Číslo 3 (2013) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vacek, Jiří
Úvodní slovo |
Pilková, Anna
Rehák, Ján
Profil podnikateľov na Slovensku: dynamická analýza, regionálne a medzinárodné porovnanie Research of entrepreneurship today is an important area, where results are used not only in the academic field, but also in order to find possible solutions in the financial and economic crisis, as well as designing forms of business support and thus stimulate economic&... |
Scholleová, Hana
Měření efektivnosti externí podpory inovací Innovation activities of enterprises are a prerequisite for competitive advantage and long-term existence of the company. The competitive advantage of the whole economy, of course, depends on the competitiveness of firms. Because innovation is becoming an increasingly important tool for... |
Lešková, Andrea
Services in automotive business based on car connectivity possibilities The articles concentrate on the vision of the networked vehicle and the impact of connected cars on the automotive business. The interpretation of subject of this article is based on the combined data set of many published reports and analytical studies. Car will become... |
Solarová, Petra
Angažování spotřebitelů v rámci produktové politiky podniku The market environment is changing continuously. Successful companies know that it is necessary to innovate their products. The result of innovation is a new product. The new product can take the form of a real new product (that has not been a part of market o... |
Kopp, Jan
Geoparky - nová platforma regionálního marketingu This paper evaluates the potential of geoparks for the regional marketing and geotourism development. We present qustions about the current state and development plan of geopraks in the Czech Republic. Small research demonstrates that geoparks project isn´t commonly known among ... |
Horčička, Aleš
Jelínková, Lucie
Zvyšování výkonnosti lidských zdrojů zavedením manažerské hry The paper deals with improving enterprise performance based on the idea of improving performance of middle managers. According to opinion of the authors, managerial games represent one of possible and effective tools for improving performance of managers. Managerial training can be... |
Regnerová, Marta
Hes, Aleš
CSR a spotřebitel-celiak na trhu v ČR Behavior and social responsibility retail operating units as market operators towards the final consumer should be a priority for their business, because the final consumer products and services companies consumes and creates conditions for further reproduction process of the company. ... |
Bagieńska, Anna
The role of human capital in an innovative enterprisein Poland In a knowledge-based economy, economic development does not depend on several economic sectors but on all sectors that must intensively use knowledge in processes of production and rendering of services. The purpose of this work is to analyze the role of human capital i... |
Mičudová, Kateřina
Úpadky podniků a využívání predikčních modelů pro jejich včasné odhalení The ability to successfully derive future values of key variables has always belonged with the objects of human interest and has not even avoided the business sector. For several decades, many economists have been trying to find a way how to assess the health of... |
Hejduková, Pavlína
Kvalita zdravotní péče jako jeden z reformních kroků systémů zdravotnictví Current health reform in all developed countries included management of health care quality. This paper wants to point out the definition, implementation and evaluation of quality in the EU and implementation of health policies in european countries. This paper describes the crit... |
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