Články / Articles (KSA) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Carvalho, Milena
Jones, Emily Lena
Ellis, Grace
Cascalheira, Joao
Bicho, Nuno
Meiggs, David
Benedetti, Michael
Friedl, Lukáš
Haws, Jonathan
Neanderthal palaeoecology in the late Middle Palaeolithic of western Iberia: a stable isotope analysis of ungulate teeth from Lapa do Picareiro (Portugal) Adaptation to Late Pleistocene climate change is an oft-cited potential contributor to Neanderthal disappearance in Eurasia. Accordingly, research on Neanderthal behaviour – including subsistence strategies, mobility, lithic technology, raw material procurement and demography – often focuses on linking cha... |
Creţan, Remus
Kupka, Petr
Powell, Ryan
Walach, Václav
EVERYDAY ROMA STIGMATIZATION: Racialized Urban Encounters, Collective Histories and Fragmented Habitus Roma discrimination and stigmatization in Europe are well-documented, with urban scholars emphasizing pervasive prejudices and stereotypes alongside negative policy outcomes. However, the focus on Roma marginality has tended to centre on punitive state and urban governance to the neglect of every... |
Walach, Václav
Kalibová, Klára
Petruželka, Benjamin
Kupka, Petr
Návrhy policistů na zlepšení postihování trestných činů z nenávisti This study presents eighteen proposals to improve the prosecution of hate crimes which have been identified in qualitative interviews with specialized police officers. After describing the role of the police in the hate crime prosecution, the research methodology is outlined. The proposals&#... |
Walach, Václav
Kupka, Petr
Brendzová, Alice
“The Landlord Treads on Them, so Everything’s Fine”: Exploitation and Forced Mobility in Substandard Private Rental Housing in Czechia OBJECTIVES: This study explores the representation of the private landlords’ practices that may contribute to housing insecurity and forced mobility in Czech segregated areas. THEORETICAL BASE: Following debate on the “poverty business”, the study uses literature on Roma marginalization, sociology... |
Kupka, Petr
Walach, Václav
Brendzová, Alica
The poverty business; landlords, illicit practices and reproduction of disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Czechia This paper is guided by the question: How do illicit practices of organized groups contribute to the formation and reproduction of disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Czechia? By asking this question we depart from the dominant understanding of disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the study of o... |
Fatková, Gabriela
Šlehoferová, Tereza
Structured methods of data production and their visualization using GIS: semantic domains in ethnographic research of landscapes In this article, we present how, using the example of research studies connected with the perception of a landscape, some structured methods of data production used primarily in cognitive anthropology can be applied along with the possibilities of data analysis visualization using geogr... |
Starková, Lenka
Toward a High-Definition Remote Sensing Approach to the Study of Deserted Medieval Cities in the Near East The variability of currently available remote sensing datasets raises the question of which specific processing methods should be used for feature detection and feature extraction in both large and small-scale overhead images. In some cases, particular analyses allow us to carry out fea... |
Haws, Jonathan A.
Benedetti, Michael M.
Bicho, Nuno F.
Cascalheira, Joao
Ellis, M. Grace
Carvalho, Milena M.
