Ročník 2015
Zobrazit statistikyKolekce
Poslední příspěvky
Tupa, Jiří
Šimota, Jan
Koncept modelování rizik pro malé a střední podniky v elektrotechnice Risk management plays a very broad and important task in the electrical engineering manufacturing area. Many companies try to apply and integrate risk management techniques and tools as a part of the management process. Risk management means applying a systematic approach to assessing... |
Draganová, K.
Laššák, M.
Riadenie komplexného elektro-mechanického systému Electro-mechanical servoactuators are widely used not only in the classical aviation but also in the area of small unmanned aerial vehicles. They are commonly used for actuation of control surfaces or in stabilized camera gimbals. A transport delay is a negative effect present in... |
Síťař, V.
Noháč, K.
Veleba, J.
Statické modely zátěže a jejich modelování v netradičním softwaru pro elektroenergetiku The paper describes the commonly used types of static load models and their mathematical modelling. For their implementation, the simulation software DYNAST was chosen despite its actual version does not belong to standard modelling tools in the field of power engineering. Within each... |
Bartoš, M.
Optimalizace váhové funkce amplitudy WLFM radarových pulsů pomocí genetického algoritmu This paper deals with optimization of amplitude weight function for linear frequency modulated radar pulses. The purpose of article is to describe optimization process using Genetic Algorithm for suppressing side - lobes of the... |
Vplyv okolitej teploty na elektrickú pevnosť elektricky izolovanej tepelnej trubice |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL
- Electroscope
- 5 2015