Číslo 1 (2011) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Sivák, Rudolf
Staněk, Peter
Vývoj slovenskej ekonomiky v kontexte globálnej finančnej krízy The paper presents and evaluates the development of core variables of the Slovak economy between 2008-2010 by the so-called magical quadrangle. Special consideration is given to the impact of the global financial crisis on each of the main economic policy objectives as apexe... |
Majtánová, Anna
Vachálková, Ingrid
Trendy v oceňování majetku a záväzkov poisťovní The correct valuation of assets and liabilities is a fundamental condition for ensuring the credibility of financial statements. IAS and IFRS have introduced several changes in the valuation, fair value help to capture the possible risks. The Solvency II project account risks... |
Regnerová, Marta
Hes, Aleš
Společenská odpovědnost firmy a spotřebitel The smooth running of the company is bound to the observance of legal norms (follow them - it is necessary and enforceable), but also the long term, the application of ethical principles most often structured in the form a code of ethics or corporate culture a... |
Kuldová, Lucie
Vliv společenské odpovědnosti na výkonnost firem This paper is dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which nowadays gains in importance and represents an increasing potential not only in the business environment. In the context of CSR, the competitiveness and performance of companies were defined. At the same time,... |
Březinová, Monika
Smolová, Jaroslava
Sláma, Jan
Process management in small and medium businesses in the South Bohemia region regard to the objectives, threats and benefits competitive companies Small and medium-sized businesses play an important role in creating jobs and generally acts as a factor in social stability and economic development. Currently, there are several views on how to classify a small or medium enterprise. It depends on what classification is... |
Slaninková, Jana
Girgošková, Mária
Competency model as a condition for development and performance of human resources in the company This article is devoted to meaning and importance of managerial competencies concept for creating systems of human resources development. Human resources managers must in present business environment dispose with adequate abilities and knowledges to ensure development and increase of ... |
Faltejsková, Olga
Dvořáková, Lilia
Vývoj požadavků na odborný a dovednostní profil controllera v kontextu globální ekonomické krize Controlling currently undergoing changes under the influence of developmental experiences that Czech companies have acquired under the influence of global economic crisis. The results of several surveys have shown that significant gains on the seriousness of the position CFO. With cha... |
Olexová, Cecília
Mesároš, Peter
Bašistová, Alena
Priority riadenia ľudských zdrojov v znalostnej spoločnosti The article focuses on the determining the companies´ HR priorities in knowledge-based society. It presents the results of the survey conducted in 2011 in Slovak small and medium size enterprises in the Košice Region. The partial aim of the survey has been to find ... |
Jiřincová, Milena
Diverzita v ČR a její reflexe pro podniky a zaměstnanost This article deals with the diversity and its possible utilization in business. It is trying to explain what does it mean diversity and diversity management and what is the potential for organisations and employers. It is focused on primary elements of diversity by Hubb... |
Plevný, Miroslav
Slovo děkana |
Eger, Ludvík
Úvodní slovo |
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- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
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- Trendy v podnikání
- 2011
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