Friedl, Lukáš
Pereira, Telmo
Talamo, Sahra
The early Aurignacian at Lapa do Picareiro really is that old: A comment on ‘The late persistence of the Middle Palaeolithic and Neandertals in Iberia: A review of the evidence for and against the “Ebro Frontier” model’ A comment on ‘The late persistence of the Middle Palaeolithic and Neandertals in Iberia: A review of the evidence for and against the “Ebro Frontier” model’ by Zilhao (2021, Quaternary Science Reviews 270:107098). This article corrects errors Zilhao made in his interpretations of t... |
Kapusta, Jan
Kostićová, Zuzana
From the Trees to the Wood: Alternative Spirituality as an Emergent ‘Official Religion’? In this article, we contest the idea that alternative spirituality is best studied within the conceptual framework of the ‘vernacular’. |
Palečková Tauberová, Martina
Poválečné osídlování Tachovska ve vzpomínkách 2 žen This Article based on the memories of 2 women, it reconstructs the picture of the post‑war settlement of the Tachov region. The selected witnesses are represented by 2 groups, which were also covered by 2 different perspectives in the settlement process. She is&#... |
Lozoviuk, Petr
„Slovanská bádání“ a etnografie v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava The aim of the present study is to point out that during the years of the Second World War, German-language ethnography experienced a relative research and institutional boom in the Czech lands, albeit under different contemporary labels and in combination with other disciplines. |
Ovský, Přemysl
Cestopisy ve službách nacionalismu: Význam díla Václava Vratislava z Mitrovic v procesu utváření české národní identity The formation of nationalism, varying between theories of primordialism and modernism, is a living topic among the scholarly and general public. This work is based on the assumption of the modernist theory of the formation of nationalism. The aim is to evaluate the significance... |
Tlili, Václava
Us. ̄ul al-Qir ̄a’ ̄at: A Brief Overview of the Science of Qur’ ̄an Recitations and Its Formation from the Position of Traditional Qir ̄a’ ̄at Literature The study deals with the oral transmission of Qur’ ̄an recitations representing a particular area of Qur’ ̄an studies, called cilm al-qir ̄a’ ̄at. It still receives rather marginal attention in Western research, while some Orientalists view the Qur’ ̄an as a mere historical li... |
Haws, Jonathan
Benedetti, Michael
Talamo, Sahra
Bicho, Nuno
Cascalheira, Joao
Ellis, Mary Grace
Carvalho, Milena
Friedl, Lukáš
Pereira, Telmo
Zinsious, Brandon
The early Aurignacian dispersal of modern humans into westernmost Eurasia Documenting the first appearance of modern humans in a given region is key to understanding the dispersal process and the replacement or assimilation of indigenous human populations such as the Neanderthals. The Iberian Peninsula was the last refuge of Neanderthal populations as modern&... |
Lozoviuk, Petr
Shevchenko, Kirill V.
Političeskoje položenije v Podkarpatskoj Rusi v ocenkach čechoslovackich činovnikov i učjonych |
Behenský, Pavel
Šmejda, Ladislav
Možnosti identifikace silně poškozených mohylových náspů nedestruktivními metodami: případová studie Sedlec-Hůrka This work addresses the possibility of identification of heavily damaged tumuli by non-destructive methods. We targeted the known location of tumulus cemetery Sedlec-Hůrka, which had been excavated by the West Bohemian amateur archaeologist František Xaver Franc in 1883. Our article is divid... |
Lozoviuk, Petr
Meždu naukoj i iděologijej. Istorija německojazyčnoj etnografii češskich zemel' |
Walach, Václav
Kupka, Petr
Lupták, Ľubomír
Hušková, Kateřina
Toušek, Ladislav
Brendzová, Alica
Plachý, Ondřej
Vanková, Klára
Dobývání kriminality: Reflexe viktimizačního šetření v českých sociálně vyloučených lokalitách In the present article, we reflect on the victimization survey conducted as part of the research project BRIZOLIT (Security Risks in Socially Excluded Localities). Our main focus is on the methodological, epistemological and ethical problems which appeared during the survey among inhabitants... |
Galeta, Patrik
Galetová, Martina
Sablin, Mikhail
Germonpré, Mietje
Morphological evidence for early dog domestication in the European Pleistocene: New evidence from a randomization approach to group differences The antiquity of the wolf/dog domestication has been recently pushed back in time from the Late Upper Paleolithic (similar to 14,000 years ago) to the Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP; similar to 36,000 years ago). Some authors questioned this early dog domestication claiming that ... |
Pavelka, Jaroslav
Šmejda, Ladislav
Kučková, Štěpánka
Menšík, Petr
Challenge to molecular archaeology—Sediments contaminated by allochthonous animal proteins In this work we proposed a novel methodological approach to detect and differentiate between cooked and uncooked animal meat protein in archaeological samples. We tested two groups of materials: ceramic dated to the early medieval period (9th–10th centuries CE) and soil samples collecte... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra antropologie / Department of Anthropology
- 46 recenze
- 46 review
- 14 antropologie
- 13 anthropology
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- 42 2020 - 2023
- 127 2010 - 2019
- 46 2005 - 2009