Katedra průmyslového inženýrství a managementu / Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

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Poslední příspěvky

Havlíková, Kristýna
Metodika pro podporu kontroly kvality svařence s využitím rozšířené reality

This thesis investigates the effect of augmented reality support on the quality control process of welded structures. It proposes a methodology for this innovation and examines the performance, error rate, and mental workload of workers. A comparison is made between traditional procedu...

Knapp, Filip
Metodika řízení nového produkčního systému dodavatelských společností do automobilového průmyslu

The dissertation deals with the topic of standardization of production systems development procedures of supplier companies to the automotive industry. The work is based on the original framework topic entitled "Design of production systems and its evaluation". It is designed in su...

Lochmannová, Alena
Metodika pro zefektivňování přípravy zaměstnanců s využitím virtuální reality

The dissertation deals with the implementation of an experiment of employees - rescuers and the comparison of innovative training in virtual reality and conventional training using mannequins in order to obtain and evaluate data in order to design a methodology for improving the ef...

Ženíšek, David
Komplexní metodika návratnosti investice do robotických řešení v průmyslových podnicích

The submitted dissertation deals with the issue of return on investment in robotic solutions in industrial enterprises. The goal of the work is the creation of a comprehensive methodology, focused on the evaluation of the return of robotization in industrial enterprises. The methodology...

Malaga, Miroslav
Architektura HW Learning factory s digitálním dvojčetem v konceptu Industry 4.0

The dissertation deals with the design and validation of a HW learning factory architecture with a digital twin using discrete simulation in the Industry 4.0 concept with a focus on industrial engineers. The aim is to design an architecture usable and implementable by industrial&#x...