Marešová, Petra
Výzkum uplatnění znalostního managementu v českých podnicích In the globalized world, Czech economy faces many challenges brought by the processes of integration. The crucial factors for companies that want to succeed in the global competition are knowledge and abilities to use the knowledge in the best possible way. With ... |
Starzyczná, Halina
Vybrané aspekty internacionalizace vnitřního obchodu v teoretických přístupech a v empirickém zkoumání v České republice v období transformace The aim of the article is to deal with the selected theoretical aspects of internationalization of trade, to outline its brief development and in relation to that to present partial results of empirical research in the era of transformation, and to tackle&... |
Popesko, Boris
Activity-based costing application methodology for manufacturing industries The subject matter of this paper is the detailed consequences of putting in place an Activity- -Based Costing system and its structure within the manufacturing industry. Moreover, it defines steps within ABC application, as well as analyzing the input and output information... |
Reissová, Alice
Personální hodnocení jako controllingový nástroj řízení pracovního výkonu In an attempt to achieve the most effective human resources management, but also in relation to saving money, the requirements for the measurement of the effectiveness of the financial means spent on the individual personnel processes are increasing in the firm practi... |
Janeček, Václav
Hynek, Josef
Motivační systém jako faktor zvyšování efektivnosti podniku The article deals with hypothesis that proper system of motivation for managers and other staff is a very strong factor of a business efficiency improvement. There is a description of some specific characteristics of manufacturing firms in conditions of “knowledge economy”... |
Zich, Robert
Koncepce úspěchuschopnosti a její pojetí strategie Success-ability based conception represents approach viewing the behavior of the company from the point of success, strategy, competitiveness and competition. Each of these elements has specific delimitation in given conception and its integral role. Such approach can be understood&... |
Hrdý, Milan
Ducháčková, Eva
Basic principles of the valuation of insurance agencies A field connected with the valuation of insurance agencies has not been dealt with in the Czech Republic although insurance agencies occupy an important position among financial institutions. That’s why the purpose of this paper is to mention different methods of valu... |
Urbánek, Václav
Maršíková, Kateřina
Řehořová, Pavla
Terciární vzdělání jako složka Indexu genderové spravedlnosti The net of civic associations Social Watch created the alternative indicators for measurement of situation development within equality of males and females (GEI – Gender Equity Index) and satisfying of basic human needs (BCI – Basic Capability Index). This paper is de... |
Urbančíková, Nataša
Burger, Peter
Miera regionalizácie inovačných politík a jej vplyv na inovačnú výkonnosť regiónov The regional policies of the advanced countries are focused on the regional competitiveness enhancement thought four main factors – economical activities structure, the level of innovation, the degree of accessibility of the region and level of labour force education. The ... |
Labudová, Viera
Vojtková, Mária
Linda, Bohdan
Aplikácia viacrozmerných metód pri meraní chudoby Fighting poverty and social exclusion constitutes one of the European Union’s main goals. The EU understands the word “poverty” to connote insufficient income and unequal access to social wealth. The solution to this problem is considered so crucial that on 12th ... |
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