Fojtík, František
Fuxa, Jan
Poruba, Zdeněk
Application of selected multi-axial fatigue criteria on the results of non-proportional fatigue experiments
Ghayour, Rasoul
Ghayour, Mostafa
Ziaei-Rad, Saeed
Vibration analysis of tapered rotating composite beams using the hierarchical finite element
Krystek, Jan
Kottner, Radek
Bek, Lukáš
Laš, Vladislav
Validation of the adjusted strength criterion LaRC04 for uni-directional composite under combination of tension and pressure
Netuka, Horymír
Machalová, Jitka
Šimeček, Roman
Shape optimization of a Timoshenko beam together with an elastic foundation
Pelikán, Vladimír
Hora, Petr
Červená, Olga
Spielmannová, Alena
Machová, Anna
Ductile-brittle behavior at blunted cavities in 3D iron crystals uncovered and covered by copper atoms
Polach, Pavel
Hajžman, Michal
Design of the hydraulic shock absorbers characteristics using relative springs deflections at general excitation of the bus wheels
Prokopová, Jaroslava
Feistauer, Miloslav
Horáček, Jaromír
Kučera, Václav
Numerical simulation of airflow through the model of oscillating vocal folds
Sváček, Petr
Horáček, Jaromír
Numerical approximation of flow in a symmetric channel with vibrating walls
Veselý, Václav
Frantík, Petr
Reconstruction of a fracture process zone during tensile failure of quasi-brittle materials
Vychytil, Jan
Moravec, Fanny
Kochová, Petra
Kuncová, Jitka
Švíglerová, Jitka
Modelling of the mechanical behaviour of porcine carotid artery undergoing inflation-deflation test