heart Rate Variability Measuring and Analysis It is well known that the heart rate variability (HRV) reflects the activity of the autonomic nervous system. HRV is calculated from heart rate (HR). HR is a nonstationary signal; its frequency variation ... |
Pavlíček, Vladimír
Fořt, Jiří
Pittermann, Martin
Skála, Bohumil
Comparing the Low-Cost Measuring Devices for Standstill Frequency Response (SSFR) Testing for Electric Machines This paper compares the different versions of hardware realization of low-cost device for standstill frequency response SSFR testing. The SSFR testing is a modern method used for testing and parameter... |
Jílek, Jiří
Štork, Milan
Acquisition of Cuff-Pulse Waveforms for Estimation of Central Blood Pressure and Additional Hemodynamic Variables Central blood pressure (cBP) is an important indicator of the load on the heart. Because cBP is difficult to measure directly, indirect methods have been developed. We investigated suitability of blood pressure cuff pulse... |
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Vavroch, Ondřej
Zich, Jan
Nožka, Libor
Diagnostic Device for Photomultiplier Tubes at ARP ToF Detector Long-term usage of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) led to the discovery of aging effects especially in harsh environment as a radiation is. Aging decreases the efficiency of the PMTs. This means PMTs need to the recalibration after some time. Because CERN′s Large Hadron Collider (LHC)... |
Kaska, Jan
Orosz, Tamás
Karban, Pavel
Doležel, Ivo
Pechánek, Roman
Pánek, David
Optimization of reluctance motor with printed rotor A novel way of optimizing a reluctance motor with rotor manufactured by 3D printing technology is presented. The optimization algorithms must take into account the tolerances of its production that are generally higher compared with classical processing, which requires a high level of... |
Zich, Jan
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Holík, Michael
Pavlíček, Vladimír
Vavroch, Ondřej
Multichannel coincidence circiut with settable threshold level for ToF AFP detector |
Holota, Radek
Koucký, Václav
Krist, Petr
Valenta, Pavel
Mašek, Bohuslav
Electronic system for controlled modification of temperature field in sheet metal blanks |
Kubík, Zdeněk
Skála, Jiří
Electromagnetic interference from DC/DC converter of photovoltaic system |
Jílek, Jiří
Štork, Milan
Assessment of three multiple cuff blood pressure devices |
Štork, Milan
Pinker, Jiří
Weissar, Petr
Adaptive control system for autonomous vehicle path following |
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Brož, Pavel
Cardiac mathematical models for exercise testing on treadmill ergometer |
Štork, Milan
Mayer, Daniel
Modified tellegen principle used for power and energy systems modeling |
Veřtát, Ivo
Dudáček, Luděk
Multidimensional cross parity check codes as a promising solution to CubeSat low data rate downlinks |
Štork, Milan
Digital and analog systems for pulse width modulation with variable frequency Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is widely used for control in power electronics. The most of power electronic circuits are controlled by PWM signals of various forms. PWM transform the information in the amplitude of a bounded input signal into the pulse width output signal. The ... |
Štork, Milan
Chaotic system based on mutually connected digital oscillators In this paper the experiments with two mutually coupled digital oscillators are described. The digital oscillators with quadrature outputs are used for experiment. On the beginning the amplitude stabilization and way of synchronization of digital oscillator are described. Then the behavior o... |
Štork, Milan
Direct digital synthesis with fractional tuning This paper presents a new approach to the design of direct digital frequency synthesizer (DDS) with possibility of fractional frequency tuning. Such DDS has advantage if small number of bits for phase accumulator is used. A new DDS frequency synthesizer was designed to enable ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications